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NOVEMBER 10, 2018

[After the opening intro video finishes up, we transition into the GCU Arena which is packed with 5,200 fans in attendance. The crowd is on their feet cheering in anticipation for the night’s bouts. Camera angles pan around the building from one point to another, catching fans, athletes, and celebrities in attendance. We then transition to meet Patrick Carson and Nora Bauer standing cageside.]


Welcome ladies and gentlemen, we are live on the Battleground Network at the GCU Arena in Phoenix, Arizona and this is Boss Fight III! I am Patrick Carson and alongside me is Nora Bauer! Tonight we have another showcase of contenders matches, all of whom are determined to ascend the rankings. Nora, let’s start off with our opening fight.



Our first fight of the evening is two debuting Heavyweights looking to put their stamp on the thinnest division, no pun intended. “Big Snacc” Damiko Conrad takes on “Big Beautiful” Bobbi London in a fight that could quickly develop into a title shot for one of these two. Both bring a lot of power with their hands which will almost certainly turn into an all out brawl and a great way to kickoff the night.



Then our next fight we have two fighters in the Lightweight Division still searching for their first win. Xabier Belazco and Amedea Rao have been extremely competitive in two contests a piece, but both have come up short each time. Belazco has become known as the “zen master” within Real Killas MMA. He’s not typically one to overly buy into the hype portion of this sport, which is a bit uncharacteristic of this camp. But make no mistake, if he scores his first win tonight, he may make some exceptions.



Then we get the debut of Cruiserweight Kaukau Havili who takes on Nathan Lucas. This is a big risk bout for Lucas who has little to gain, but so much to lose. Havili on the other hand has a big opportunity to make his mark in this division and out everyone on notice. These two match up well so I think this may be a dark horse for fight of the night.



After that we have another debuting fighter in the Middleweight Division as Adegoke Müller takes on the deadly striker Robert Guilliman. Müller is an elite grappler which will make this clashing styles fight a very interesting one to watch.



Thenin oirjeadline fight, it’s the rematch to our very first main event. “Dog Face” Donnie Calabrese takes on Shotgun Koa. Both fighters have been on a losing skid and a win here will definitely turn the tides in a division with not a lot of depth.



And finally, our main event of the evening. “The Shooter” Roscoe Robinson takes on the debuting Cal McCluskey. McCluskey has been making headlines before he even stepped foot in the octagon, as news broke out late last night that he failed the pre-fight screening. However, Roscoe has agreed to continue on with the fight tonight, and as a result, McCluskey will forfeit 75% of his purse! A hefty fine to pay, but the man wants to fight! So let’s not waste anymore time and get this show on the road!






[Bobbi London makes her way through the entrance with the Australian flag draped over her. The heavyset fighter bounces around on her feet nimbly, despite her size as she plays to the camera. She gets inside the cage and waves the flag around as she leads a loud chant for the fans;]




[She takes one last lap around the cage then settles into her corner, posting her flag there as she prepares to fight.]



Coming down to the cage now is Bobbi London who makes her debut here in Union GP tonight. London has been training hard for this fight and based off the scouting reports we’ve been told, this woman hits like a wrecking ball! She’s definitely a home run hitter and it’s been reported during her camp that she was knocking people out left and right during her sparring sessions.



Bobbi London would only use her hands, though, from what I’ve been told, leaving her kicking game nonexistent. Not only that, her submissions are very weak to which she will avoid the situation at any cost. London is very aggressive and she’ll definitely be looking for that one shot that lands clean and puts her opponent away. Big question is will she be able to find that opening?







["Never Scared" by Bonecrusher plays as the lights in the building flow red. Damiko Conrad is seen backstage walking to the curtain. Damiko is seen pounding his fists together as he gets hype for his fight. He stepped out in his black and red fight kit. He pounds his chair with both arms and lets out a shout.]


[As he gets to the cage, he stops and prepares to be checked. He takes his fight kit off, gets his mouthpiece, and hugs his team. Damiko stomps up the steel steps. He lets out a loud shout and pounds his chest three times. Big Snacc begins to pace the cage but stops at his corner. There, he paces back and forth, keeping his eyes down and waits for his name to be called.]



And now another debut in the Heavyweight Division, “Big Snacc” Damiko Conrad. Damiko is another heavy hitting brawler who primarily uses his hands, but can mix it up on occasion with some kicks. I believe his ground game and submissions is at a better point than Bobbi, so I have to believe that he is favored in this fight.



He and Bobbi are similar in that they will probably want to keep this fight standing and simply trading off blows until one of them can’t take anymore. Conrad thought is a very good defensive fighter who can exploit his opponents and work in some counters. So I’d have to agree with you that Damiko comes in tonight with the best odds of winning this one.



Ladies and gentlemen, we are live exclusively on the Battleground Network here at the GCU Arena in Phoenix, Arizona for Boss Fight #3! And now, this opening fight is scheduled for three rounds in the UGP Heavyweight Division. Introducing first, fighting out of the blue corner, a Boxer with a record of 0-0. She stands at 5’7” and weighing in at 265 pounds. She is from Queensland, Australia, fighting out of Xpress Fighting Systems, she is “Big Beautiful” Bobbi London!


[London steps out from her corner to wave to all the cheering fans while bouncing in place to stay warm.]



And her opponent, fighting out of the red corner, a Brawler with a record of 0-0. He stands at 6’4” and weighing in at 265 pounds. He is from Miami, Florida, fighting out of The Factory, he is “Big Snacc” Damiko Conrad!


[Damiko Conrad is beating himself up in the corner before the fight begins, smacking himself in the face, body and legs to get ready for his scrap.]



Take one look at these fighters and you can see that they are focused and ready to make a great first impression here. 69% of the fans that took our social media poll believe that Bobbi London walks out of this one victorious.



Two hungry fighters, ready for action. And now it’s time to get this night kicked off! The referee of the opening bout is Jordan Ripley. He checks off with each fighter one last time and calls for the bell! And this bout is underway!






[The bell announces the opening of the first round and both fighters begin to make their way towards the center of the octagon. The two bob and weave for awhile, trying to find some angles, then London and Conrad engage in a wild exchange of punches! Damiko Conrad is getting the best of the exchange as he tries and lands a few blows. Finally the two back off and London reveals a small cut across her chin. London closes the distance with her opponent, wanting some action. London launches a rapid series of punches that grazes off Conrad's arms. London fails here and it's time for Damiko Conrad to fight back!]



Not a desirable position that London is in right now. Damiko Conrad is well known for his strength and can end it with one solid strike.


[London steps forward and Conrad catches her with an uppercut to the face! That powerful strike cuts London on her right cheek! “Big Beautiful” trips over her feet but fires back with a straight right hand and makes Conrad backpedal on his heels! Conrad shakes off the brutal straight and begins looking for angles. He throws a few jabs that are countered by Bobbi London's punches. Big Snacc is on the receiving end of a great combo by London.]



As the fight continues on, it seems that Damiko Conrad is taking the brunt of the fight.


[Conrad comes in and launches a hook to the body, but London moves aside looking for a counter. Before she can manage to get anything going, Conrad fires back in with a straight right and London gets rocked! Bobbi retaliates with a flurry of strikes but Conrad is able to parry them with confidence. Conrad is trying to counter now with a uppercut followed by a hard jab but London somehow manages to deflect the blows.]


[London leans back and avoids a dangerous strike from Conrad and counters with a solid straight! Conrad tried to keep the pressure and goes with a looping right hand while Bobbi London jumps back and jabs. Conrad only hits air and the subsequent exchange is useless.]


[Damiko Conrad tries to backpedal away and regroup but London chases him and launches a few perfect strikes. Conrad somehow evades the strikes with perfect dodging. London gets sloppy and Conrad tries to take advantage with a right hand but it misses its target.]


[Both fighters are back to regroup as the crowd cheers them on. London steps forward and Conrad feints a move but he misses a step and Bobbi London sees an opportunity to counter him! Bobbi London fakes a move now and launches a nice uppercut that lands square on Conrad's chin! London charges at Conrad throwing flurries left and right but he shows off his dodging skills and gets out of the way. Bobbi London suddenly spins around and she connects with a spinning back fist clean on Conrad's chin!]


[Damiko Conrad fumbles over his feet but throws a punch out of instinct that gets deflected. Bobbi goes for the counter with a couple of bruising hooks to the body!]



Conrad’s ribs are getting hammered! We’re coming up at the three minute mark and Big Snacc is in trouble.


[Damiko circles out of danger but presseson to keep the action on his opponent. Conrad steps forward and London catches him with an uncontested uppercut to the face! Bobbi London landed the knockout blow that she had been looking for and Conrad is out cold on the mat! The referee quickly steps in and calls off the fight!]



Conrad is down, it’s all over! Conrad just got absolutely destroyed with that uppercut!



A great victory for Bobbi London! She looked very comfortable in this fight as she calculated her punches to maximize the damage and pulls off an impressive debut victory!


[The crowd is cheering with excitement as Bobbi London celebrates her victory with her corner crew. Doctors tend to Conrad for a few moments before helping him back up to his feet. After doctors and cutmen finish their work, the two fighters meet in the middle of the octagon for the official call.]



Ladies and gentlemen, referee Jordan Ripley  has called for a stop in this fight at 2 minutes 56 second of the very first round for your winner by knockout, “Big Beautiful” Bobbi London!


[The crowd cheers as London has her hand raised in victory. Both fighters embrace with a handshake and say a few words to each other before splitting off to each one’s crew. A graphic pops up on screen, breaking down the statistics of the fight as the commentators recap.]


Winner: Bobbi London by KO (Uppercut) at 2:56 Round 1


Statistics: Damiko Conrad

Punches 5/16 (31%)

Kicks 0/0 (0%)

Clinch strikes 0/0 (0%)

Takedowns 0/0 (0%)

GnP strikes 0/0 (0%)

Submissions 0/0 (0%)

Clinch Attempts 0/0 (0%)

Time on the ground 0 s


Statistics: Bobbi London

Punches 14/38 (37%)

Kicks 0/0 (0%)

Clinch strikes 0/0 (0%)

Takedowns 0/0 (0%)

GnP strikes 0/0 (0%)

Submissions 0/0 (0%)

Clinch Attempts 0/0 (0%)

Time on the ground 0 s



With all things considered, it was a decent performance by Damiko Conrad tonight. He read the fight well and wasn't afraid of engaging, but unfortunately ate that nasty strike that ended his night early.



Bobbi London on the other hand looked like a seasoned veteran out there tonight. She showed great technique and patience and picks up the win. With the Heavyweight Division as thin as it is in terms of depth, a win like this will skyrocket a fighter up into the title discussion. Great job for Big Beautiful Bobbi London!






["Painless" by Fozzy shreds over the loudspeaker and Amedea Rao emerges to the stage wearing her red and white walkout fight kit with crew members from her camp following behind. Rao burrows her head down while slowly walking down the aisle. She makes it to cageside where she is checked up on by the fight official. Once cleared, she climbs up the steps and calmly takes her place in her corner.]



Amedea Rao comes in tonight off a tough loss to Lauren Moore at UGP 4. Rao has shown some good potential but still has yet to develop everything together. Tonight her opponent is in the same boat as she is.



Yeah she has shown to be pretty solid in every aspect of the game, but nothing overpowering. Even the greatest all-round fighters have at least a hint of a specialty, but Rao is still searching for her bread and butter. I’m anxious to see if she has found that strategy during her camp for this fight.






[Xabier Belazco comes out and stops at the entrance. He closes his eyes and takes in the noise of the audience and the the feel of the moment. He opens his eyes to an intense stare at the cage, never letting his gaze stray as he walks down. He bows down before entering the cage, and places a fist on the mat before entering.]



And now one of the many Real Killas MMA fighters, Belazco really is the antithesis of what Real Killas have been perceived as throughout social media. Camp owner Daniel Fisk sometimes refers to him as “The Zen Master” for his wisdom and quietness. He has that old school mentality where he believes his hands are gonna do all the talking needed.



Belazco is definitely one of the most knowledgeable fighters in this sport, but he’s a bit of a late bloomer, only recently stepping into competition. Whether or not that factors in tonight is one thing, but he did get to see fellow Real Killas fighter Lauren Moore take on Amedea Rao, so that surely is a big advantage.



Ladies and gentlemen, the following contest is scheduled for three rounds in the UGP Lightweight Division. Introducing first, fighting out of the blue corner, a wrestler and Muay Thai Kickboxer with a record of 0-2. She stands at 5’7” and weighing in at 130 pounds. She is from Denver, Colorado, she is “ShatterStar” Amedea Rao!


[Amedea Rao glares at her opponent from the opposite corner as she paces back and forth in her corner while raising a fist in the air to the cheering crowd.]



And her opponent, fighting out of the red corner, a boxer and disciplined BJJ artist with a record of 0-2. He stands at 5’7” and weighing in at 155 pounds. He is from San Diego, California, fighting out of Real Killas MMA, he is “The Black Knight” Xabier Belazco!


[Xabier Belazco is beating himself up in the corner before the fight begins, smacking himself in the face, body and legs to get ready for his fight.]



With both fighters still searching for that first win, every match is their biggest match. A win here can help propel them in the right direction and maybe help build some of that confidence to start a rally. 73% of the fans that took our social media poll believe that The Black Knight walks out with his first win tonight.



The crowd certainly is behind him here at the GCU Arena. And now it’s time to get things into gear. The referee for this bout is Dusty Whittaker and he’s calling for the bell! This fight is underway!






[Belazco and Rao move forward as the bell signals the beginning of the fight! Belazco begins to launch a barrage of punches over Rao and shows no signs of slowing down. Rao steps back and showing excellent timing, blasts Xabier Belazco with a right hand. Belazco is caught off balance and slips to the ground!]


[Rao is standing while Belazco is on the ground on his back. Rao decides to jump inside Belazco's guard. Belazco didn't see that coming. Rao is in open guard over Belazco now. Belazco measures the resilience of Rao's ribs with a couple of big punches from guard. Rao blocks the hits as she works on the ground. Rao is trying to counter now!]



Good looking punches from Amedea Rao on the ground. They could take their toll on Belazco.


[Belazco measures the resilience of Rao's ribs with a couple of big punches from guard. Those hits are leaving hitches in Rao's side. Rao tries to finish with a leg lock! Belazco is able to break the lock. Rao launches a barrage of elbows over Belazco's face! Those elbows may finish the fight soon if Belazco doesn't fight back!]


[Rao tries to finish with a leg lock again but Belazco is able to break the lock. Rao positions herself for a round of ground and pound and tries to finish the fight with some precise elbows! Belazco's attempts to cover himself and blocks those elbows. Belazco is trying to counter now! Belazco tries to close his guard around Rao and succeeds!]


[Both fighters struggle for control. Rao is looking to pass Belazco's guard. Rao gets her hips free and moves to half guard. Belazco tries to close the guard. Nothing from this effort. Belazco measures the resilience of Rao's ribs with a couple of big punches from guard!]



Pretty solid action from both fighters in this opening round. Very evenly matched in all aspects.


[Amedea Rao continues in half guard but Belazco tries to turn in and scramble out. Amedea timed him perfectly and locks up a guillotine! Xabier slips his head out and manages to gain top control. Belazco throw some strikes to the body but Rao blocks them as she works on the ground.]


[Rao positions herself for a round of ground and pound and tries to finish the fight with some precise elbows! Belazco's attempts to cover himself and blocks those elbows. Rao gets sloppy and Xabier tries to take advantage. He overhooks an arm and starts cranking! Interesting maneuver but Rao pulls her arm out of danger. After a stalemate, Dusty Whittaker stands the fighters up due to a lack of activity.]


[Both fighters continue the fight on their feet. You can hear how the people agree with that decision. Belazco follows Rao and throws a looping left hand that lands on the chin and stops Rao in her tracks! Rao decides to launch some tentative punches in a quick reaction. Belaco responds with a brutal combination!]



Rao is in a bad way right now, her legs look wobbly!


[The two begin to exchange wildly and both are missing terribly. Belazco winds back and puts some serious power behind a superman punch and completely dazes Rao. As she clutches her face and stumbles back, Xabier rushes in to try and clinch, but Rao swings wildly and he retreats.]



Down to about a minute left in this opening round and it’s been a one-sided affair with Xabier Belazco putting in some work.



He looks like a different fighter from his first two fights here in Union GP. A more focused striker that has maximized his opportunities.


[Both fighters square up with one another and exchange some wildly thrown punches. Both are landing but without much steam behind the shots. Rao fakes a punch and launches herself over Belazco! Nice move by Rao who clinches and pushes Belazco against the cage! Belazco tries to shrug his way out of the clinch but Rao is determined to work from here. She pummels through and managed to retain her position. Xabier continues to try and break free, and ends up pushing her away to try and keep the fight at striking range. Rao stumbles backwards and Xabier circles to get the center of the cage.]


[Rao looks for angles as she throws a few jabs that are countered by a quick one-two combo from Belazco. Rao retaliates with an uppercut while Belazco is able to land some great crosses. Belazco launches a rapid series of punches, taking Rao from one end of the cage to the other! Belazco crashes into Rao against the cage and gets her in a clinch. Just then, the buzzer sounds marking the end of the first round.]



Pretty exciting opening round with a lot of action from both fighters. But I have to say ths one goes to Belazco.



He was able to work in some solid combos and do more damage while Rao’s strikes didn’t seem to make much of a difference for Belazco. He definitely takes the first.






[Round two begins and the two meet back in the center of the octagon. Rao looks for angles as she throws a few jabs that are countered by Belazco. Rao is on the receiving end of a great combo. Rao fakes a punch and launches herself into a clinch and presses Belazco against the cage. Rao tries to take the fight to the ground with a leg sweep but Xabier pushes her away and keeps his range. Rao goes with a looping right hand but misses and Belazco jumps back and lands a few weak jabs. Rao looks to be growing frustrated and decides to launch some tentative punches and Xabier Belazco takes the best of a brief punching exchange.]


[Xabier pulls back and delivers a wicked punch that rocks Rao! Rao's Left eye is beginning to swell. Rao looks for angles as she throws a few jabs that are countered by Xabier once again. Rao goes for an uppercut but Belazco dodges it and counters with some crisp crosses.]



Xabier Belazco opens this second round with a great counter attack and is leaving Amedea Rao completely lost out there.



She needs to better protect herself otherwise she is going to get herself in some serious danger before too long.


[Amedea Rao tries to show her own boxing skills with a one-two combo but Belazco knows what to do here and blocks them effortlessly and then tries to counter now! Belazco lands an incredible haymaker! You can see Rao's head being snapped backwards! Rao’s cheek instantly starts to swell and reveals a small cut as well. Rao looks a bit foggy, her movements are not very coordinated now.]


[Xabier Belazco fires in with a couple of jabs and then a big hook! Rao defends the jabs but the last punch hits hard on Amedea Rao's cheek and she stumbles and the falls to the mat! The brutal impact was enough for the referee to step in and call the fight!]



That’s it! Xabier Belazco finishes this one off with a clean hook shot that turns Rao’s lights out!



Perfect form with the flurry of jabs to get Rao to lower her hands and leave her wide open to get clipped by that hook. Awesome sequence there!


[The crowd is roaring with excitement as Belazco celebrates his victory with his corner. Doctors tend to Rao for a moment before helping her back up to her feet. After doctors and cutmen finish their work, the two fighters meet in the middle of the octagon for the official call.]



Ladies and gentlemen, referee Dusty Whittaker has called for a stop in this fight at 1 minute 43 second of the second round for your winner by knockout, “The Black Knight” Xabier Belazco!


[The crowd cheers as Belazco has his hand raised in victory for the first time in Union GP. Both fighters embrace with a handshake and say a few words to each other before splitting off to each one’s crew. A graphic pops up on screen, breaking down the statistics of the fight as the commentators recap.]


Winner: Xabier Belazco by KO (Punch) at 1:43 Round 2


Statistics: Xabier Belazco

Punches 45/55 (82%)

Kicks 0/0 (0%)

Clinch strikes 0/0 (0%)

Takedowns 0/0 (0%)

GnP strikes 4/8 (50%)

Submissions 1/1 (100%)

Clinch Attempts 1/1 (100%)

Time on the ground 139 s


Statistics: Amedea Rao

Punches 9/21 (43%)

Kicks 0/0 (0%)

Clinch strikes 0/0 (0%)

Takedowns 0/0 (0%)

GnP strikes 6/14 (43%)

Submissions 3/3 (100%)

Clinch Attempts 2/2 (100%)

Time on the ground 127 s



We said it earlier, Belazco looked like a completely different fighter tonight. He looked to be in perfect harmony and was able to pick apart Rao with his high energy offense.



Once he started to take control, lhe never took his foot off the pedal and kept attacking and attacking. Great first win for The Black Knight here tonight who finally gets that monkey off his back!




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[As “Numb” by Witt Lowry plays throughout the arena, Kaukau Havili slowly makes his way out while bouncing to keep warm. Just behind him, security guards and his corner crew follow his lead towards the octagon. Havili doesn’t show much emotion as he makes it to cageside and gets checked by the bout official. Once cleared, he marches up the steps and heads straight to his corner, bobbing and weaving along the way.]



Making his Union GP debut tonight, right now, Kaukau Havili has a big opportunity to make a big splash here. The guy oozes charisma and has that certain swagger that makes him unshakeable.



He’ll be put to the test tonight for sure, so we’ll see how he responds. Havili has an elite ground game from submissions to ground and pound. He matches up quite well with his opponent.






[“Amazing” by Kanye West thumps over the loudspeaker and Nathan Lucas emerges to the stage wearing his black and neon green walkout fight kit with crew members from his camp following behind. Lucas has a stone cold look on his face as he slowly prowls down the aisle. He makes it to cageside where he is checked up by the fight official. Once he’s cleared, he races up the steps and jogs around the cage a couple times before staying put in his corner.]



Nathan Lucas comes in tonight after a tough loss to eventual Cruiserweight Champion Daniel Fisk in the tournament semifinals. You know he’s looking to regain that momentum here tonight and climb those rankings.



Lucas is currently ranked number two in the division, so he needs to win tonight to keep in the title discussions. Losing to an unranked fighter would be devastating. As we mentioned with Havili, Lucas is a world-class wrestler who can take the fight on at any level. Big challenge for him tonight with so much to lose and honestly not a lot to gain.



The following is scheduled for three rounds in the UGP Cruiserweight Division. Introducing first, fighting out of the blue corner, a Boxer with a record of 0-0. He stands 6’1” and weighing in at 205 pounds. From Tofua, Tonga, he is “Mr. Athletic” Kaukau Havili!


[Havili steps out from his corner and raises both arms in the air with an emotionless straight face.]



And his opponent, fighting out of the red corner, a Wrestler with a record of 1-1. He stands a 6’2” and weighing in at 225 pounds. He is from Chicago, Illinois, fighting out of HILITE Fighting Club, he is Nathan Lucas!


[Lucas steps out from the corner and raises a fist in the air before going back to bouncing in place.]



The fans in attendance and the ones watching at home, you’re about to witness a clinic! 69% of the fans that took our social media poll believe that Nathan Lucas walks out of here with the win tonight.



The referee for this main event bout is Herschel Warden. He checks off with each fighter, and calls for the start of the fight. And here we go!






[Nathan Lucas and Kaukau Havili touch gloves in the center to get this fight started! Crisp uppercut by Havili followed by a hard jab that gets deflected by Lucas. Havili goes with a looping right hand while Lucas jumps back and jabs. Havili seems staggered and Lucas runs to capitalize with a bunch of jabs and crosses! Havili decides to launch some tentative punches and Lucas takes the best of a brief punching exchange.]


[Nathan Lucas changes levels and tries to take the fight to the ground with a single leg takedown. Havili is unable to stay on his feet and falls to the ground. Nathan Lucas is in open guard while Havili tries to land some shots to the ribcage, but Lucas is sharp and effectively blocks the hits as he works on the ground. Havili misses a step and Lucas sees an opportunity to counter him! Good looking punches from Nathan Lucas on the ground, they could take their toll on Havili after awhile. Lucas tries to pass to half guard and Havili can't stop him from passing. Lucas is in half guard over Havili, and Havili drops some heavy shots to Lucas’ ribs.]


[Lucas looks to pass Havili's guard. He manages to get his leg free and moves to side mount. Havili continues with the body shots that Lucas hesitant to make any sudden move. Havili launches a few weak punches and now Lucas blocks starts to block them effectively. Lucas looks to counter now! Nathan slides his knee across and gets to full mount.]


[Deep breaths from Kaukau Havili who tries a hammer punch to Lucas' ribs. That hit jars Lucas, who moves on the ground in order to protect himself. Kaukau continues to work the body, but Lucas manages to block the majority of the strikes to leave little effect on him. Havili goes back to hammerfists to the body, but Lucas was ready for them. Havili fails here and it's time for Nathan to fight back! Kaukau tries to roll to his side and trap Nathan in his guard but Nathan rolls him over and takes his back! Havili tries to roll and find an escape but he’s unable to. Kaukau tries to throw back at the body but Lucas could read it a mile away and effectively blocks the shots. Lucas is in rear mount. Havili has Lucas controlling his back while on the ground. He tries to roll and find an escape. Lucas is unable to move under Havili’s control. Kaukau gets sloppy and Nathan tries to take advantage. Havili has given his back to Lucas who gets a hook in!]



A great ground fight in the opening frame of the fight. Havili and Lucas both know how to hold their own and are proving that right now.


[Lucas is in rear mount over Havili with one hook in. Lucas has one hook in and is trying to get the second one! If he succeeds things are going to get very bad for Havili. Lucas struggles for a bit but now has two hooks in! The end may be near! Deep breaths from Kaukau Havili who tries a hammer punch to Lucas' ribs but nothing doing. After a while, Herschel Warden has seen enough passivity on the ground and stands up the fighters. Both fighters have climbed to their feet and they continue the fight standing.]


[Back on their feet, Lucas looks for angles as he throws a few jabs that are countered by Havili's punches. Lucas comes firing in with a hard blow to Havili's mid-section, he seems hurt! Havili lunges in and clinches with Lucas to stop his striking. The two struggle for control, Lucas pushes Havili away trying to keep the fight at striking range, but Havili doesn't want to break the clinch as he holds on. Lucas tries to shrug his way out of the clinch but Havili is determined to stay. He pummels through and manages to retain his position. Havili is trying to counter now! Brutal punches to Lucas' face while in the clinch! Lucas can't take many more shots like those!]


[Nathan Lucas tries pushing away Havili to keep the fight at striking range, but Havili clamps down. The two continue to struggle for position, and out of nowhere Havili tries to pull guard! Lucas pushes forward and keeps the fight standing. Havili misses a step and Lucas sees an opportunity to counter him and tries to pull guard! Lucas brings Kaukau Havili to the ground and quickly closes guard.]


[Havili tries to pass Nathan Lucas' guard. Havili passes momentarily but Lucas regains full guard. Havili tries to escape from closed guard. Lucas waits for the moment and tries to roll! Too late for Kaukau Havili! He is reversed and now Nathan Lucas is on half guard! Lucas tries to pass Havili's guard and manages to get his leg free and moves to side mount. Kaukau Havili goes back to the hammer punches but Lucas blocks them. Lucas tries to open Havili's guard now with some great bombs from the top! Havili is unable to cover himself now! The buzzer sounds, signaling the end of the round. Herschel Warden tells the fighters to go to their corners as the round is over.]



Pretty intense opening round here showcasing a lot of good grappling.



You have to give that round to Nathan Lucas. He looked more effective with his attacks and kept control through the majority of the fight. And it looks like the cutman is working on Havili's face now.






[The second round opens and the fighters close the distance. Havili decides to launch some tentative punches and Lucas takes the best of a brief punching exchange. Several body shots are evaded by Lucas and the two circle around to find some angles.Havili avoids a dangerous strike from Lucas and fends him off with feel-out punches. Havili paws at Lucas but Lucas answers with a flurry of solid punches!]


[Lucas and Havili engage in a wild exchange of punches! Both fighters are connecting and this could be ending soon if either lands a lucky punch. The two continue the exchange with Lucas connecting with a few more punches. Havili goes with a looping right hand while Lucas jumps back and jabs. Havili seems staggered and Lucas runs to capitalize with a bunch of jabs and crosses. Havili retaliates with a hook to the body, but Lucas steps aside to evade.]



And we open this second round trading blows back and forth! We’re seeing a little bit of everything in this fight!


[Lucas decides to launch some tentative punches and takes the best of a brief punching exchange. Lucas now seems hesitant as if he would give the initiative to his opponent. Lucas begins to launch a barrage of punches. Lucas looks for angles as he throws a few jabs that are countered by Havili's punches. Havili is on the receiving end of a great combo by Lucas.]



Kaukau Havili's face is covered in blood. He may be having problems seeing as he wipes the blood out of his eyes!


[Nathan Lucas is opening up on Havili and raining down combinations! Havili's corner looks worried! BOOM! Down goes Havili! Nathan Lucas knocked him out cold! The medics pour in!]



This one’s all over! Nathan Lucas unloads on Kaukau Havili with a devastating combination and Havili had no answers for it!


[The crowd is roaring with excitement as Lucas celebrates his victory with his corner crew. Doctors tend to Havili for a few moments before helping him back up to his feet. After doctors and cutmen finish their work, the two fighters meet in the middle of the octagon for the official call.]



Ladies and gentlemen, referee Herschel Warden has called for a stop in this fight at 1 minute 58 seconds of the second round for your winner by knockout, Nathan Lucas!


[The crowd cheers as Lucas has his hand raised in victory. Both fighters embrace with a handshake and say a few words to each other before splitting off to each one’s crew. A graphic pops up on screen, breaking down the statistics of the fight as the commentators recap.]


Winner: Nathan Lucas by KO (Punches) at 1:58 Round 2


Statistics: Nathan Lucas

Punches 37/53 (70%)

Kicks 0/0 (0%)

Clinch strikes 0/0 (0%)

Takedowns 1/1 (100%)

GnP strikes 7/9 (78%)

Submissions 0/0 (0%)

Clinch Attempts 0/0 (0%)

Time on the ground 199 s


Statistics: Kaukau Havili

Punches 3/22 (14%)

Kicks 0/0 (0%)

Clinch strikes 4/5 (80%)

Takedowns 0/0 (0%)

GnP strikes 7/19 (37%)

Submissions 0/0 (0%)

Clinch Attempts 1/1 (100%)

Time on the ground 199 s



Spectacular performance for Nathan Lucas here tonight. He really put his striking game on display in this one and looks like a big threat for the Cruiserweight Division.



After tonight, it’ll be hard to argue that this guy doesn’t deserve another shot at Daniel Fisk. Impressive win for the Olympic wrestler!





[“Was Hast du Gedacht” by Gzuz blasts over the loudspeaker and Adegoke Müller emerges to the stage with crew members from his camp following behind. Müller has a focused stare in his eyes as he makes his way down the ramp. He makes it to cageside where he is checked up on by the fight official. Once cleared, he jogs up the steps and calmly takes his place in his corner.]



Making his Union GP debut tonight and coming all the way from Deutschland, Adegoke Müller brings a lot of fire to his fights both in and out of the octagon.



He’s definitely a trash talker, but he has the skills to back it up. He’s an elite wrestler with a deep knowledge of sambo, catch wrestling, and Japanese jiu-jitsu. I believe his best chances of winning this fight is to stay close of Guilliman where he cannot use his reach advantage and use his superior grappling skills to suffocate.





[The arena lights die down for a brief moment as the chords of "Angels of Death by Doyle D. Donehoo blare throughout the P.A. system, then flicker between blue and white as "The Primarch" Robert Guilliman strides out of the entrance.]


[He marches down the hall decidedly, with a heavy air of concentration about him, then salutes solemnly to the audience and staff, before he enters the cage and starts a small warm-up routine.]



And now making his way to the octagon, “The Primarch” Robert Guilliman is coming off an impressive debut win that gave him a huge boost in the rankings where he is sitting at #3 currently. In his debut fight he showed to have some world class striking abilities with powerful impact.



That’ll be his key to victory tonight as well. He’s got the reach advantage on Müller, so if he can keep enough distance to keep him in his striking range, this could be a good night for Guilliman.



The following contest is scheduled for three rounds in the UGP Middleweight Division. Introducing first, fighting out of the blue corner, a catch wrestler disciplined in Japanese Jiu-Jitsu and Sambo with a record of 0-0. He stands 5’9” and weighing in at 174 pounds. From Dresden, Germany, he is “The Finest” Adegoke Müller!


[Müller raises an arm as he shifts back and forth with full focus.]



And his opponent, fighting out of the red corner, a Kickboxer with a record of 1-0. He stands 6’1” and weighing in at 185 pounds. From Los Angeles, California, fighting out of Real Killas MMA, he is “The Primarch” Robert Guilliman!


[The Primarch stays put in his corner with a ferocious stare down as referee Roy Rivers recites the rules.]



Exciting to see what Adegoke brings to the table and to see what Guilliman improved on since his debut. 71% of the fans that took our social media poll believe that Robert Guilliman walks out of this one victorious, so Müller is looking to spoil the night.



We will finally get to see what he made of against Guilliman who soared up the rankings after one fight. Ok it’s time to get things rolling, our referee for this bout is Roy Rivers. He checks off with each fighter one last time and calls for the fight! This bout is underway!






[The bell sounds and the fight gets underway. Both fighters cautiously close the distance and circle around working for position. Müller changes level and shoots a takedown but Guilliman catches him with a knee that wobbles him! Müller fumbles his way back to his feet and backpedals out of any immediate danger as he gains his composure.]



Wow! Robert Guilliman just about ended this one in stunning fashion with a powerful knee strike!


[Guilliman circles around and closes in on Müller who now shows a small cut on his nose. Müller rushes in and launches a flurry of punches but Guilliman slips out of danger. Müller fails here and it's time for Guilliman to fight back! The Primarch counters with a booming haymaker that lands clean! Adegoke tries covering up his face but Guilliman switches up and goes for a low kick to open up Müller’s defense and then snaps him with a vicious high kick!]



Adegoke Müller seems hurt! He’s stumbling around on his heels and he's an easy target for Guilliman!



Guilliman is one of those men capable of pounding you into oblivion! He’s keeping Müller guessing with a phenomenal striking game early.


[Guilliman looks like he’s in the zone while Müller seems to be in survival mode at this point. The two circle around trying to find some angles. Müller then shoots in for another takedown but Guilliman perfectly times another crushing knee that wrecks him! Down goes Müller! He's out cold!]



And just like that, this one is all over! That phenomenal knee has put the rest of the Middleweight Division on notice!



Not one, but two counter knees when Müller was trying to shoot in for a takedown. That first one rocked Adegoke and completely threw him off his game. And that second one was just the nail in the coffin. Perfect anticipation, precision, and execution by The Primarch!


[The crowd is cheering with excitement as Guilliman celebrates his victory with his corner crew. Doctors tend to Müller for a few moments before helping him back up to his feet. After doctors and cutmen finish their work, the two fighters meet in the middle of the octagon for the official call.]



Ladies and gentlemen, referee Roy Rivers has called for a stop in this fight at 50 second of the very first round for your winner by knockout, “The Primarch” Robert Guilliman!


[The crowd cheers as Guilliman has his hand raised in victory. Both fighters embrace with a handshake and say a few words to each other before splitting off to each one’s crew. A graphic pops up on screen, breaking down the statistics of the fight as the commentators recap.]


Winner: Robert Guilliman by KO (Knee) at 0:50 Round 1


Statistics: Robert Guilliman

Punches 1/1 (100%)

Kicks 4/4 (100%)

Clinch strikes 0/0 (0%)

Takedowns 0/0 (0%)

GnP strikes 0/0 (0%)

Submissions 0/0 (0%)

Clinch Attempts 0/0 (0%)

Time on the ground 0 s


Statistics: Adegoke Müller

Punches 0/3 (0%)

Kicks 0/0 (0%)

Clinch strikes 0/0 (0%)

Takedowns 0/0 (0%)

GnP strikes 0/0 (0%)

Submissions 0/0 (0%)

Clinch Attempts 0/0 (0%)

Time on the ground 0 s



As you said, Nora,perfect timing and accuracy by Guilliman with those knees to put this one away early. He read the fight well and wasn't afraid of engaging.



Yeah and it was a tough debut for Müller. It looked like when he got clipped with that first knee, it was going to be over soon. He couldn’t fully rebound as Guilliman kept the pressure on him and mixing it up.





[The camera focuses cageside where Toussaint Harper is standing alongside Union Grand Prix's Lightweight champion who is sat at cageside. Next to him is his new girlfriend Ari Fuentes. The champion smiles at the camera and nods at Harper.]



Ladies and Gentlemen, we have the Lightweight Champion in the house tonight, Mr. Jordan Parker-Kane.


[Jordan waves toward the camera and at the crowd.]



Hey! You know it's kinda nice on this side of the cage.



May I be one to give the late congratulations Jordan. You went through the tournament and ended up standing at the top of the Lightweight Division but now you are standing next to a real reporter and MMA mind. The Union GP MMA Mastermind so you know I’m asking the thoughtful questions yes? I gotta hit ya. You ready for that challenge?


[Jordan tilts his head just a bit as he looks at Harper.]



Of course. Being the champion of anything, you have to be ready. I was ready for each fight in that tournament… Fights that “experts” said I would lose, yet here we stand. I know Hailey is a gonna be ready and eager to show what she can do. I'm not ready to let that belt go, so it's gonna be a hell of a fight.


[Toussaint throws his hands up a little.]



Well wait...wait not so fast. If you’ve addressed it or not in the past ain't nothing like the present plus the cameras on full right now so I have to ask it. The headbutt, address it? Did you mean to do it? Did you accidentally do it? What happened in that fight with Hanako? Everyone’s been speaking their piece about it. Here’s your full out chance, no twitter and no buffers.


[Jordan offers a small smirk.]



I've not addressed it, because I know minds were already made up about it. No matter what I say, certain people are going to spin it so that it fits the narrative they wish to tell. However, since you asked… No, it wasn't on purpose. That's not how I do things. As you know when you get in there and you're in the fight, sometimes shit happens.



Then the narrative about the headbutt being the only reason the title is on your shoulders. How do you feel about that young champ?



I'd say there were chances, after the headbutt, that Hanako could have then control and the fight. To say otherwise is just nonsense. L


[Toussaint nods at that before bringing the mic back to his face.]



And since you brought her up already. Do you at this point believe Hailey McIntyre has earned the right to be your first defense?



As much as anyone else has.


[Jordan offers a small shrug.]



She was knocked out in near record time. That kind of thing could send a fighter in to a huge tailspin, but she's persevered and fought back. It's not up to me to decide whose earned a shot or who hasn’t. As I said I think it'll be a great fight.


[Toussaint shakes his head and smirks.]



Political huh? A natural George Bush of either generation. I didn’t say so much that you decide it. That’s of course for the matchmakers. We know you look forward to the fight but do you believe with the controversial win that was against Kenzi Grey that she should be getting first shot? Come on now champ to play the middle is just expected of you. Live a little.



Outside of a rematch with Hanako is the only other fight at this point that would make sense. Annie and Lux just lost in the semi's… Kaelan, maybe if you reach. In all honesty it probably should be a rematch. At the end of the day it doesn't really matter.


[Jordan gives a confident smile.]



The end result will remain the same as it has my last 3 fights.


[Toussaint smiles and actually gets a little hype behind that.]



There we go. A little swagger there I’m trying to make sure champs are not chumps in Union GP. That said do you have anything else to say to the general public?



Just that I am looking forward to Roscoe putting McCluskey down.


[With that Jordan steps back to his seat and the camera changes back to the cage.]







[One Finger and a Fist by Drowning Pool blasts over the loudspeaker and Shotgun Koa emerges to the stage wearing his blue and red walkout fight kit with crew members from his camp following behind. Koa has a stone cold stare in his eyes as he makes his way down the ramp. He makes it to cageside where he is checked up on by the fight official. Once cleared, he climbs up the steps and calmly takes his place in his corner.]



The seasoned veteran makes his way to the octagon now and looks to regain some momentum. Things started off on a high note for Shotgun Koa after he KO’ed Calabrese in the main event of UGP 1. Since then however, he’s on a two fight losing skid.



He could gain that traction against the same guy who brought his name into the limelight. Koa was a heavy underdog in that very first main event, but shocked the world and specifically the Chicago crowd when he laid their hometown hero Donnie out on the mat. If he wants to repeat history, he’s going to need to bring that knockout power to the table and tee off on his much younger opponent.







[“Bando Commando” by Yavid plays throughout the arena and the crowd is on their feet. After a moment, Chicago’s own “Dog Face” Donnie Calabrese enters the building and the fans are going wild! Calabrese calmly walks down the ramp with a swagger that’s infectious. He doesn’t show much emotion, just bobbing his head to the beat of his music as he makes it to cageside and gets checked by the bout official. Once cleared, he climbs up the steps and heads straight to his corner, flexing for the cameras along the way.]



We talk about repeating history, here’s a guy who’s looking to rewrite it. Before Union GP kicked off our first event, Donnie Calabrese was arguably the most hyped up fighter in the Heavyweight Division. He main evented the first event in his hometown, only to lose by the man he goes up against tonight.



You have to wonder if that stunning loss in his hometown shook him. He is still searching for his first win after going 0 for 3 in the Heavyweight Round Robin. I think if he can manage to pull out a win tonight, he may be able to regain some confidence and get back in the hunt for a title shot.



Ladies and gentlemen, it’s time for the Headline Fight of the evening! The following is scheduled for three rounds in the Union GP Heavyweight Division. Introducing first, fighting out of the blue corner, a striker with a record of 1-2. He stands at 5’10” and weighing in at 265 pounds. He is from Asau, Samoa fighting out of Perth, Australia, he is “Shotgun” Sakaria Koa!


[Koa steps out from the corner and raises a fist in the air before going back to bouncing in place. He looks very relaxed and ready to fight.]



And his opponent, fighting out of the red corner, a Boxer and Catch Wrestler with a record of 0-3. He stands 6’1” and weighing in at 265 pounds. From Chicago, Illinois fighting out of Real Killas MMA, he is “Dog Face” Donnie Calabrese!


[A ferocious staredown by Dog Face Donnie pierces across the octagon while Dusty Whittaker recites the rules.]



In their first encounter, Donnie was a heavy favorite and despite his skid, the fans are still behind him. 75% of the fans that took our social media poll believe that Donnie Calabrese walks out victorious.



The guy just has that aura about him that people want to get behind, and tonight’s crowd sounds no different. And now ladies and gentlemen, it’s time to get things rolling. The referee for this bout is Dusty Whittaker and he’s calling for the bell! This fight is underway!






[The bell sounds and both fighters slowly make their way to the center. Calabrese and Koa touch gloves to get this fight started! Donnie is first to throw a punch but Shotgun dodges and counters with a crushing hook that misses by an inch! The crowd gasps at the sight of Koa’s knockout power narrowly missing but before he can even reset his feet, Calabrese fires in like a battering ram with a double leg takedown! The booming sound of the collision of over 500 pounds crashing onto the mat echoes throughout the building and the crowd roars with excitement!]



Big takedown by Donnie Calabrese and this fight goes to the ground!



Amazing feat considering the solid base Koa is known for. Donnie looks like he’s worked on his strategy a bit!


[Donnie is in open guard and Koa immediately starts wailing at the body of Calabrese. The heavy hits ripple across the Dog Face’s frame with each strike and Donnie shows visible pain. Shotgun Koa changes it up and throws several clean shots to the face, and Donnie looks lost while in the top mount! Back and forth Koa launches heavy hands to the head and body and he looks very comfortable while on his back, completely controlling the fight. Finally Calabrese manages to defend himself as he looks to regroup and continues to work on the ground. Donnie keeps the pressure on Koa, but the seasoned veteran manages to free an arm and goes back to throwing some heavy body shots and Donnie looks hurt!]


[Closing in on a minute and a half into the fight and Donnie is now  moving on the ground. BOOM! A brutal headbutt! Did he do that intentionally? Referee Dusty Whittaker didn't see it! Koa clutches the orbital area of his face, leaving Donnie the opportunity to stand back up to his feet. Dusty Whittaker halts the fight to stand up Koa and the fight continues with both fighters standing.]



Donnie Calabrese got away with that headbutt and was able to get free from the ground.



He tried taking the fight to the ground, but Koa was still able to establish some offense and left Donnie no choice but to restart this fight on his feet.


[The crowd cheers on the fighters as the two begin circling around. Calabrese goes with a looping right hand while Koa jumps back and jabs. Donnie connects with the strike and Shotgun seems staggered and now Donnie charges in to capitalize with a bunch of jabs and crosses! Shotgun backpedals out of any further danger, but Donnie circles around him. Donnie tries to take the fight to the ground again with a single leg takedown and Shotgun is unable to remain on his feet and gets swept to the ground!]



Gotta give the Dog Face some credit here in this one, his cardio looks to have improved drastically and has obviously been working on his takedowns!



Those bode well for the scorecards, sure, but Donnie needs to capitalize on the ground now.


[Calabrese is in open guard and quickly delivers a few accurate elbows! Shotgun is being hit hard and tries to escape! He has to give his back! Donnie is suffocating Koa with tremendous pressure and now starts raining down demoralizing elbows to the temple! Koa tries to block the piercing elbows but Donnie is laying in everything he has. Suddenly, Calabrese clips him clean and Koa faceplants straight to the mat as Donnie continues the beating. Dusty Whittaker dives in to protect Koa from any further damage and calls off the fight!]



That’s it! It’s all over! Donnie Calabrese unloads with a flurry of elbows and Koa had no answer to them!



Unbelievable! Donnie avenges his loss in spectacular fashion! Big first win for the big man!


[The crowd bursts into cheers as Donnie’s crew rushes the cage and celebrate the Dog Face’s first victory. Doctors tend to Koa for a while before helping him to his feet. After doctors and cutmen finish their work, both fighters head to the center of the octagon for the official call.]



Ladies and gentlemen, referee Dusty Whittaker has called for a stop in this fight at 2 minutes 11 seconds of the very first round for your winner by knockout, “Dog Face” Donnie Calabrese!


[The crowd cheers as Roscoe has his hand raised in victory. Both fighters shake hands as a gesture of mutual respect before splitting off to each one’s crew. A graphic pops up on screen, breaking down the statistics of the fight as the commentators recap.]


Winner: Donnie Calabrese by KO (Elbows) at 2:11 Round 1


Statistics: Donnie Calabrese

Punches 4/7 (57%)

Kicks 0/0 (0%)

Clinch strikes 1/1 (100%)

Takedowns 2/2 (100%)

GnP strikes 4/6 (67%)

Submissions 0/0 (0%)

Clinch Attempts 0/0 (0%)

Time on the ground 94 s


Statistics: Sakaria Koa

Punches 0/2 (0%)

Kicks 0/0 (0%)

Clinch strikes 0/0 (0%)

Takedowns 0/0 (0%)

GnP strikes 12/17 (71%)

Submissions 0/0 (0%)

Clinch Attempts 0/0 (0%)

Time on the ground 94 s



And just like that, Dog Face Donnie scores a victory that has been long overdue. Great effort from him with those shockingly crisp takedowns that led to the finishing ground and pound!



Maybe now he’s broken that curse that’s plagued him since the beginning and we see a new Donnie Calabrese!







[As “Shut ‘em Down” by Public Enemy plays over the PA system, “The Shooter” Roscoe Robinson emerges to the main stage. Wearing a pink and blue walkout fight kit, he’s followed by an entourage of coaches and security guards. Robinson looks focused but also calm in the midst of battle.]



Coming out first is the man that was “thisclose” to getting into the Cruiserweight Championship fight, but unfortunately he fell to Seth Daniels. Tonight he’s looking to get back on track and continue his big aspirations.



We nearly got a Real Killas title fight, which would have been something for the ages. The camaraderie that camp has is unbreakable and I don’t believe something like a title fight would cause any sort of rift and it certainly hasn’t deterred Roscoe’s focus on obtaining a title shot against his coach and camp owner Daniel Fisk. True respect not just between them two, but within that whole camp. It’s something you don’t see too often in this sport.


[Robinson gets checked out by the official standing cageside to ensure he is fit to fight and legal for action. He steps in the cage and shadow boxes on his towards his corner.]







["I Drink Alone" by George Thorogood plays as Cal McCluskey walks out followed by his father, trainer, and cornerman - Jim McCluskey. Cal shouts back at some fans and is about to jump at them until Jim holds him back and pushes him toward the ring. Cal sticks his middle finger back at those fans.]



And now making his debut and already causing some controversy, Cal McCluskey is possibly the most unorthodox fighter on the Union GP payroll.



He definitely hasn’t been subtle on his trash talk since signing his contract and fighters out of his division aren’t excluded either. But big news broke late last night that McCluskey failed his pre-fight drug screening for Marijuana. Roscoe was phoned in through the night and agreed to carry on with the fight.



Now since the devil’s lettuce is still illegal recreationally here in Arizona, McCluskey will forfeit 75% of his earnings tonight that will go to Robinson. Cal pleaded to the testing officials that he “misplaced his medical card”, but researchers found no evidence of such possession. But he wanted this fight no matter what the payout was, so it just goes to show that this guy just wants to fight!



Ladies and gentlemen, it’s time for the Main Event of the evening! The following is scheduled for five rounds in the Union GP Cruiserweight Division. Introducing first, fighting out of the blue corner, a Kickboxer with a record of 1-1. He stands at 6’1” and weighing in at 215 pounds. He is from Atlanta, Georgia fighting out of Real Killas MMA, he is “The Shooter” Roscoe Robinson!


[Roscoe Robinson looks at the ground while he bounces around to keep loose. He knows this is a big night for him, with so much at stake to make the perfect first impression.]



And his opponent, fighting out of the red corner, a Wrestler disciplined in Boxing and Brazilian Jiu-Jitsu with a record of 0-0. He stands 6’3” and weighing in at 225 pounds. From Warren, Michigan, he is Cal McCluskey!


[McCluskey steps out from his corner with a shit-eating grin across his face. He raises a fist in the air, then slowly turns his hand and throws the fans the finger and instantly the crowd turn on him.]



And now it’s time for the fight we’ve all been waiting for! 70% of the fans that took our social media poll believe that The Shooter walks out with the main event win.



It’s hard to bet against a guy like Roscoe who has shown so much in so little time. Alright ladies and gentlemen, the referee for this fight is Herschel Warden. He checks off with each man one last time then calls for the bell! And this fight is underway!






[Roscoe Robinson and Cal McCluskey begins closing the distance towards the center of the octagon. The two fighters go to touch gloves, but Cal tries to catch Roscoe with a dirty hook! Roscoe narrowly dodged it and the act draws boos from the crowd towards McCluskey. Cal throws a middle finger in the air at the crowd before both fighters start circling around. Robinson throws a one-two combo then fakes a move to fire a big right hand on the chin! The strikes hit home!]



A dirty, but legal move to start things off with McCluskey.



And the crowd were not happy about that. He tried to catch Roscoe off guard but he’s on his game tonight!


[McCluskey shows no signs of slowing down. McCluskey fakes a punch and shoots a takedown! Robinson didn't see it coming and has been put on the ground! Cal McCluskey is in open guard. Robinson is moving on the ground and McCluskey tries to follow. You can hear the excitement from the crowd.]


[Roscoe launches a few punches to McCluskey's cheek from the guard. Those punches are landing clean and McCluskey tries to cover his face. Roscoe then switches it up and starts attacking the body with some heavy punches to the ribs. Cal now tries to cover his body and Roscoe switches back to landing some clean shots to the face. Cal is left guessing and just decides to power his way up to his feet. As McCluskey gets to his feet, Herschel Warden halts the fight to stand up Roscoe. The fight resumes with both fighters standing.]



The Shooter looking stellar on the ground there, keeping McCluskey completely lost.



You wouldn’t know it by looking at him, but Cal is a very technically sound fighter. He’s just obviously let himself go with PBR and Moon Pies and cannot match the speed of The Shooter.


[With the crowd roaring with excitement, Roscoe Robinson comes flying in with a looping right hand while Cal McCluskey jumps back and jabs. Robinson only hits air and the subsequent exchange is fruitless. Robinson quickly follows that up with a vicious middle kick! McCluskey hunkers over and clutching his midsection while Roscoe comes soaring in with a surprise roundhouse punch and it looks like McCluskey was hit by a bus! McCluskey stiffens up and timbers down to the canvas with his eyes in the back of his head! Herschel Warden jumps in front of Roscoe and waves off the fight!]



It’s all over! Roscoe Robinson just sent Cal McCluskey to another dimension with that powerful knockout blow!



Incredible timing and precision! McCluskey didn’t even see it coming!


[The crowd explodes into cheers and Roscoe runs to his corner and jumps up to sit on top of the cage and celebrate with his crew. Doctors tend to McCluskey for a while before helping him to his feet. After doctors and cutmen tend to both fighters, they rally to the center of the octagon for the official call.]



Ladies and gentlemen, referee Herschel Warden has called for a stop in this fight at 1 minute 45 seconds of the very first round for your winner by knockout, Roscoe Robinson!


[The crowd cheers as Roscoe has his hand raised in victory. Both fighters shake hands as a gesture of mutual respect before splitting off to each one’s crew. A graphic pops up on screen, breaking down the statistics of the fight as the commentators recap.]


Winner: Roscoe Robinson by KO (Punch) at 1:45 Round 1


Statistics: Roscoe Robinson

Punches 4/7 (57%)

Kicks 1/1 (100%)

Clinch strikes 0/1 (0%)

Takedowns 0/0 (0%)

GnP strikes 6/8 (75%)

Submissions 0/0 (0%)

Clinch Attempts 0/0 (0%)

Time on the ground 41 s


Statistics: Cal McCluskey

Punches 3/3 (100%)

Kicks 0/0 (0%)

Clinch strikes 0/0 (0%)

Takedowns 1/1 (100%)

GnP strikes 0/0 (0%)

Submissions 0/0 (0%)

Clinch Attempts 0/0 (0%)

Time on the ground 41 s



Another incredible victory for The Shooter, I have to think that this all but solidifies his mark in this division.



I agree with you Patrick. Robinson made it to the final four in the championship tournament, and after this decisive win, I think he’s right there in line for that title shot. Listen to the crowd, they are all on board the hype train for The Shooter!



No doubt that the fans here in the GCU Arena will not regret paying for this ticket, Robinson's performance was worth the money. But on the flip side, Cal McCluskey had a nightmare here today. He should be ashamed of his performance in this fight. I only can thank Roscoe Robinson and Cal McCluskey for capping off an unforgettable night! But that’s all the time we have here tonight, catch us next time as we make our way back to the Windy City for UGP 5 only on the Battleground Network! For Nora Bauer, I’m Patrick Carson, good night!

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