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AUGUST 31, 2019


FAN POLL: 71% Darren Thatcher

REFEREE: Jordan Ripley






[The bell announces the first round! Darren Thatcher throws a quick hook but it fails to land. Arnie Dawe measures his distance with Thatcher with his jab. Good accuracy on his part. Dawe launches a stiff jab that barely hits Thatcher's face but it seems like one finger has poked his eye and Jordan Ripley didn't see the foul! Thatcher shakes it off and steps into his opponent and the two exchange wildly. Thatcher is connecting with a few punches and getting the best of the exchange.]


[Dawe changes the pace by faking a punch and shooting a takedown. Thatcher didn't see it coming and gets taken to the mat. Dawe is in open guard and quickly Thatcher looks for the armbar from the bottom! Dawe slips out of the lock and moves himself to side control. The two go back and forth for position until Dawe gets the upper hand by sliding his knee and getting the full mount. Thatcher launches a few punches to Dawe's cheek from the guard and its enough to distract him. Thatcher tries to roll to his side and get to half guard but Dawe rolls Thatcher to his stomach and takes his back!]


[Dawe is in rear mount over Thatcher and he pummels his way into getting a hook in. Thatcher is trying to escape from the rear mount but Dawe is smart enough to counter his movement. Thatcher throws a few punches to the body but Dawe is able to block them. Arnie Dawe now goes on the offensive and tries to get the second hook in. He fights and struggles bit Thatcher uses his leg as leverage and manages to keep himself safe for now. Dawe continues to work from the rear mount and eventually he is able to get two hooks in! The end may be near for Dateen Thatcher!]


[Thatcher is trying to escape from the rear mount. He holds Dawe's arm over his shoulder and then rolls on the ground. Incredible move to get a half mount! Thatcher isolates Dawe's left arm looking for an armbar but Dawe manages to sit up and pull his arm out of danger! Thatcher has lost his dominant position and Dawe looks to counter now. Dawe doesn't want to continue the fight in this position and tries to get back on his feet but he can't do it because of Thatcher's movement.]


[Thatcher works to isolate Dawe's arm and neck and looks for a triangle choke. Arnie Dawe is able to relieve the pressure on his neck and slips out of the hold. Jordan Ripley has seen enough passivity on the ground and stands up the fighters. Both fighters have climbed to their feet and they continue the fight standing. The fans in the Moda Center are cheering for the fighters as they get back to their feet.]


[Back on their feet, both fighters circle around a bit until Dawe steps in and tries to grapple. Both fighters are tied in the clinch now. Thatcher tries to shrug his way out of the clinch but Dawe is determined to keep the clinch. He pummels through and manages to retain his position. Dawe gets nowhere in the clinch after a while and decides to push off of Thatcher to try and keep the fight at striking range. However, Thatcher shoves Dawe and he stumbles backwards and Thatcher circles to get the center of the cage and gain some distance to regroup.]


[Dawe looks like he is gassing out and his performance may suffer from here. Dawe looks for angles as he throws a few jabs that are quickly countered by Darren Thatcher's punches. Thatcher suddenly changes level and shoots in for a takedown. Dawe is caught off guard and gets planted to the mat.]


[Thatcher lands in open guard over Dawe but Dawe quickly closes his guard around Thatcher. Thatcher positions himself for some ground and pound and tries to finish the fight with some precise elbows! One, two, three! Dawe's being punished here! Dawe tries to roll on the ground and gets a nice reversal! He’s now in full mount! Thatcher tries to move on the ground but shows Dawe a crack in his guard which he uses for a big elbow! Thatcher eats a strong elbow that rocks his head against the mat! Jordan Ripley knows he may be calling off the fight soon!]


[Dawe works on the ground with his fingers over Thatcher's face and he seems to have encountered the eye and Jordan Ripley saw it! Ripley stops the fight and takes one point away from Arnie Dawe for the eye poke. Thatcher gets some time to recover and after a brief pause, he’s ready to fight again. The fight resumes with both fighters standing.]


[Both fighters circle around looking for angles and Darren Thatcher tries to take the fight to the ground with a single leg takedown. Dawe is unable to remain on his feet and falls to the ground. Just as the two hit the mat, the buzzer sounds and Jordan Ripley stops the action and tells the fighters to go to their corners.]






[The second round begins and Arnie Dawe opens up with a solid front kick but Thatcher is able to block it. Dawe follows up with some tentative punches, Thatcher fires back with a couple of jabs that are then answered by Dawe with a stiff cross! Solid exchange here! The two step into each other and exchange wildly and Thatcher is connecting with a few punches. Dawe switched up with another front kick and Thatcher stumbles backwards after the blow!]


[Arnie Dawe comes in with a looping right hand while Darren Thatcher jumps back and jabs. That strike hits but Thatcher seems unaffected, countering with a few punches of his own. Another solid exchange here. Dawe lunges in with the clinch now in order to control the fight. Dawe pushes off of Thatcher and starts launching a flurry of hooks and body shots! Thatcher holds his opponent tight while he tries to cool down the action. Thatcher then pushes off of Dawe and starts launching a flurry of hooks and body shots of his own! Dawe stumbles backwards but Thatcher walks him down and continues the rain of blows!]


[Dawe fires off a front kick that gets blocked but it's enough to stop Thatcher’s onslaught. Dawe and Thatcher engage in a wild exchange of punches and Thatcher is getting the best of the exchange as he lands a few blows. Thatcher goes to the body now and is punishing Dawe's ribs with some heavy hooks. Dawe fakes a punch and tries to clinch but Thatcher is smart enough to avoid the clinch game by Dawe and pushes him away!]


[Some nice shots from Darren Thatcher stun Dawe. Dawe decides to launch some tentative punches and Thatcher takes the best of a brief punching exchange. Thatcher throws a looping right hand while Dawe jumps back and jabs. That punch connects but Dawe seems unaffected, countering with a few punches of his own. Dawe tries a one-two combo but it gets blocked. A high kick from Arnie Dawe misses badly and he slips and falls to the mat!]


[Thatcher is standing while Dawe is on the ground on his back. Thatcher steps back and allows Dawe to get back to his feet. Thatcher circles around Dawe and decides to launch some tentative punches. Dawe fakes a move and launches a liver kick! Thatcher blocks it and takes Dawe down with a textbook double leg takedown.]


[Thatcher is positioning himself for somd ground and pound and tries to finish the fight with some precise elbows! One, two, three! Dawe's being punished here! Dawe is staggering! Thatcher should try push forward now and finish it! Dawe tries to get back on his feet but Thatcher denies him. Dawe launches a few weak punches but Thatcher is blocking them with precision.]


[Darren Thatcher sees an opening and begins to aggressively and repeatedly punch Dawe right in the face. He needs to do something soon or the referee will stop the fight! Thatcher positions himself and tries to finish the fight! He storms Dawe's head with a few unblocked hammer fists! Jordan Ripley is asking Arnie Dawe to defend himself! Darren Thatcher has turned the lights out on Dawe! What an astonishing KO by Thatcher!]


Winner: Darren Thatcher by KO (GnP) at 4:14 Round 2


Statistics: Arnie Dawe

Punches 11/27 (41%)

Kicks 1/7 (14%)

Clinch strikes 2/8 (25%)

Takedowns 1/1 (100%)

GnP strikes 1/4 (25%)

Submissions 0/0 (0%)

Clinch Attempts 2/3 (67%)

Time on the ground 276 s


Statistics: Darren Thatcher

Punches 23/33 (70%)

Kicks 0/0 (0%)

Clinch strikes 0/0 (0%)

Takedowns 3/3 (100%)

GnP strikes 14/19 (74%)

Submissions 3/3 (100%)

Clinch Attempts 0/0 (0%)

Time on the ground 264 s


FAN POLL: 85% Daniel Fisk

REFEREE: Dusty Whittaker






[Daniel Fisk and Maxine Ball touch gloves in the center to get this fight started! Both fighters circle around to find their range. Fisk finds an opening and launches a big right hook to the body. Maxine hunkers over in pain and the impact looks like it could have broken a rib! Maxine circles away to regroup and avoid anymore damage, but Fisk keeps the pressure and catapults himself into the air with a devastating Superman punch! Maxine eats the crushing blow and looks to be in serious trouble early!]


[Maxine fights back with some tentative punches and Fisk retaliates with some quick jabs, but then Maxine somehow answers with a crispy stiff cross! The two circle back to the center of the octagon and Maxine looks shaky with her movement. Her cheek is already cut and beginning to swell. Maxine continues to fumble over her feet and looks to be an easy target! Daniel Fisk fakes a left hook to the body which completely opens Maxine’s face up for him to launch a scorching right hook! Maxine Ball gets rocked right between the eyes and hits the mat like a ton of bricks! The referee runs in to stop the fight as Maxine lays on the floor, eyes rolled back, and now bleeding from her cheek and nose. The crowd erupts as Fisk walks off with that signature swagger.]


Winner: Daniel Fisk by KO (Punch) at 0:52 Round 1


Statistics: Daniel Fisk

Punches 4/4 (100%)

Kicks 0/0 (0%)

Clinch strikes 0/0 (0%)

Takedowns 0/0 (0%)

GnP strikes 0/0 (0%)

Submissions 0/0 (0%)

Clinch Attempts 0/0 (0%)

Time on the ground 0 s


Statistics: Maxine Ball

Punches 2/2 (100%)

Kicks 0/0 (0%)

Clinch strikes 0/0 (0%)

Takedowns 0/0 (0%)

GnP strikes 0/0 (0%)

Submissions 0/0 (0%)

Clinch Attempts 0/0 (0%)

Time on the ground 0 s

The long-running sci-fi series, Hexx: Chronicles of Empire City,

starring Union Grand Prix Lightweight competitor and

Unified Global Wrestling Coalition Cooperative Champion

Kenzi Grey

will air the final episode of season 3 this weekend.

Questions have swirled concerning which favorites would be returning

and which meet their ultimate demise before season 4 airs in August.


With that in mind, please enjoy the final stinger for Hexx...


[The camera cuts to outside the Real Killas training facility, The Mecca, where Savannah Skye is standing by.]



Ladies and gentlemen my guest at this time, “Ripcord” Travis Decker!


[Travis stands next to Savannah, gym bag hanging over his shoulder.]



Now Travis, considering where we are, the first question is how do you feel having just recently joined Real Killas MMA?



In a word, Savannah? Great. They don’t pander, they don’t pat you on the back to spare your feelings, they just make you work, and I that is exactly what I need. Even from my trial day I could tell that the trainers knew my strengths and weaknesses, and were looking at how I could improve, how I could become a better fighter. Being a better fighter is what all of us in this sport want, right? Beyond that everyone truly feels like a family here, and it is an honor to be apart of it.



Well you joined them at seemingly the right time, on the final stretch of training for your fight at UGP 14 against Agustin Gates. Now I know the topic has been discussed to death, but considering how your last fight ended, how do you feel going into this one on the prelims?


[Travis takes a deep breath before replying.]



I told Zion that he shouldn’t be living in a past fight, and I have taken my own advice. However, it has driven home a known fact that you can’t get screwed over by the judges if you don’t leave the fight in their hands. I have a point to prove that my record is not an indicator of my skill, or of how I perform in the cage. I am going to end this fight, and leave no doubt in anyone’s mind that I deserve to be a recognised fighter in this division. And its just a cherry on the cake that I get to prove this point against a man like Agustin. Most fighters I interact with in any way, even if I don’t like them, I can at least respect them as fighters. As fellow warriors. Agustin is a rare man in that I cannot find a single quality to respect about him. He’s not a fighter, he’s a wannabe celebrity who is throwing every combat sport he can think of at the wall and hoping they’ll stick. He doesn’t care about the fight, the work, he’s just a terrible showman who thinks having a shit opinion, posting gifs when he has no comeback, and having terrible trash talk in general make him somebody. He had a bit to say leading up into this fight on twitter. I look forward to revisiting his statements post fight.


[Savannah looks a little taken aback at how Travis has replyed.]



Well you certainly are confident, Travis.


[Travis chuckles and gives a shrug.]



Well this way Savannah, whichever one of us loses is going to have words to eat.


[Savannah chuckles as well.]


Fair enough. Well we’ll let you get inside and get to it, thank you once again for your time Travis.


[Travis nods.]


Pleasure as always.


[With that Travis walks away forwards the building as the camera cuts.]


FAN POLL: 88% Travis Decker

REFEREE: Herschel Warden






[The bell announces the first round and the fighters tap gloves in the center of the cage. Gates feints a jab and shoots for  a takedown! Decker sprawls and remains on his feet showing good takedown defense easily. Agustin Gates attempts a sweep single...but Travis Decker was ready and shrugs off the takedown attempt.]


[As 25 seconds go by in the round Agustin Gates circles around Decker. Gates decides to launch some tentative punches and Travis Decker takes the best of a brief punching exchange. Gates launches a stiff jab! Decker ducks that one, sways and levels Gates with a Chin Kick. Solid chin from Gates though who seemingly walks right through it but it was felt.]


[Agustin Gates tries to bring the fight to the ground and Decker won't budge, forcing Gates to pull guard.Travis Decker is in closed guard over Gates. Gates throws his legs up in a triangle attempt! Travis Decker realizes the danger and stands up to avoid the attack. Decker launches a kick to Gates's thigh. Loud pop!]


[1:00 has went by in the  round. Travis Decker is in closed guard over Gates. Agustin Gates launches a few punches to Decker's cheek from the guard. Travis Decker uses his head to cover the punches and presses his skull forward. Gates tries to roll on the ground! Travis Decker uses his leg to keep his position on the ground. Decker is trying to counter now he tries to escape from closed guard… But struggles to liberate his leg and jumps to half guard! Agustin Gates attempts to move to full guard. Travis Decker keeps good control and remains in half guard.]


[Travis Decker is still in half guard over Gates. Deep breaths from Agustin Gates who tries a hammer punch to Decker's ribs. Decker blocks those punches and just as Touissant said Herschel Warden stands the fighters up due to a lack of activity. Both fighters continue the fight on their feet. Agustin Gates tries to take the action to his favourite field as he tries to grapple but Travis Decker swings and Gates has to retreat.]


[Agustin Gates leans forwards and tries to grapple with Decker once more but Decker wants to maintain the distance and ducks that one, lining Gates up and POP!!! Incredible high kick! Gates is scrambling.]


[Agustin Gates and Decker engage in a wild exchange of punches! Travis Decker is getting the best of the exchange as he lands a few blows and sending Agustin shuffling. Agustin Gates moves forward and launches a low kick but Deckers checks it easily. Gates launches a stiff jab! Decker ducks that one and launches a solid middle kick that hurts Gates even more.]


[Gates grabs Travis by the waist and tries to take the fight to the ground. Decker struggles...but Agustin Gates is unable to take him down. Agustin throws a quick punch that gets deflected. Gates moves to shoot but Travis Decker delivers a knee that wrecks him! But once again the heart of Agustim shows. A punch from Agustin Gates whizzes past Decker. Gates misses a step and Travis Decker sees an opportunity to counter him! Decker is holding Agustin Gates's left leg... He's trying to take him down. Agustin Gates loses balance and goes to the ground. Travis scoring a point with the takedown.]


[Travis Decker is in side mount over Agustin Gates. Deep breaths from Agustin Gates who tries a hammer punch to Decker's ribs. Decker blocks those punches. Travis Decker is in side mount over Agustin Gates. Travis Decker looks to pass to mount… Decker slides his knee across and achieves the mount position! Tough spot for Agustin Gates. Gates works on the ground with his fingers over Decker's face. Decker shakes his head and continues fighting on the ground.]


[Travis Decker is in full mount over Agustin Gates still. Deep breaths from Agustin Gates who tries a hammer punch to Decker's ribs. Decker blocks those punches. Gates tries to escape from the full mount. Travis Decker is not caught off guard and moves to side mount to keep his superior position. Agustin Gates is taking out his mouthpiece to breathe… Decker doesn't like the idea of just stalling on the ground.Travis Decker looks to mount Agustin Gates...Travis Decker slides his knee across and gets to the mount position once again. Agustin Gates tries to roll to his side and trap Travis Decker in his guard… Travis Decker keeps good control and remains in full mount.]


[Travis Decker is in full mount over Agustin Gates. Gates tries to move on the ground and escape from the full mount!Travis Decker doesn't want to lose his position and he struggles to maintain the full mount. Travis Decker is in full mount over Agustin Gates. Agustin Gates tries to roll to his side and trap Travis Decker in his guard. Travis Decker keeps good control and remains in full mount.]


[Travis Decker is in full mount over Agustin Gates. Decker tries to keep his position while looking to maybe begin some ground and pound. Travis Decker controls the situation despite Agustin Gates efforts for escaping from the full mount.]


[The referee decides to stand up the fighters since there was not much action on the ground. Both fighters have climbed to their feet and they continue the fight standing. Herschel Warden separates the fighters as the round concludes. The fighters shake hands as they head back to their corners.]






[Gates studies his opponent looking for a hole in his defense. Gates decides to launch some tentative punches but Travis Decker takes the best of a brief punching exchange.Agustin Gates jabs at Decker to no visible effect. Agustin Gates gets sloppy and Travis Decker takes advantage with a low kick. Faster than a blinking eye, he follows up with a high kick that misses by an inch.]


[Gates tries some clinching in order to control the fight...Decker moves backwards and circles around Agustin Gates.Gates fakes a punch and shoots a takedown!Decker sprawls and remains on his feet. Gates misses a step and Travis Decker sees an opportunity to counter him! Decker goes for a low kick. Faster than a blinking eye, he follows up with a high kick again. There is a small laceration on Agustin Gates's Chin. That punishment by Travis Decker has left Gates staggered!]


[High kick from Travis Decker! Gates seems to be done! Gates hit the ground like he got hit with a baseball bat! Travis Decker knocks Gates out cold in a stunning fashion! Gates's Forehead is bruised after the punishment he's received!]


Winner: Travis Decker by KO (High Kick) at 1:11 Round 2


Statistics: Travis Decker

Punches 7/10 (70%)

Kicks 10/10 (100%)

Clinch strikes 0/0 (0%)

Takedowns 1/1 (100%)

GnP strikes 0/0 (0%)

Submissions 0/0 (0%)

Clinch Attempts 0/0 (0%)

Time on the ground 182 s


Statistics: Agustin Gates

Punches 0/7 (0%)

Kicks 0/1 (0%)

Clinch strikes 0/3 (0%)

Takedowns 0/5 (0%)

GnP strikes 0/6 (0%)

Submissions 1/1 (100%)

Clinch Attempts 0/2 (0%)

Time on the ground 182 s


FAN POLL: 50% Tie

REFEREE: Willie Green






[Sofia King and Xabier Belazco touch gloves in the center to get this fight started! King moves backwards and Xabier Belazco is asking her if she came today for fighting or running. Sofia King tries to bring the fight to the ground and Belazco goes down. King finds herself in open guard over Belazco. She fakes a move and then tries a kneebar! Belazco rolls on the ground trying to get free and after a few kicks of his own he escapes. Back to the beginning! Xabier Belazco is standing now.]


[Belazco is standing while King is on the ground on his back. Sofia King launches a few kicks from her back,trying to keep Xabier Belazco away, but no damage done by those kicks. She then fires an up-kick intended for Xabier Belazco's head. It lands flush, snapping his head backwards from the impact! Quickly, Sophia works her way back up to her feet as Xabier shakes off the haze that had briefly covered his field of vision before stepping back to the center of the cage. The two immediately engage in a wild exchange of punches and it’s King is getting the best of the exchange as she connects on a few blows.]


[Quickly, King grabs her opponent by the waist and tries to take the fight to the ground. Belazco struggles and Sofia King is unable to take him down. Relentless, she takes a single step back and shoots in for a single leg takedown, this time finding success as Xabier is unable to maintain his balance and he falls to the canvas with King in open guard over him. She fakes a move and once more looks to lock in a kneebar, her camp clearly having identified something in Xabier’s game that points towards a weakness in defending these submissions. Belazco rolls on the ground trying to get free and after a few kicks of his own he escapes quickly up to his feet again. King, from her back, looks to connect with another nasty up kick, but Belazco learned his lesson the last time and easily avoids this one. The action then stalls and the referee brings the fight to a halt to stand Sofia back up.]


[When the action begins it instantly kicks off with an overhand right from Sofia King that looked like it was capable of destroying a brick wall! Belazco moves forward and closes the distance while blocking the punch. King fakes a punch and shoots a takedown! Belazco sprawls and remains on his feet. Belazco studies his opponent looking for a hole in his defense. Brilliant combination from Xabier Belazco that forces King to try and defend better. Both fighters circle around the center of the cage. Xabier Belazco fakes a punch and shows some footwork moving aside. The two exchange wildly with Belazco connecting with a few punches. Sofia King fakes a punch and shows some footwork moving aside. Xabier Belazco launches a body shot which King evades. King leads with a punch but Xabier Belazco avoids it and lands flush with a counter uppercut!]


[Oh it looks like King is hurt and instinctively she shoots in and latches onto Belazco’s right leg, trying to take him down. But Xabier shows great balance while pushing away Sofia King. Back to her feet, King pushes her opponent and moves away from him. The action has been rapid in the early going and it seems she is trying to catch her breath while studying Xabier, looking for a hole in his defense. Seeming to find it, she quickly shoots in for another single leg takedown and Belazco is unable to keep his feet underneath him, being brought down quickly to the canvas. Once more Sofia King finds herself in open guard over her opponent.]


[From the open guard, King tries to move to full mount but her game on the ground isn’t quite progressed enough to outwork Xabier in that regard and he slows the attempt down by throwing a few weak punches that force her to defend herself. Again, she tries to improve position but Belazco smartly adjusts and closes his guard. The two continue to struggle, with King being able to break Belazco’s grip briefly but each time Xabier was quick to shut it back down. The referee, near the end of the round, had seen enough and stood both fighters back up but both seemed content to keep their distance, catch their breath for a moment, and let the buzzer sound bringing an end to the first round.]






[The two don’t bother to touch gloves to start the second round as King fakes a punch and shoots a takedown! Belazco sprawls and remains on his feet. Belazco wants to take the fight to his advantage and tries to clinch but gets nowhere and quickly shoves her away to keep the fight at striking range. King stumbles backwards and Xabier Belazco circles to get the center of the cage. Determined to take him down, Sofia shoots in for a single leg takedown and Xabier stuffs it. She’s quick to transition to attempt a sweep single but Belazco has that scouted and shrugs it off as well. A third attempt to bring Xabier to the ground comes as King latches her arms around his waist and tries to drag him to the canvas but again Belazco prevails. Like lightning, Xabier turns and uncorks a haymaker that catches Sofia like a cannonball, instantly causing her mouth to start to swell.]


[Trying to fend off any further aggression from Belazco, King looks for a single leg takedown again but she’s unable to find the energy to take her opponent down, something that is starting to become a pattern at this point. Especially as Belazco seems to be finding his rhythm in the fight as he opens up with brutal combinations of punches. King’s corner looks worried but she’s able to disengage and the two fighters circle out and around the center of the cage. Almost comically, Sofia shoots in for another takedown attempt and Belazco shoves her off with ease, making her pay with a great counter combo as she tries to back away.]


[King continues to look for takedowns but after a sweep single and a single leg takedown both fail, Belazco doesn’t let her put distance between them, securing a single collar tie. In response, King looks for a takedown and can’t find it but smartly decides to pull guard. Xabier won’t go down, though, and King is forced to abandon the attempt to pull guard. Desperately she fires a few punches toward Belazco’s ribs but he blocks them and counters with a single leg takedown attempt of his own which succeeds, and King collapses to the canvas.]


[On the ground from open guard Belazco fires a few punches that don’t hurt Sofia, but they serve as an annoyance and a distraction. On one of the punches, King is able to latch onto Belazco’s arm, trying to apply an arm bar but Xabier spins out of that. Sofia, however, is ready for it and quickly switches to a triangle choke. Belazco is too good and managed to back out of danger and fully stand back up where he fires a kick to King’s thigh that connects with a loud pop! Quickly, Xabier pounces back into open guard and she quickly tries to close her guard around him but is unable to do so. She then looks for a triangle attempt but Belazco postures up and breaks the submission hold. Almost immediately he quickly transitions to full mount!]


[From mount, Belazco unloads a barrage of punches that connect. When she begins to defend, Belazco adjust and delivers nasty elbows to King’s ribs that don’t go unnoticed as the camera crews focus in on Kings face, twisted in pain. Xabier shifts, trying to connect with a right elbow to Kings face. And again. Some nice shots are landing and King is trying to block them with her hands. She doesn’t want to continue the fight in this position but is unable to get back to her feet in spite of her best efforts. Belazco is just stifling her and wearing her down but no further action occurs and referee Willie Green decides to stand the two fighters back up on their feet, a decision which the crowd seems to agree with.]


[Both fighters circle, trying to regain a measure of stamina, before Belazco is the first to act. He looks for a sweep single and catches King’s far ankle, tripping her to the mat with a slick takedown. Through diligence he’s able to progress to side mount and connect on some good strikes from there. Continuing to work, Belazco tries to move to full mount and succeed. Quickly, King tries to roll to her side and trap Xabier in her guard but instead he rolls her full over and takes her back just as the buzzer sounds, bringing an end to the second round.]






[As the third round begins King leads with a punch but Xabier Belazco avoids it and lands flush with a counter uppercut! There is a small laceration on Sofia King's Right eye. Sofia King shoots for a double leg takedown! Xabier Belazco sprawls and manages to stay on his feet. Another takedown attempt from Sofia that goes nowhere. With no other options, King pulls guard and Belazco finds himself in closed guard but quickly positions himself for some ground. One, two, three elbows connect and Sofia King is being punished. Suddenly Sofia King no longer wants to be on the ground and tries to get back to her feet but can’t manage it as Xabier stifles her attempts.]


[Finding no room to maneuver in closed guard, King switches to high guard and tries to lock in a triangle but Belazco struggles and manages to slip his head out of the choke. In that moment he sees an opening and launches a flurry of punches at his opponent, many of them connecting with her face.  Shifting back to closed guard, Sofia tries to lock in an armbar but Xabier slips it and moves to side control. She struggles to escape but Belazco keeps her in side control with a few punches that don’t do much damage but do force her to defend herself. After hammering home a few strikes that force King to defend herself again, Xabier isolates her right arm. Instinctively King tries to defend but Xabier gets the armbar and breaks her grip as she tries to cling to her own arm. Quickly Belazco extends her arm fully and King is forced to tap.]


Winner: Xabier Belazco by Submission (Armbar) at 4:16 Round 3


Statistics: Sofia King

Punches 3/11 (27%)

Kicks 0/0 (0%)

Clinch strikes 1/4 (25%)

Takedowns 3/16 (19%)

GnP strikes 0/0 (0%)

Submissions 7/7 (100%)

Clinch Attempts 0/0 (0%)

Time on the ground 441 s


Statistics: Xabier Belazco

Punches 15/20 (75%)

Kicks 1/1 (100%)

Clinch strikes 0/0 (0%)

Takedowns 3/3 (100%)

GnP strikes 25/43 (58%)

Submissions 1/1 (100%)

Clinch Attempts 1/1 (100%)

Time on the ground 419 s

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