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APRIL 25, 2021





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Ladies and gentlemen, we are live exclusively on the Battleground Network here at the Smoothie King Center in New Orleans, Louisiana for Boss Fight Twenty-four! And now, this opening contest is scheduled for three rounds in the Union Grand Prix Middleweight Division. Introducing first, fighting out of the blue corner, a Brazilian Jiu-Jitsu Grappler holding a professional mixed martial arts record of 2-2. He stands 5’11”, and weighing in at 185 pounds. He is from Birmingham, England, presenting Nigel “The Magic Man” Musgrove!


[Nigel Musgrove shifts back and forth, looking a bit nervous.]



And his opponent, fighting out of the red corner, a Wrestler holding a professional mixed martial arts record of 2-2. He stands 6’1”, and weighing in at 185 pounds. He is from Havana, Cuba, fighting out of Chicago MMA, presenting “The Havana Nightmare” Ricardo Sandoval!


[Ricardo Sandoval looks calm but knows he has a tough fight coming up.]






[The bell sounds and the fight gets underway. The two close the distance and Sandoval shoots in for a single leg takedown. Musgrove stuffs the takedown and fights him off. On the break, Musgrove ducks a stiff jab and counters with a surprising roundhouse punch that rocks Sandoval, who stumbles and tries to retaliate with an uppercut, but Musgrove easily moves out of the way. Sandoval circles around before he fakes a punch and shoots a takedown! Musgrove didn't see it coming and got dropped to the ground.]


[Sandoval is in open guard over Musgrove and he’s already breathing heavy, but still pushes Musgrove against the fence and tries to improve his position. Sandoval jumps and tries to free his leg, but Musgrove doesn't allow him so Sandoval changes plans and gets a half guard here. Sandoval is trying to better his position again and launches a couple of elbows against Musgrove's ribs then manages to get his leg free and moves to side mount.]


[Musgrove tries to move on the ground now but shows a crack in his guard which Sandoval uses for a big elbow! Sandoval looks to be cooling the fight on the ground now instead of capitalizing on the big elbow. Sandoval tries to open up Musgrove after a brief pause with a few strikes with his right elbow but Musgrove is able to block most of the damage, so Sandoval switches to the body and lands some punishing elbows to the ribs.]


[Sandoval tries to move to full mount now but Musgrove won't allow him to take this position easily. Sandoval continues to struggle and Musgrove creates enough space to scramble back to his feet. Sandoval quickly follows and now both fighters continue the fight on their feet.]


[Sandoval doesn’t waste time and fakes a move to set up a nice uppercut that lands on Musgrove's chin and as a result the two exchange wildly but neither man lands anything significant. Sandoval then fakes a move and shoots for a double leg takedown and hits it! Musgrove is taken off his feet, but he manages to pull Sandoval into his guard.]


[Sandoval tries to escape from the closed guard. He struggles to liberate his leg and jumps to half guard, then manages to get his leg free and moves to side mount. Sandoval doesn’t look done here and tries to go full mount, but Musgrove takes advantage of his opponent's over-commitment and traps him in full guard.]


[Sandoval shows his ground game and tries to pass to half guard and Musgrove can't prevent his opponent from passing. Sandoval is trying to better his position on the ground and launches a couple of elbows against Musgrove's ribs. Musgrove eats a few shots but then blocks Sandoval's moves and tries to reverse the situation and springs to his feet! Sandoval thinks fast and shoots a takedown to bring Musgrove back down to the mat!]


[Sandoval tries to pass to half guard but Musgrove's guard is too good and he ends up closing his guard. Sandoval tries dropping some elbows to the ribs, which causes Musgrove to roll and get to full mount! The two jockey for position but Musgrove controls the situation despite Sandoval’s efforts. Sandoval tries to roll to his side and trap Musgrove in his guard but Musgrove rolls him over and takes his back! Sandoval manages to tag Musgrove’s rubs a few times to run out the clock. The referee separates the fighters as the buzzer sounds.]






[Both fighters quickly close the distance to start. A body kick from Sandoval gets blocked. He circles around, fakes a punch, and shoots a takedown, and Musgrove gets put on the mat. The two jockey for position where Sandoval targets the body with mixed success. Sandoval gets sloppy with his technique and Musgrove rolls on the ground to get in full mount.]


[Sandoval continues to target the ribs with a few weak punches and tries to escape but Musgrove keeps control, so instead, he rolls to his side and traps Musgrove, and moves to half guard. Sandoval steadily works the body and does just enough to keep Musgrove cautious. Sandoval continues to breathe heavy and eases up a little, which Musgrove senses and tries to free his leg. He jumps out of Sandoval's guard and moves quickly to side mount!]


[Sandoval launches a few weak punches but Musgrove blocks them then slides his knee across and gets to full mount. Sandoval tries a hammer punch to the ribs again but Musgrove blocks those punches. The referee decides to stand up the fighters since there was not much action on the ground and you can hear how the people agree with that decision.]


[Both fighters circle toward the center of the cage. Sandoval, showing excellent timing, launches a right hand but Musgrove steps back and counters with a stiff jab that rocks Sandoval! Before Musgrove could unload, Sandoval changes levels and catches Musgrove's far ankle and trips him to the mat with a sweep single. Sandoval is in closed guard over Musgrove and tries to open up with a few strikes with punches and elbows. Musgrove blocks a few of the strikes and now Sandoval will have to look for another option here.]


[Sandoval looks to be gassing out as he looks to pass guard but Musgrove has a solid grip and keeps his ankles locked. The referee decides to stand the fighters up since there was not much action on the ground.]


[Back on the feet,  Sandoval goes on the offensive and puts some serious power behind a superman punch that barely misses as Musgrove steps backwards. Sandoval then throws a hook that fails to land and a bunch of leg kicks that are blocked. Nigel Musgrove is in the zone and looks to counter! A furious flurry of punches from Nigel Musgrove puts Sandoval in a world of hurt! Sandoval tries to take the fight to the ground with a single leg takedown but Musgrove was ready for it this time and jumps back to free his leg!]


[Musgrove is swinging for the fences and connects with a shovel hook that almost breaks Sandoval's jaw! Sandoval goes for another takedown in desperation but again Musgrove fights it off. Sandoval circles away to the center of the cage and Musgrove follows. Sandoval tries to clinch but Musgrove wants nothing of that and pushes him off. Sandoval then goes with a looping right hand while Musgrove jumps back and jabs. That strike hits but Musgrove seems unaffected, countering with a few punches of his own until the buzzer sounds. Herschel Warden tells the fighters to go to their corners as the round is over.]






[We head into the final round and these two fighters look completely different. Sandoval is sucking wind while Musgrove is finding his groove. Sandoval and Musgrove close the distance and engage in a wild exchange of punches! Musgrove is getting the best of the exchange as he lands a few more blows. Sandoval attempts a sweep single but Musgrove read it perfectly and stuffed the attempt.]


[Musgrove and Sandoval circle around the center of the cage. A solid punch by Sandoval nearly tags Musgrove before shooting another takedown. Musgrove sprawls and manages to stay on his feet. Sandoval is running on fumes as he throws a lazy kick to the body that misses wide, then he tries to clinch to slow things down but Musgrove ducks under and escapes.]


[Sandoval mails a hook that fails to land then tries to take Musgrove down with a body lock takedown but just doesn’t have the strength to do so. After the break, Musgrove fires in with a brutal combination that wobbles Sandoval! Another weak takedown attempt fails to deliver from Sandoval, as does a clinch attempt.]


[Sandoval suddenly spins around and he connects with a spinning back fist on Musgrove's chin! Sandoval is exhausted and can’t immediately follow up. A right hand from Sandoval misses its target and Musgrove counters with a crushing hook that almost lifts Sandoval from the ground! Sandoval attempts another sweep single that Musgrove stuffs then the two engage in a wild exchange of punches! Musgrove is getting the best of the exchange as he lands a few blows and Sandoval is getting hammered.]


[Several good body shots are evaded by Musgrove and he catches Sandoval off guard with a takedown of his own! The two jockey back and forth for position and trade shots in between. Musgrove completely dominates the ground, moving to side mount and eventually to full mount. Sandoval is visibly gassed. You have to wonder how hard he trained for this fight. The two do just enough to keep the fight on the ground until Herschel Warden has seen enough passivity and stands the fighters up.]


[Both fighters have climbed to their feet and they continue the fight standing. A solid low kick from Ricardo Sandoval gets deflected and he tries once again for a takedown but to no avail. Nigel Musgrove throws a looping right hand on the break and lands on clean on the chin! Sandoval moves forward and lands a Superman punch! Both fighters circle around the center of the cage until the referee stops the action at the buzzer.]


[The crowd roars with cheers as both fighters shake hands and head to their corners. Medical personnel file in the octagon and do their due diligence to check up on the fighters. After the doctors finish their work, both fighters meet back to the center of the octagon for the official call.]



Ladies and gentlemen, after three rounds, we go to the judges’ scorecards. Judge Blaire Parker scores it 29-28 Sandoval, Judge Gil Beaumont scores it 29-28 Musgrove, and Judge Katie Babineaux scores it 29-28 for your winner by split decision, Nigel “The Magic Man” Musgrove!


[The crowd cheers once again as Musgrove has his hand raised in victory. Both fighters shake hands as a gesture of mutual respect before splitting off to each one’s crew. A graphic pops up on screen, breaking down the statistics of the fight as the commentators recap.]



Ricardo Sandoval  10 9 9: 28

Nigel Musgrove  9 10 10: 29



Ricardo Sandoval  10 10 9: 29

Nigel Musgrove  9 9 10: 28



Ricardo Sandoval  10 9 9: 28

Nigel Musgrove  9 10 10: 29


Winner: Nigel Musgrove by Split Decision 


Statistics: Ricardo Sandoval

Punches 5/31 (16%)

Kicks 0/7 (0%)

Clinch strikes 0/1 (0%)

Takedowns 5/14 (36%)

GnP strikes 13/52 (25%)

Submissions 0/0 (0%)

Clinch Attempts 0/4 (0%)

Time on the ground 455 s


Statistics: Nigel Musgrove

Punches 26/31 (84%)

Kicks 0/0 (0%)

Clinch strikes 0/0 (0%)

Takedowns 1/1 (100%)

GnP strikes 0/0 (0%)

Submissions 0/0 (0%)

Clinch Attempts 0/0 (0%)

Time on the ground 455 s



Ladies and gentlemen, the following contest is scheduled for three rounds in the Union Grand Prix Heavyweight Division. Introducing first, fighting out of the blue corner, a Boxer holding a professional mixed martial arts record of 1-3. He stands 6’2”, and weighing in at 248 pounds. He is from Cleveland, Ohio, presenting “Dangerous” Zach Bennett!


[Zach Bennett doesn't look concerned about anything his opponent brings to the table.]



And his opponent, fighting out of the red corner, a Boxer holding a professional mixed martial arts record of 4-3. He stands 6’4”, and weighing in at 265 pounds. He is from Tottenham, London, England, fighting out of ScrapYard MMA, he is a Union Grand Prix Heavyweight Title Challenger, presenting “One Punch” Joseph Byrne!


[Joseph Byrne looks a bit uneasy. Hopefully this doesn't affect his performance..]






[The bell announces the first round and the two behemoths close the distance. A brutal combination from Joseph Byrne opens up the round and very quickly, Zach Bennett is wobbly and in serious trouble! Joseph Byrne's mind is definitely in the fight as Bennett continues to get rocked! Byrne saw an opening and delivered a big right hand and cut Bennett on the chin.]


[Byrne looks to be in incredible shape and surely trained hard for this fight as he stays fast on the feet. He studies his opponent, looking for a hole in his defense, while Bennett simply tries to knock the cobwebs out. Byrne looks for angles as he throws a few jabs that are countered by Bennett's punches. Bennett is on the receiving end of a great combo by Byrne and receives a small laceration on his forehead.]


[Bennett throws a leg kick then launches a desperation haymaker that misses by a mile. Byrne dodges out of the way and fires back with an uppercut that sends him into orbit! Bennett crumbles to the mat unconscious and this one is over!]


[The crowd explodes into cheers and Byrne is swarmed by his corner crew in celebration. Doctors tend to Bennett for a while before eventually helping him to his feet. After the medical staff finish their work, both fighters meet back to the center of the octagon for the official call.]


Ladies and gentlemen, referee Dusty Whittaker has called for a stop in this fight at one minute one second in the very first round, declaring your winner by knockout, “One Punch” Joseph Byrne!


[The crowd cheers once again as Byrne has his hand raised in victory. Both fighters shake hands as a gesture of mutual respect before splitting off to each one’s crew. A graphic pops up on screen, breaking down the statistics of the fight as the commentators recap.]

Winner: Joseph Byrne by KO (Uppercut) at 1:01 Round 1


Statistics: Joseph Byrne

Punches 9/10 (90%)

Kicks 0/0 (0%)

Clinch strikes 0/0 (0%)

Takedowns 0/0 (0%)

GnP strikes 0/0 (0%)

Submissions 0/0 (0%)

Clinch Attempts 0/0 (0%)

Time on the ground 0 s


Statistics: Zach Bennett

Punches 0/2 (0%)

Kicks 0/0 (0%)

Clinch strikes 0/0 (0%)

Takedowns 0/0 (0%)

GnP strikes 0/0 (0%)

Submissions 0/0 (0%)

Clinch Attempts 0/0 (0%)

Time on the ground 0 s



Ladies and gentlemen, the following contest is scheduled for three rounds in the Union Grand Prix Lightweight Division. Introducing first, fighting out of the blue corner, a Boxer holding a professional mixed martial arts record of 4-1. He stands 5’7”, and weighing in at 155 pounds. He is from San Juan, Puerto Rico, fighting out of The Lion’s Den FC Las Vegas, presenting Erick Costa!


[Erick Costa is beating himself up in the corner before the fight begins, smacking himself in the face, body and legs to get ready for his scrap.]



And his opponent, fighting out of the red corner, a Boxer holding a professional mixed martial arts record of 5-1-1. He stands 5’11”, and weighing in at 147 pounds. He is from Rio de Janeiro, Brazil, fighting out of The 9th World Performance Institute, he is a Union Grand Prix Lightweight Title Challenger, presenting “The Pride of Brazil” Bellamy DeSilva!


[Bellamy DeSilva looks like he has been waiting for this fight forever.]






[Bellamy DeSilva and Erick Costa touch gloves in the center to get this fight started. DeSilva steps forward while Costa feints. DeSilva grabs his opponent by the waist and tries to take the fight to the ground but Costa shows great balance and pushes him off. DeSilva and Costa then step in and engage in a wild exchange of punches! Both fighters are connecting and this could be ending soon if either lands a lucky punch.]


[Costa launches a kick but DeSilva checks it and keeps some distance. Costa lands a solid shot to the body and DeSilva retaliates with a nasty flurry of strikes! DeSilva just won't stop and continues to rain down punches, Costa may be in trouble! DeSilva decides to change levels and takes the fight to the mat with a textbook takedown. DeSilva moves on the ground and gets to half guard.]


[Costa tries to move on the ground and shows a crack in his guard which DeSilva uses for a big elbow! Costa uses his forearms to block the impact just in time! DeSilva positions himself and launches a barrage of punches but Costa covers himself well. DeSilva tries to free his leg but Costa doesn't allow any movement here and seems to cool the fight down now. The two jockey for position without much action and soon Herschel Warden stands them up.]


[Both fighters continue the fight on their feet but quickly DeSilva shoots for a double leg takedown and hits it. Costa is taken off his feet, but he manages to pull DeSilva into his guard. Both fighters again jockey for control, burning precious time. A few exchanges isn’t enough for Herschel Warden as he stands them back up.]


[Back on their feet the two circle around looking for openings until DeSilva shoots in once more and hits a single leg takedown. Both fighters trade weak punches to the body while scrambling for better positioning, and once again the referee stands them up due to a lack of activity.]


[Both fighters continue the fight on their feet and you can hear how the crowd agrees with that decision. DeSilva throws a hook that hits its mark then the two engage in a wild exchange of punches without much significance. DeSilva drops levels once more and catches Costa with another takedown. Both fighters work tirelessly for position and do just enough to keep the referee from intervening. Neither fighter gets much going and ends up running the clock out. The ref stops the action and directs them back to their corners.]






[Round two begins and DeSilva launches a surprise roundhouse punch but Costa's reflexes save him and then he swings ineffectively. DeSilva charges at Costa throwing flurries left and right but Costa gets out of the way and counters with leg kicks that DeSilva checks. DeSilva goes with a looping right hand while Costa jumps back and jabs. The strike hits but Costa seems unaffected, countering with a few punches of his own. Great exchange here!]


[The two exchange wildly and both are landing but without much steam then DeSilva catches Costa with another takedown. DeSilva seems to be getting frustrated as he can’t get much going offensively on the ground. DeSilva tries to improve position but Costa adjusts and closes his guard. DeSilva tries storming Costa with elbows, but Costa covers up and then rolls on the ground to get to full mount!]


[DeSilva launches a few punches to Costa's cheek from the guard but Costa uses his head to cover the punches and presses his forehead forward. Costa seems to be taking this opportunity to rest and Herschel Warden stands the fighters up due to a lack of activity.]


[Back on the feet, DeSilva goes back to the well and takes Costa back to the mat with a single leg takedown. DeSilva is in side mount over Costa. He positions himself for some ground and pound and tries to finish the fight with some precise elbows but Costa covers himself and blocks those elbows. Costa then sees an opening and locks his opponent in half guard but DeSilva manages to get his leg free and move to side mount. Once more, the two hit a stalemate and Herschel Warden stands them up.]


[DeSilva goes with a looping right hand while Costa jumps back and jabs. Costa seems unaffected, countering with a few punches of his own. Costa launches a kick but DeSilva avoids it and lands flush with a counter hook! Costa eats the hook but fires back with a bone shattering straight right hand! DeSilva changes levels and goes for another takedown, but this time Costa read it perfectly and stuffs it. DeSilva tried to circle away, but Costa cuts him off with stinging punches.]


[DeSilva reels from the strikes and decides to throw some tentative punches that Costa mostly blocks. DeSilva fakes a punch and shoots a takedown but Costa sprawls to remain on his feet and throws a couple body kicks that get blocked. DeSilva tried one more takedown before the buzzer but Costa is dialed in now. He stuffs the takedown and lands a low kick right at the buzzer. Herschel Warden separates the fighters as the round concludes and the fighters shake hands as they head back to their corners.]






[Final round and these two are ready to leave it all out there. DeSilva throws some tentative punches to find his range, while Costa studies his opponent, looking for a hole in his defense. DeSilva launches a furious hook but Costa ducks under and pushes DeSilva, creating some space. DeSilva dodges a strike from Costa and counters with a crushing hook that misses by an inch! Costa counters with low kicks that fail to land and the two back out to regroup.]


[Both fighters slowly circle back in and DeSilva finally lands a single leg, taking Costa to the mat. The two scramble for control and Costa gets a half guard. Both fighters seem to be cooling the fight down on the ground. DeSilva pushes Costa's leg and tries to move to full mount, but Costa rolls and he's now in half guard over Bellamy DeSilva!]


[Erick Costa keeps good control and remains in half guard after some scrambling from DeSilva. Costa blocks some shots to the ribs and slips a leg free  and moves to side mount. Costa can’t get much going other than defending some more body shots and again Herschel Warden stands the fighters up due to a lack of activity.]


[Back on the feet, DeSilva goes with a looping right hand while Costa jumps back and jabs. DeSilva looks wobbly and Costa runs in to capitalize with a bunch of jabs and crosses and the two are engaged in a wild exchange of punches! Costa is getting the best of the exchange as he lands a few more blows. DeSilva goes for another takedown but gets stuffed. He goes again and Costa denies him and lands a stinging counter hook to the body.]


[The two trade blows back and forth once again as DeSilva goes with a looping right hand while Costa jumps back and jabs. Again DeSilva mails in a takedown and Costa is just stuffing them at Will now. Costa lands several solid shots off the break before the two circle around to the center of the cage. DeSilva looks like he’s running on fumes as he tries another takedown, but it’s denied yet again and he eats a stinging body kick as a result from Costa.]


[Down to the final seconds of the round, Costa moves forward and launches a low kick to the thigh and then measures DeSilva with his jab. Another takedown from DeSilva and another sprawl from Costa. Costa rocks DeSilva in the ribs with a hook and then the two finish strong with a wild exchange. Costa is getting the best of the exchange before the referee separates the fighters as the buzzer sounds.]


[The crowd roars with cheers as both fighters head to their corners. Medical personnel file in the octagon and check up on the fighters. After the doctors finish their work, both fighters meet back to the center of the octagon for the official call.]



Ladies and gentlemen, after three rounds, we go to the judges’ scorecards. The judges have scored it 29-28, 29-28, and 28-28 for your winner by majority decision, Erick Costa!


[The crowd cheers once again as Costa has his hand raised in victory. Both fighters shake hands as a gesture of mutual respect before splitting off to each one’s crew. A graphic pops up on screen, breaking down the statistics of the fight as the commentators recap.]



Bellamy DeSilva  10 9 9: 28

Erick Costa  8 10 10: 28



Bellamy DeSilva  10 9 9: 28

Erick Costa  9 10 10: 29



Bellamy DeSilva  10 9 9: 28

Erick Costa  9 10 10: 29


Winner: Erick Costa by Majority Decision


Statistics: Bellamy DeSilva

Punches 15/46 (33%)

Kicks 0/0 (0%)

Clinch strikes 0/1 (0%)

Takedowns 7/16 (44%)

GnP strikes 0/52 (0%)

Submissions 0/0 (0%)

Clinch Attempts 0/0 (0%)

Time on the ground 395 s


Statistics: Erick Costa

Punches 45/68 (66%)

Kicks 4/13 (31%)

Clinch strikes 0/0 (0%)

Takedowns 0/0 (0%)

GnP strikes 0/1 (0%)

Submissions 2/2 (100%)

Clinch Attempts 0/0 (0%)

Time on the ground 395 s







Ladies and gentlemen, it’s time for the Co-Main Event of the evening! The following contest is scheduled for three rounds in the Union Grand Prix Middleweight Division. Introducing first, fighting out of the blue corner, a Boxer holding a professional mixed martial arts record of 16-8. He stands 6’ even, and weighing in at 185 pounds. He is from Atlanta, Georgia, fighting out of The Lion’s Den FC Las Vegas, he is a Union Grand Prix Middleweight Title Challenger, presenting “The Silver Tongued Devil” Aries Reed!


[Aries Reed is beating himself up in the corner before the fight begins, smacking himself in the face, body and legs to get ready for his scrap.]



And his opponent, fighting out of the red corner, a Kickboxer holding a professional mixed martial arts record of 8-4. He stands 6’ even, and weighing in at 185 pounds. He is from Los Angeles, California, fighting out of Real Killas MMA, he is a Union Grand Prix Middleweight Title Challenger, presenting “The Blasian Buzzsaw” Zion Momo’a!


[Zion Momo'a doesn't look concerned about anything his opponent brings to the table.]






[Zion Momo'a and Aries Reed touch gloves in the center to get this fight started. Reed fires first and lands several good body shots. Momo’a retaliates with a crispy uppercut followed by a hard jab and Reed stumbles back! Reed regains his footing and goes with a looping right hand while Momo'a jumps back and jabs. Momo'a seems staggered now and Reed runs in to capitalize with a bunch of jabs and crosses!]


[Reed launches a hook to the body and follows it up with a single leg takedown. Momo’a eats the hook to the ribs but shows great balance while stuffing Reed’s takedown attempt. As Reed breaks off from the takedown, Momo’a storms in with a brilliant combination that forces Reed to try and defend himself better. Both fighters circle around the center of the cage and Momo'a shows no signs of slowing down.]


[Aries Reed goes with a looping right hand while Zion Momo'a jumps back and jabs. That one hits but Momo'a seems unaffected, countering with a few big punches of his own. Zion Momo’a launches a big overhand right and clips Aries Reed right on the button and down he goes! Zion Momo'a knocked him out cold!]


[The medics pour in as Zion Momo'a celebrates with his corner, and you can clearly see Zion really wanted to win this fight and has done it in an impressive manner. Doctors tend to Reed for a while before finally helping him back up to his feet. After doctors and cut men finish their work, both fighters meet back to the center of the octagon for the official call.]



Ladies and gentlemen, referee Dusty Whittaker has called for a stop in this fight at one minute thirty-one seconds in the very first round, declaring your winner by knockout, “The Blasian Buzzsaw” Zion Momo’a!


[The crowd cheers once again as Momo’a has his hand raised in victory. Both fighters shake hands as a gesture of mutual respect before splitting off to each one’s crew. A graphic pops up on screen, breaking down the statistics of the fight as the commentators recap.]


Winner: Zion Momo'a by KO (Punch) at 1:31 Round 1


Statistics: Zion Momo'a

Punches 7/11 (64%)

Kicks 0/0 (0%)

Clinch strikes 0/0 (0%)

Takedowns 0/0 (0%)

GnP strikes 0/0 (0%)

Submissions 0/0 (0%)

Clinch Attempts 0/0 (0%)

Time on the ground 0 s


Statistics: Aries Reed

Punches 11/15 (73%)

Kicks 0/0 (0%)

Clinch strikes 0/0 (0%)

Takedowns 0/1 (0%)

GnP strikes 0/0 (0%)

Submissions 0/0 (0%)

Clinch Attempts 0/0 (0%)

Time on the ground 0 s







Ladies and gentlemen, it’s time for the Main Event of the evening! Sanctioned by the Louisiana State Athletic Commission, our three judges scoring this contest at cageside are Gil Beaumont, Blaire Parker, and Katie Babineaux, and when the action begins, our referee in charge in the octagon is Herschel Warden. AND NOW, this is the moment you’ve all been waiting for! The following contest is scheduled for five rounds in the Union Grand Prix Bantamweight Division. Introducing first, fighting out of the blue corner, a Kickboxer holding a professional mixed martial arts record of 13-10. She stands 5’5”, and weighing in at 125 pounds. She is from Queens, New York, fighting out of Real Killas MMA, she is a Union Grand Prix Bantamweight Title Challenger, presenting Lena “Thugga” Lyons!


[Lena Lyons looks very relaxed in her corner as she keeps loose by bouncing from side to side on the balls of her feet.]



And her opponent, fighting out of the red corner, a Freestyle Wrestler holding a professional mixed martial arts record of 7-4. She stands 5’7”, and weighing in at 135 pounds. She is from Irvine, California, fighting out of Real Killas MMA, she is the former inaugural Union Grand Prix Bantamweight Champion, presenting “L-Mo” Lauren Moore!


[Lauren Moore stays focused and doesn’t show much emotion, but as the camera gives a tight close up, she can’t help but flash a smile.]






[The bell sounds marking the start of the main event bout. Lauren Moore and Lena Lyons touch gloves in the center to get this fight started as the spectators are on their feet with rowdy excitement. The fighters size each other up in the center of the cage and show a ton of respect as they cautiously circle to find their range. Lauren Moore makes the first move and attempts a sweep single, but Lena Lyons was ready for it and shrugs it off and backs away. Lyons is showing some good movement on her feet, bobbing and weaving her way closer to Moore, until a right hand from the former Bantamweight champ makes Lyons stumble back on her heels.]


[Lyons has a small cut on the bridge of her nose but it doesn’t faze her as she presses forward.  Lyons launches a bevy of leg kicks that Moore is able to defend them, then counters with a big uppercut. Lyons eats the nasty shot but circles away from any further damage. Moore, however, keeps the pressure on and cuts her off. Lyons reacts fast and surprises Moore with double overhooks.]


[The two pummel back and forth inside the clinch for just a brief moment before breaking off. As the two break away, Lyons tries to catch Moore off guard with a Superman punch, but it just barely misses as Moore side steps out of the way. The crowd gasps at the thought of that strike landing while both fighters nod and smile at each other.]


[Both fighters continue to circle about to Diao back in their range. Lyons fakes a move and launches a nice uppercut, but Moore keeps her head on a swivel and just narrowly evades it. In the same motion, Moore drops her stance and shoots in for a single leg takedown. Lyons bounces on one foot to keep her balance, and somehow is able to push Moore off and deny the takedown attempt. Just as Moore breaks off from the takedown, Lyons launches a stiff jab! It lands but instantly Moore winces in pain as she catches a finger in the eye. Referee Herschel Warden halts the fight and gives Moore time to recover.]


[After a few moments have passed and a brief warning has been given  from the official to Lyons, Lauren Moore is ready to resume the action. The fight continues and both women touch gloves to restart the bout.]


[The two circle around looking for openings, adjusting their stance back and forth throughout. Lena Lyons fakes a move down low and makes Lauren Moore bite on it, then out of nowhere she launches herself in the air and connects with a crushing flying knee! The crowd bursts with excitement as Moore's mouthpiece flies out of her mouth!]


[Moore stumbles back on her heels as Lyons chases her down. Out of desperation, Moore throws some tentative punches just to protect herself as she struggles to regain her senses. Lyons fires back with a couple of jabs that are answered by Moore with a stiff cross! A firefight ensues here and the crowd is going wild! Moore continues with a looping right hand while Lyons jumps back and jabs. Moore only hits air and decides to circle away to regroup.]


[These two fighters continue to show each other a ton of respect as they circle toward the center of the octagon. Lyons attacks with a looping right hand while Moore jumps back and jabs. Lyons whiffs and catches a stinging counter jab and seems staggered. Lauren Moore runs in to capitalize with a bunch of jabs and crosses and the two engage in a wild exchange of punches! Lauren Moore is getting the best of the exchange as she lands a few more blows.]


[Lauren Moore continues with the brutal combination and Lyons’ legs look wobbly! Moore looks to capitalize and changes levels for a sweep single. She shoots in and then catches Lyons’ far ankle and trips her to the mat!]


[Moore is in closed guard over Lyons and looks to break free. After a brief struggle, Moore frees a leg and jumps to half guard. Moore hovers above Lyons before seeing an opening and crashes down with some solid punches to the body. Lyons tries to move on the ground and shows a crack in her guard which Moore uses for a big elbow! Lyons' gets rocked and her head bounces off the canvas! Referee Herschel Warden looks on intently and knows he may be calling off the fight soon!]


[Lauren Moore tries to pass Lena Lyons's guard and scrambles to side mount. She’s not done yet though as she slides her knee across and gets to full mount. Lauren Moore’s exceptional ground game is on full display as she positions herself for some ground and pound. Moore controls the situation then begins to unload. Lyons takes a beating as punches, elbows, and hammer fists fall from the heavens. The storm is overwhelming and finally Herschel Warden has seen enough and pulls Lauren Moore off! The fight is over!]


[The crowd explodes into cheers as Moore races around the octagon in celebration. Medical personnel pour into the octagon and tend to Lyons, who is conscious but dazed and clearly disappointed. After the doctors assist Lyons to her feet and exit the cage, both fighters meet back to the center of the octagon for the official call.]



Ladies and gentlemen, referee Herschel Warden has called for a stop in this fight at four minutes fifty-two seconds in the very first round, declaring your winner by technical knockout, “L-Mo” Lauren Moore!


[The crowd cheers once again as Moore has her hand raised in victory. Both fighters shake hands and embrace with a hug as a gesture of mutual respect to one another before the entirety of the Real Killas gather together with words of encouragement for both fighters. A graphic pops up on screen, breaking down the statistics of the fight as the commentators recap.]


Winner: Lauren Moore by TKO (GnP) at 4:52 Round 1


Statistics: Lauren Moore

Punches 15/22 (68%)

Kicks 0/0 (0%)

Clinch strikes 0/0 (0%)

Takedowns 1/3 (33%)

GnP strikes 7/7 (100%)

Submissions 0/0 (0%)

Clinch Attempts 0/0 (0%)

Time on the ground 52 s


Statistics: Lena Lyons

Punches 4/11 (36%)

Kicks 1/5 (20%)

Clinch strikes 1/1 (100%)

Takedowns 0/0 (0%)

GnP strikes 0/0 (0%)

Submissions 0/0 (0%)

Clinch Attempts 0/0 (0%)

Time on the ground 52 s

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