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JANUARY 16, 2022


[The opening video montage comes to a close and the feed transitions inside Marvel Stadium in Melbourne, Australia. The sold out crowd pack the venue, where many have immersed themselves into the pandemonium and roar out with deafening cheers. With the uncertainty of victory or defeat looming, the aura is both intoxicating and tense.]


[The main stage, where the fighters scheduled tonight grace their presence, is littered with carnage and destruction. A heavy fog sits stale, scaffolding strung in multiple directions, and the overall structure glowing red with fire, ash, and embers; something no fighter will soon forget.]


[The toll on both fan and fighter is enormous. The stage of a bloody war is set. The conquerors envision nothing but execution towards success, while the meek is flooded with doubt. Down in the trenches, Bodie Sullivan stands what appears to be solo, inside a tight framed close up shot. He tries to keep eyes locked in front, but there seems to be a presence just off camera that ever so subtly keeps his focus drawn.]



Ladies and gentlemen… we are LIVE! Broadcasting exclusively on the Battleground Network here in Melbourne, Australia inside the colossal Marvel Stadium for UGP 31! Hello everyone, Bodie Sullivan here and tonight we have another incredible lineup in store for you, one of which includes my longstanding broadcasting partner! Tonight, to start the new year, I will be sharing the booth here with a very special individual that is known by many names, but every single one of them has been synonymous with combat sports. He is a prodigy of professional wrestling, the one and only, RM Tapp! It’s great to have you here tonight Tapp and share the airwaves. 



I’m sure it is Bodie. The energy is on another level here in Melbourne so I’ll give you a pass on that introduction. The noise in here is loud enough to rattle the most seasoned professional, so I’ll excuse the fact you left out Brazilian Jiu-Jitsu Black Belt, Two Time Submission Madness Participant, AND Pro Wrestling CHAMPION. But thank you for having me nonetheless. How about you get us back on track and remind us once more what that card is looking like. 

My apologies, Tapp. We’ve got a big night ahead of us, and to kick things off, we are GIFTED with the return of Ram-Paige Holloway in her home country! It’s been two years since we’ve seen Paige compete and now she makes her triumphant return to combat sports with her debut in Union Grand Prix. Holloway is a two-time Champion and trains at the world renowned Throne MMA. When the signing was made official, there were many who believed that she could be lined up with a top contender and make a quick push for a title fight. But Paige had stated that’s not how she wanted to go about it. Despite her accolades, she wanted to earn her keep and work her way up. Her opponent tonight, Osvaldo Ledesma, has built some momentum, winning back-to-back fights to close out 2021. Ledesma has shown to be a very capable striker and has gone the distance in every single one of his fights. So you know he’ll be patient with the living legend and has the cardio to go into deep waters, and should be a solid test to see how much ring rust Paige Holloway has accumulated during her hiatus.



That’s right Bodie. Holloway definitely has this audience behind her. And sure these are her people.  But even so, with an attitude like that, wanting to earn any opportunity she receives instead of being handed things? It’s easy to see why she’s got so much support. But as a man of fundamentals and technique I’ve got to say I’m REAL excited to see what Ledesma brings to the table tonight at Union GP. Like you said Holloway probably has to get a feel for this again after a little hiatus. But for Osvaldo this is just another fight. Either way a banger of an opening fight.



Next we move onto a Bantamweight contest between the Australian native Tim Vu and Isabel Azevedo. This is a rematch from their first encounter back at UGP 25, where Vu scored a split decision victory. Since then, Tim Vu has wins over Kelsi Morrow and Lauren Moore, with one decision loss to the current Bantamweight Champion Gianna Howard in that mix. Azevedo hasn’t been as active though, having one fight which was a win over Lilly Dunne at Boss Fight XXVI. Izzy is a dangerous submission specialist and Tim Vu is well aware of it. The key factor in this contest will be how much both of these fighters have improved and adjusted for this second meeting.



Oh man. You said the two words I love to hear. Submission Specialist. You know I’ve got my eyes on this one Sullivan. I’m actually a huge fan of The Marvel. She’s a very big deal in the Brazilian Jiu-Jitsu community. Quick learner. In fact one of the fastest tracks to a black belt, like a true inspiration to the younger practitioners. And let’s not forget about her focus. She’s not one for all the hoopla. She’s focused on the fight and nothing else. That’s my kinda fighter BS.  Not to say Tim Vu is any slouch. That’s far from the case. Vu’s striking ability is nothing less than stellar. And I’m sure he’ll have the support of the fans seeing as this is his home country as well. Will that give ‘The Intimidator’ the edge over Azevedo?



It never hurts when the people rally behind you. From there we move on to a Cruiserweight clash between José Meléndez and the Australian Michael Santos. Both of these fighters suffered losses in the quarterfinal round of the Triple C Grand Prix, but Santos has since rebounded with a win at Boss Fight XXVIII. With a new champion at the helm, both Meléndez and Santos strive to get a crack at the title and this matchup could very well catapult the winner up to the top of the list. 



Agreed. I’ve got word that Santos is the favorite amongst the fans tonight. Not surprising. Seeing as how he’s also a Home Country favorite. But also like you mentioned he’s got a little momentum coming off his bout with Connolly. First round knockout too. So Meléndez has quite the task in front of him. But you don’t earn the Nickname ‘Gastank’ without being able to withstand a few punches. I’ve seen this guy fight before. And he’s got the power to keep up with Santos. Neither of them are exceptional on the ground so you know this one is looking like a heavy hitter. Should be an explosive one. 



Now we move into the Co-Main Event and the only fight of the night without an Aussie in the mix, it’s the return of Jason Jackson as he steps up against the former Heavyweight and Cruiserweight Title Challenger Viktor Volkov. This one is sure to be a barn burner and will absolutely keep everyone on the edge of their seats. We have the same unknown questions with Holloway as we do with Jackson and wonder how much ring rust there will be for the former CGFC Dragon Champion. Volkov has proven to be an elite striker and has consistently been a top contender whether he’s competing at 225 or 265. Another big question for Jackson is whether or not this is a one-off situation or is he trying to make another run. If Jackson can somehow come out victorious, you have to wonder if he will be eyeing a title fight in the future. 



That’s the hope for me at least Bodie. Volkov has become synonymous with Union GP. Fights against some of the biggest names this company has to offer. And it’s easy to see why. With numerous first round finishes to his name and a crazy amount of power behind his punches, Big Vik is always a force to be reckoned with. But so is the man who I have been tasked with filling in for. The former Champion is a Household name, trailblazer for this sport and company, just on overall Legend in general. Jason Jackson is the perfect opponent for Big Vik. These two powerhouses are sure to put on a spectacle tonight. And I don’t know about you BS, but I’m hoping a JJ victory tonight here is just the beginning. The paycheck I’m receiving is BEAUTIFUL, and I wouldn’t be upset at receiving a few more. 



And finally, our Main Event of the evening is a bout for the Union GP Lightweight Championship. The 2021 Fighter of the Year Delaney Donovan takes on the 2020 Everest MMA Fighter of the Year Alistair McKay in what is certainly the biggest test for both of these guys. Donovan has basically done it all, has won a multitude of awards and titles, but McKay possesses the type of power we haven’t seen in the 155 pound division before. McKay has absolutely destroyed his opposition en route to this championship opportunity and has a very real chance to unseat Delaney. However, we know Donovan has a solid chin as evidenced by his Middleweight fight with Travis Decker. Donovan took everything Decker had and still went the full twenty-five minutes. Alistair McKay has not gone past the first round in any of his fights, so it’ll be very interesting to see if Delaney can push him into deep waters and see how he can adjust. 



I said Santos versus Meléndez was going to be explosive? Well then this one is going to be absolutely NUCLEAR! Double D vs Artillery is unpredictable to say the least. There’s no wondering who’s got the support of the fans this go round. But that alone may not be enough to sway this thing one way over the other. Like you said Bombs is known for putting a quick end to things. But D’s got that chin of steel. If McKay is going to walk away with the win here, he better have prepared himself, and those crazy punches, to come harder than ever before. There’s a reason Delaney was dubbed fighter of the year. So if he has anything to say about it, we’ll finally see what Alistair looks like in round 2. 



It’s no doubt a veeeeery intriguing way to start the new year. So much at stake from top to bottom, and you know it’s the only way we know how to do it here at Union Grand Prix! So with that, it’s time for us to switch gears and toss it over to the hype man of MMA, Mike Dempsey!



Ladies and gentlemen, we are live exclusively on the Battleground Network here at the Marvel Stadium in Melbourne, Australia for UGP 31! And now, this opening contest is scheduled for three rounds in the Union Grand Prix Lightweight Division! Introducing first, fighting out of the blue corner, a Muay Thai Kickboxer holding a professional mixed martial arts record of 22-4-1. She stands 5’10”, and weighing in at 151 pounds. She is from Brisbane, Australia, fighting out of Throne MMA, presenting the number ten ranked Lightweight Contender in the World, “Ram-Paige” Holloway!


[The crowd goes absolutely wild for the returning veteran. Paige waves to the crowd and gives a bow in appreciation, but then it’s back to business as she bounces in place to stay loose.]



Ladies and gentlemen, please welcome to Union Grand Prix, Paige Holloway! This is a sight to see and my mind still hasn’t fully wrapped around it. Is this real life?! Tapp, this is a monumental moment for Holloway. Making her debut in her home country, this couldn’t get much bigger for her return. This isn’t a one and done type of thing, this is the return! Paige Holloway will set the tempo here tonight, and as we’ve all mentioned, her included, this is going to be a big test. We all say that styles make fights, and with two strikers on deck, this is a fight where you blink and you might miss it. I’m sooo hyped for this!



So am I Bodie. This might be the only Union debut bigger than my arrival here tonight. I can barely hear myself talk right now with the noise in the building. I get they’re excited for this fight, I am too. But these fans could learn a little thing or two about professionalism. Nonetheless, Holloway looks ready to go. She took a moment there to return the love, but quickly snapped back into game mode. That’s what you like to see. 



And her opponent, fighting out of the red corner, a Boxer holding a professional mixed martial arts record of 3-2. He stands 5’10”, and weighing in at 155 pounds. He is from Santa Fe, Argentina, presenting the number six ranked Lightweight Contender in the World,  Osvaldo “El Matador” Ledesma!


[The boo-birds are out early tonight and their first victim is Osvaldo Ledesma. He pays no attention to the reaction as he keeps his focus drawn toward his opponent.]



Osvaldo Ledesma is about as tough as they come, especially in the uber-competitive Lightweight Division. Ledesma has been building some momentum in his last two fights, and although some have criticized the outcome, there’s no doubt this guy is tough as nails. During the press conference, Osvaldo Ledesma was asked where he sees himself at the end of 2022, and he answered “with a little luck, a title fight.” You can’t sit here and tell me if he knocks off Paige Holloway in her return that this doesn’t skyrocket him up the rankings and put him right in the thick of title contention. This is a statement fight for the ages for Osvaldo Ledesma.



As a Professional fighter myself, I’m of the belief every fight is a statement fight. But I understand what you’re saying Sulli, Ledesma is coming in with an entire building against him. This is Holloway’s house, if he can get the job done here, he’s sure to shut these fans up, figuratively of course. And who knows? He may even get one step closer to that championship he wants. 



The referee for this opening bout is the veteran Herschel Warden. He checks off with both fighters and we are underway!






[Osvaldo Ledesma and Paige Holloway move forward and touch gloves as the bell signals the beginning of the fight. The two shuffle back and forth for just a few seconds before Holloway tries to close in with a clinch. Ledesma pushes off and circles away, wanting no part of it. Holloway tries to cut him off as she circles in. She tags Ledesma with a couple stinging jabs then bull rushes back in to secure the clinch.]



Good strategy for Holloway to disguise the Thai clinch behind those jabs. 


[Ledesma immediately tries to wiggle his way out of the clinch, but Holloway clamps down and keeps control. She stays patient under the chaos and as she senses an opening, she pulls Ledesma‘s head down and drills him with a knee to the face! Ledesma gets rocked but Holloway doesn’t stop there, she quickly follows up with big knees to the body!]



Oooh! Osvaldo Ledesma is hurt! Paige Holloway could be looking to finish this one early!


[Ledesma looks to be in panic mode and tries to duck under Holloway and escape, but she pushes forward and doesn't allow him to break the clinch. With Ledesma fumbling on his feet, Holloway charges forward with a flying knee to the chest. The massive shot sends Ledesma crumbling to the mat.]



Holloway drops him with a big knee! Ledesma is in big trouble here!


[Holloway stands while Ledesma is on the ground trying to back away. Holloway launches a kick to the thigh but Ledesma checks it. Holloway decides to back off and allow Ledesma to stand up, and he cautiously climbs to his feet. Before Ledesma can recollect himself, Holloway suffocates him with a single collar tie.]



Osvaldo Ledesma manages to rebound from the big knee but Holloway is putting the pressure on him. 


[Both fighters pummel inside the clinch but Holloway takes control by shoving Ledesma up against the fence. The two continue to jockey for control until Holloway launches another big knee and catches Ledesma right below the rib cage. Ledesma drops to a knee for just a moment before springing back up. He tries to shrug his way out but Holloway is able to contain him.]


Paige Holloway could have cracked a rib with that knee, or at the very least, knocked the wind outta Ledesma. It looks like he’s running on pure instincts right now. I’d say it’s safe to say already that Paige Holloway has buffed out any sort of ring rust she may have accumulated. 


[The two continue to jockey back and forth before Ledesma circles out from the fence. Holloway boxes him back in and then: one, two, three! Holloway unloads with a flurry of piercing knees! Ledesma is wobbly and Holloway finishes it off with a knee to the chin! The sound of the impact cracks like a baseball bat that echoes throughout the building as the crowd erupts.]



Paige Holloway is in complete control and I don’t know how much more Osvaldo Ledesma can withstand this kind of punishment!


[Ledesma tries to escape but Holloway is determined to work from the clinch. Holloway begins punishing her opponent's thighs with a few knees and you can tell the pain jolts through Ledesma‘s nervous system. Holloway switches up her grip for some dirty boxing. She targets the ribs but Ledesma manages to bring her closer and block the strikes. Osvaldo tries to get an angle on Paige and shrug out of the clinch, but again Paige proves to be the stronger opponent. Holloway slows the pace down for a breather while holding Ledesma. Herschel Warden sees a lack of activity in the clinch and separates the fighters.]



Wheeew! Osvaldo Ledesma may have been given a freebie there as the referee breaks them up. Now he needs to try to keep some distance from Holloway and open up his offense. 


[The body language is night and day, as Ledesma is sucking wind while Holloway bounces on her feet and stays moving. Holloway moves in and throws an uppercut that lands solidly. She continues pressing forward and secures a textbook double collar Thai clinch! It doesn’t take long from here for Holloway to go back to the well and land multiple well placed knees. Holloway fakes a few punches and tries a quick knee to the body. Ledesma gets rocked in the abdomen and he’s holding his side in obvious pain. He tries to push off but he simply doesn’t have the strength to do so.]



Brilliant performance from Paige Holloway so far here tonight! It’s like she’s toying with Osvaldo Ledesma now.


[Holloway punishes her opponent's thighs with a few knees and Ledesma must do something quickly as the referee is shouting out warnings to him now. Ledesma tries to duck under Holloway but she pushes him up against the fence. Holloway targets the thighs again with several knees to chop away at his base. Ledesma looks like he’s just barely hanging on at this point. Holloway unloads a flurry of knees to the body and Ledesma bunkers over in pain. She then snaps his head down and rocks him with a knee to the face. Referee Herschel Warden has seen enough and pulls Paige Holloway off!]



And this one is all over! Welcome back, Ram-Paige Holloway! A flawless win in her return to MMA! Listen to this crowd!



Did you see that knee to the face!? Absolutely Devastating!


[The crowd booms into chants and cheers as Holloway is swarmed by her corner crew in celebration. The medical staff file into the octagon and begin checking on Ledesma. Some time passes and eventually Ledesma is able to stand on his own. Once the doctors disperse back to cageside, both fighters meet back to the center of the octagon for the official call.]



Ladies and gentlemen, referee Herschel Warden has called for a stop in this fight at two minutes fifty-six seconds in the very first round, declaring your winner by technical knockout, “Ram-Paige” Holloway!


[The crowd cheers once again as Holloway has her hand raised in victory. Both fighters shake hands as a gesture of mutual respect before splitting off to each one’s crew. A graphic pops up on screen, breaking down the statistics of the fight while the commentators recap.]


Winner: Paige Holloway by TKO (Knees) at 2:56 Round 1


Statistics: Osvaldo Ledesma

Punches 2/3 (67%)

Kicks 0/0 (0%)

Clinch strikes 0/0 (0%)

Takedowns 0/0 (0%)

GnP strikes 0/0 (0%)

Submissions 0/0 (0%)

Clinch Attempts 0/0 (0%)

Time on the ground 14 s


Statistics: Paige Holloway

Punches 1/2 (50%)

Kicks 0/1 (0%)

Clinch strikes 22/32 (69%)

Takedowns 0/0 (0%)

GnP strikes 0/0 (0%)

Submissions 0/0 (0%)

Clinch Attempts 2/2 (100%)

Time on the ground 0 s


[During the brief intermission between fights, the camera feed opens up with a close up of Zion Momo'a in the crowd.]



Ladies and gentlemen, in the house tonight we have the two-time Middleweight Title Challenger, Zion Momo'a! If you aren't following him on Twitter, he's been posting videos on his rehab and it looks like he's nearing 100% healed. It'll be great to have him back in the fold real soon. 



Looks like he's catching the early fights here tonight, from my understanding he will actually be in the corner for Jason Jackson tonight. The Buzzsaw is a diehard Jackson fan. Got all the posters, DVDs, the works.


Like a kid in a candy store, Tapp. Let's turn it back over to the action!



Ladies and gentlemen, the following contest is scheduled for three rounds in the Union Grand Prix Bantamweight Division! Introducing first, fighting out of the blue corner, a Brazilian Jiu-Jitsu Grappler holding a professional mixed martial arts record of 3-1. She stands 5’7”, and weighing in at 135 pounds. She is from Campinas, Sao Paulo, Brazil, fighting out of Nova Uniao, presenting the number three ranked Bantamweight Contender in the World,  “Maravilha” Isabel Azevedo!


[Just like the opening fight, the crowd unanimously heckle Isabel Azevedo, who is the opposing competitor against another Australian fighter. Izzy doesn’t react to the jeers, she simply shuffles from side to side in her corner and controls her breathing.]



Not much love here tonight for Izzy Azevedo, but it doesn’t seem to bother her. This is a chance for redemption tonight, a chance to show growth. As we mentioned earlier, this is a rematch between these two Bantamweights and in all honesty, could very well be the launchpad needed to earn a title shot. The 1 in 3-1 for Isabel Azevedo comes at the hands of Tim Vu, and “Maravilha” wants to get that one back. It’s no secret Azevedo is a world-class jiu-jitsu practitioner, but it’s still a wonder what kinda tricks she has up her proverbial sleeve.



So a little bit of redemption on the line too. That’s enough to make anyone a threat in the cage. But this crowd is not making it easy. They’re booing her out of the building but she doesn’t seem phased. She’s shaking them off and keeping her eyes on the prize.  Headstrong. I like that. 



And her opponent, fighting out of the red corner, a Taekwondo Striker holding a professional mixed martial arts record of 7-3. He stands 5’9”, and weighing in at 135 pounds. He is from Brisbane, Australia, fighting out of the Yongsa Gym, presenting the number two ranked Bantamweight Contender in the World,  Tim “The Intimidator” Vu!


[The audience flips a switch and boom with cheers as the Aussie Tim Vu is introduced. Vu looks focused as he raises a clenched fist and takes a bow directed toward his opponent.] 



No surprises here. The crowd is fully behind the Australian native Tim Vu. You have to commend Vu for taking this fight, he’s already 1-up on Azevedo, and he’s got his eyes set on championship opportunities. During the press conference Tim Vu mentioned how he felt slighted for not getting a title shot and instead matched up against Gianna Howard. Well, we all know how that played out. The Ghost took the win over Vu, and then went on to defeat Dallas Meechan to capture the Bantamweight Title. You have to believe that Tim Vu deep down feels like his moment got stolen from Howard. As Izzy alluded to during the presser, somehow will lose and drop in the rankings in the Howard versus Meechan rematch, and someone will logically climb the rankings in this rematch tonight. You hate to do MMA math because that shit never adds up, but you connect the dots and it leads to the winner of this fight earning a title shot. 



Yeah. It’s a lot more straightforward in Pro wrestling. Sometimes all you have to do is just ask. But Tim Vu looks like he’s not ready to ask for anything. The look in his face says I’m taking what I want, and the intimidator looks ready to take home the W on his own terms. 






[As the bell sounds both fighters spend the early moments feeling one another out, trying to find their angles and look for their opening. Vu opens the action with a low kick that gets blocked. Azevedo wastes no time following that up with a quick takedown. Instantaneously she tries to improve her position but Vu manages to close his guard and keep her stationary. Eventually, however, she progresses to side mount and tries to hook in an Americana, bringing the fans to the edges of their seats!]

Textbook takedown from Izzy Azevedo and she’s not wasting time, throwing subs at Tim Vu! It’s smart to do, in my opinion. It’s a lot easier to keep a fighter pinned down before they get a good sweat going and get a little more slippy. Tim Vu could be in trouble here!


[Vu, however, shows for the moment that his ability to defend against submissions is up to snuff, breaking free of the attempt but not able to regain any control or positioning, as Azevedo remains in side control. Shifting his hips, Vu tries to turn his opponent and is able to give himself enough leverage that he scrambles back to his feet. As both return upright, Vu throws a low kick but switches targets and crushes Azevedo’s rib cage with a tremendous body kick! Not wanting anything to do with those kicks, Azevedo fights through the pain and shoots for a single leg takedown, with Vu unable to maintain his balance, going down to the canvas a moment later.]



Tim Vu showed some great resilience on the ground and managed to scramble back to his feet, but Izzy’s grappling is second to none. She made that single leg look easy and we’re back on the mat. 


[The fight doesn’t stay on the ground long, though, as a failed kneebar attempt by Azevedo results in Vu being able to scramble away after a few kicks to gain separation. Vu then fires a low kick but it’s checked and retaliated with a looping right hand from Azevedo that misses its mark. She shoots for another takedown but this time Vu stands firm, like a pillar, and does not budge forcing Azevedo to pull guard. In rapid fire succession, Isabel isolates Vu’s right arm and tries to apply an armbar but Tim is ready for it and starts to pull himself free. It seems, however, that that was exactly what Azevedo was expecting and quickly switches to a triangle choke!]



Azevedo is playing chess while Vu is playing checkers! She seems to always stay one or two moves ahead and that transition to the triangle was absolutely flawless. 


[She isn’t able to fully secure the choke, however, and Vu pulls away, standing back up. Recognizing the danger on the ground with his opponent, Vu steps back and allows her the space she needs to get back up to her feet comfortably. Keeping the fight standing for a bit, Vu misses on a hook to the body and has to quickly scramble away before being tied up in the clinch by his opponent. Sensing that she’s got momentum behind her, Azevedo pursues and lands a punishing hook to Vu’s ribs. She then blocks a low kick thrown by Vu in retaliation and then catches his far ankle and takes him back down to the mat once more with a slick trip takedown. And that's how the final minute of the round will end, with Azevedo comfortably keeping control on the ground and managing to improve her position to half guard as the horn sounds.]



Great first round for the Brazilian. Isabel Azevedo kept the pressure on Tim Vu from bell to bell and put him in some bad spots. But give him credit, he was able to routinely escape those vulnerable situations and keep this fight close. With all that said, it’s a 10-9 round for Izzy from me. 






[Coming out of their corners for the second round, it’s more of the same from round one. Azevedo shoots in and secures a single leg takedown and Vu is unable to do anything to stop it or avoid it. Quickly she improves her position to side control and starts looking to secure some form of a modified lock, but Vu powers through and out and eventually both return to their feet. Azevedo misses with a straight right and manages to block the liver kick that Tim Vu surely was thinking was going to end the fight right then and there.]



Azevedo looks like the Terminator with those takedowns, but she’s got to capitalize on them. I’m not sure how the judges will score it if Tim Vu is able to consistently escape. 


[The fight finally opens up when Vu stuffs another takedown attempt. He’s unable to capitalize on it immediately but does avoid the follow up right hand and then nearly buckles Azevedo’s knee with a low kick that is probably his best strike of the night. Unfortunately for him Isabel is able to catch herself, adjust, and then land a stiff uppercut on the button!  It staggers him and Azevedo swiftly takes him down yet again! With terrifying speed she locks in a brutal kneebar and it is tight! This fight surely has to be over! The Aussie crowd explodes to their feet.]



Tim Vu lands a nasty leg kick but Azevedo fires back with a big uppercut to set up the takedown. And right now, Vu is trapped in a kneebar! That leg could snap any moment!


[But Jesus Christ somehow! Some way! Vu manages to free himself of the excruciating lock, scrambling away to his feet but maybe with a slight limp as he does so. Not wanting to get back up just yet, Isabel launches a kick to the knee that she had just applied the kneebar to, but Vu manages to avoid that one. And a second one. Vu then throws a nasty kick that pops with an echo around the arena as if warning her to knock her shit off. Finally, Herschel Warden halts the fight to allow Isabel the space to stand back up. She does and once more the fight resumes.]



Both fighters get back to their feet, but clearly Tim Vu is still reeling from the kneebar. You can see him favoring that leg and putting minimum pressure on it. I wouldn’t be surprised if Azevedo shredded some ligaments with that submission. 


[Vu throws an inside leg kick and it goes wide as Azevedo slides back to avoid the impact. While Vu is still off balance from the missed kick, Azevedo storms in with a flurry of punches! Vu eats a ton of shots and staggers backwards. Azevedo wants to finish this and continues launching bombs! Vu is getting tagged and out of nowhere, Tim Vu is out! He drops to the canvas like a rag doll!]



And this one is all over! Isabel Azevedo lowers the boom in highlight reel fashion!



Azevedo turned the crowd into believers with a hell of a knockout! Listen to that reaction. 


[The crowd explodes with a heated reaction while Isabel Azevedo is swarmed by her corner crew in celebration. Doctors tend to Vu for a while before helping him to his feet. After doctors and cut men finish their work, both fighters meet back to the center of the octagon for the official call.]



Ladies and gentlemen, referee Herschel Warden has called for a stop in this fight at two minutes forty-two seconds in the second round, declaring your winner by knockout, “Maravilha” Isabel Azevedo!


[The crowd applauds in respect as Azevedo has her hand raised in victory. Both fighters shake hands as a gesture of mutual respect before splitting off to each one’s crew. A graphic pops up on screen, breaking down the statistics of the fight while the commentators recap.]


Winner: Isabel Azevedo by KO (Punches) at 2:42 Round 2


Statistics: Tim Vu

Punches 3/6 (50%)

Kicks 3/9 (33%)

Clinch strikes 0/0 (0%)

Takedowns 0/0 (0%)

GnP strikes 0/2 (0%)

Submissions 0/0 (0%)

Clinch Attempts 0/0 (0%)

Time on the ground 149 s


Statistics: Isabel Azevedo

Punches 10/17 (59%)

Kicks 0/0 (0%)

Clinch strikes 0/0 (0%)

Takedowns 5/7 (71%)

GnP strikes 0/0 (0%)

Submissions 6/6 (100%)

Clinch Attempts 0/0 (0%)

Time on the ground 177 s


[Returning from the commercial break, the camera scans the crowd and dials in on the pro wrestling pioneer, Owen Golsalves.]



Welcome back ladies and gentlemen! It's been a wild night so far and this ground is rabid! In the house tonight we have the champion of multiple promotions, Throne MMA member, and Aussie native, The Wristlock Sinatra, Owen Gonsalves!



Oh, so you have no problems reciting his credentials, but mine are too difficult to remember, or hell even jot down? Let's move on.



Ladies and gentlemen, the following contest is scheduled for three rounds in the Union Grand Prix Cruiserweight Division! Introducing first, fighting out of the blue corner, a Boxer holding a professional mixed martial arts record of 6-4. He stands 6’2”, and weighing in at 225 pounds. He is from Melbourne, Australia, fighting out of Throne MMA, presenting “The Punisher” Michael Santos!


[The crowd continues to rally behind their homegrown fighters, and it’s no different with Michael Santos. The crowd roars with cheers, and Santos can’t help but acknowledge them as he turns in a 360 with both fists clenched in the air, soaking in this moment.]



And for the third time tonight, we have another Aussie on deck, a true hometown hero. Michael Santos dropped a big bombshell during the press conference this weekend, stating that the end of his MMA career is coming to an end. After tonight, he has but one more fight left on his contract, and he plans to honor it. But not only that, he had some names in mind for that last fight, depending on how things go here tonight. With a win, he wants another crack at the champion, Gauge Lattimore. It might take an impressive performance to sway the matchmakers into that, but he also mentioned Ardan Kelly, a man he’s faced twice and came up short both times. It’s kinda awkward in a sense when fighters are at that stage of their careers, but it’s great that Santos is aware of it. We see it all too often in this sport where fighters hang on for far too long and end up causing more damage to their legacy, or more importantly their body and mind, than what’s necessary. 



I don’t know if you know this or not, but due to an injury last year I actually retired from wrestling briefly. And I admire Santos. You know that you’re not where you used to be, and so you take matters into your own hands. End your career on your own terms. So if any fighter has something to prove tonight, it’s this man right here. Whether he walks out with the win or not, Santos comes and leaves with a mission on his mind. That’s dangerous. 



And his opponent, fighting out of the red corner, a Kickboxer holding a professional mixed martial arts record of 4-1. He stands 5’9”, and weighing in at 225 pounds. He is from San Diego, California, presenting “Gas Tank” José Meléndez!


[For the first time tonight, the Aussie crowd actually cheers for a non-Australian fighter. José Meléndez takes notice and waves to the crowd then looks across the octagon at Santos and signals a glove touch.]



You know, Tapp, I try to stay as impartial as possible with everyone that steps into that cage. But I have to admit, José Meléndez is quite possibly one of my favorite fighters today. When he was first signed, he had this stigma that he was a boring fighter, but let me tell you, he’s been anything but boring! The guy has routinely put on some of the most exciting fights and the fact that he’s so nonchalant of it all is just icing on the cake. I mean hell, the guy was out there eating tacos during the official press conference! You have to love a guy like that. He’s not so concerned with wins and losses, the guy just loves to fight… and eat!



When I first started Wrestling, people constantly called me boring. Said I didn’t have much to offer. Fast forward a few years later, and here I am, Two Championships, Training School, Shoe Line, and sitting here next to you. It just goes to show that when you keep your own goals in sight everyone else’s opinion means nothing. Especially when you love what you do like Mélendez. I’m ready to see how this one goes down. 



And with that, we are all ready to roll here for the final bout of the undercard. Our referee in charge of this bout is Jordan Ripley. And here we go!






[The fight gets underway and both close the distance to touch gloves. Santos is first to attack with a big left hook, but Meléndez slips it and counters with a flurry of stinging punches. Santos gets backed up and tries throwing jabs to stifle the ambush, and Meléndez is now on the receiving end of a great combo by Santos. The crowd is roaring with excitement as Santos fakes a move and launches a nice uppercut that lands clean on Meléndez's chin.]



Right off the rip, José Meléndez and Michael Santos throw caution to the wind and come out swinging!


[Santos and Meléndez continue to engage in a wild exchange of punches and both fighters are connecting big! Less than a minute into round one and if either lands a lucky punch, the end could be soon. Santos looks for angles as he throws a few jabs that are countered by Meléndez's punches and now both fighters are wildly hitting air. Both fighters back off and regroup as the crowd continues to roar.]



No feeling out process here, folks! We’re seeing bombs dropped and neither one is letting up!


[Santos circles back in and tags Meléndez with some nice shots. Meléndez throws a combo in retaliation, but Santos ducks under and catches him with a counter straight! Meléndez swings again, only to get countered once more! Meléndez is looking bad here as he backs off and shows his left eye beginning to swell.]



José Meléndez is a man known for his high volume striking, but Santos is more than willing to match that energy. I’m not sure how long Santos can maintain that rapid tempo, but right now he’s on a roll!


[Santos stays light on his feet as he looks for angles. He pressures in to throw a few jabs that are countered by José Meléndez firing a few punches right back. Santos shakes it off and tests the chin of Meléndez with an uppercut while Meléndez lands some great crosses. Santos shows no signs of slowing down as Meléndez paws at him before he answers back with some heavy punches!]



Meléndez and Santos continue to trade blows! What is defense, Tapp?



Definitely not this. 


[Santos lands a couple big shots that stun Meléndez and now he’s pouring it on! Meléndez is taking a beating and his corner looks worried! A crispy uppercut by Santos followed by a hard jab causes Meléndez to stumble back into the fence. The two engage in a wild exchange of punches but Santos is getting the best of the exchange as he lands a few more blows. Meléndez manages to circle out from the fence and takes the best of a brief punching exchange off the break.]



José Meléndez was in serious trouble there for a moment but it looks like he’s recovered. 


[A brilliant combination from Santos connects that forces Meléndez to try and defend better. Meléndez is still buzzing as a right hand from Santos surprises him! Meléndez’s eyes are starting to swell shut but Santos doesn’t let off as he launches a rapid series of punches, taking Meléndez from one end of the cage to the other!]



Michael Santos is bringing the thunder!



The referee should stop this. 


[Meléndez crashes into the fence and Santos continues to land uncontested shots. After eating a few more, Meléndez fires back and the two engage in a wild exchange! Santos is getting the better of the exchange, but Meléndez keeps swinging in desperation, only to hot nothing but air. Referee Jordan Ripley is asking Meléndez to defend himself! After another nasty punch rocks Meléndez, Jordan Ripley jumps in between the fighters and stops the punishment for Meléndez!]



There it is. 



And this one is all over! Michael Santos puts on a masterclass striking clinic and makes a statement here tonight in his home country!



I’m glad we don’t get paid by the hour, Bodie!


[The crowd explodes into cheers and Santos is swarmed by his corner crew in celebration. Doctors tend to Meléndez for a while before helping him to his feet. After doctors and cut men finish their work, both fighters meet back to the center of the octagon for the official call.]



Ladies and gentlemen, referee Jordan Ripley has called for a stop in this fight at two minutes fifty-nine seconds in the very first round, declaring your winner by technical knockout, “The Punisher” Michael Santos!


[The crowd cheers once again as Santos has his hand raised in victory. Both fighters shake hands as a gesture of mutual respect before splitting off to each one’s crew. A graphic pops up on screen, breaking down the statistics of the fight while the commentators recap.]


Winner: Michael Santos by TKO (Punch) at 2:59 Round 1


Statistics: José Meléndez

Punches 13/20 (65%)

Kicks 0/0 (0%)

Clinch strikes 0/0 (0%)

Takedowns 0/0 (0%)

GnP strikes 0/0 (0%)

Submissions 0/0 (0%)

Clinch Attempts 0/0 (0%)

Time on the ground 0 s


Statistics: Michael Santos

Punches 47/58 (81%)

Kicks 0/0 (0%)

Clinch strikes 0/0 (0%)

Takedowns 0/0 (0%)

GnP strikes 0/0 (0%)

Submissions 0/0 (0%)

Clinch Attempts 0/0 (0%)

Time on the ground 0 s


[The feed opens back up from the commercial break to a panoramic view of Marvel Stadium. The crowd is still riled up as we gear up for the Co-Main Event of the night. The crowd cam changes angles where we see Derrius Webb in the front row.]



Welcome back ladies and gentlemen. We are just moments away from our Co-Main Event where we will see the return of Jason Jackson, but look who we have here tonight. Former Everest MMA Welterweight Champion Derrius Webb isn't one to miss many of these big events, even if he's preparing for his rubber match against D'Ante Jackson for the Welterweight Title.



The way the point system plays out, it's a big fight for Webb. It's a win and you're in for the Championship finals, but a loss would put his fate in the hands of how the rest of the division unfolds. Looks like he's finally got himself some lotion, though. At least he's got that going for him.



[The fans erupt as “Come and Get It” by I Prevail and the sound of an Indian Darkhorse Cheiftain’s engine roars to life within the entrance tunnel. After a few moments, the matte black motorcycle rolls into the arena, a grim reaper visible on the saddlebag. Jason is wearing his signature Bad Boy fight shorts, but instead of a shirt, he’s wearing a leather MC cutte. The bike rolls to just outside of the tunnel and Jackson kills the engine and hops off to prop it up on the kickstand. He removes the leather vest and drapes it over the handlebars of the bike, before making the march down to cageside as he shows the fans love the entire way.]



Welcome back, Jason Jackson! Similar to what was said about Paige Holloway, it's surreal seeing Jackson make the walk to the octagon right now. The man is a legend, a Hall of Famer, and a damn good broadcaster, and he’s back in action! The same questions are raised about Jackson as was Holloway, and that being whether or not there is any ring rust from the prolonged layoff. Unlike Holloway though, Jason Jackson’s last fight was a loss to Roscoe Robinson. However, in shocking revelations, Jackson spoke about training WITH Roscoe Robinson in preparations for this fight. The Hit Squad camp has a world-class team from top to bottom, so if there is any ring rust, it’s probably safe to say it’s been knocked off. However, whether you’re in your prime training day in and day out, or a returning veteran, it’s a whole different beast from the gym to live action in the octagon. As the cliche saying goes, “Everybody has a plan until they get punched in the mouth.” We know Jackson has the experience and knowledge, but how will he respond and make adjustments on the fly to the big power of Viktor Volkov?



I already said it once and I’ll say it again, I know we’re supposed to be impartial, but I’m rooting for Double J on the low Bodie. If he wasn’t in that cage tonight, I wouldn’t be here blessing the good people watching right now. And speaking of blessing the people right now. I think that Jackson is more than prepared. There’s a lot of people who thought they would never get a chance to see another Jason Jackson fight. And he knows that. So I’m sure he’s been putting in time and work. Blood sweat and tears. All to make sure that he doesn’t disappoint here tonight. 


[Jackson meets his team at ringside. His team is composed of a few familiar faces, his wife Lux, Roscoe Robinson, Elena Nguyen and Zion Momo’a. Jason stops to give his wife a kiss, and he opts to let her apply the Vaseline to his face, before putting his mouthpiece into his mouth. He has a few words with Zion and Roscoe that are inaudible, and he is then cleared by the cutman allowing him to complete his long journey back to the cage as he climbs the steps once again. He does one quick lap, showing off his footwork, before hopping up onto the cage to fire up the fans again with a yell.  While atop the cage, JJ turns toward the entrance ramp and motions for Volkov. Telling the nearby camera to “bring him out, let’s do this uce. Come get some.” before sliding back down to his feet on the canvas, ready for action. ]


[The heavy opening riff of STVORE’s Sgori (Burn) starts up on the sound system and Viktor Volkov steps out from behind the curtain. His eyes fixated on the cage, Volkov slowly begins to roll his shoulders whilst he walks. With his usual stoic expression etched upon his face, Viktor continues walking, completely unfazed by the occasion, cracking his knuckles through his gloves and swinging his arms a couple of times before reaching the cageside area.]



And now here comes Big Vik Volkov! Say what you will about the guy, but one thing you cannot question is the power behind those hands. He’s old school in the sense that he mostly lets his actions speak for themselves. He was the only fighter not present at the press conference, but he’s not in this business to spark headlines from what he says, but what he does. He’s been on the brink of championship glory on two occasions, just narrowly out of reach in two divisions. This is a dangerous man who can end an opponent’s night with a flash KO out of nowhere.



Viks a big name in MMA and Professional wrestling. When you talk about household names, No doubt in my mind that Big Vik is a part of that conversation. Even If you’re not a hardcore Union GP fan, you’ve heard about the things this man has done. I have to tell you Sullivan. Watching him fight live has been on my to do list for a long time.  When these two clash tonight, well I’m sure it will be the experience of a lifetime. 


[He calmly removes his Reebok branded tee, handing it off to a team member before bumping the fist of several other team members around him. Eventually his head trainer stops up in front of him, squirting some water in Volkov's mouth before handing him his black mouth guard, adorned with the image of the same grim reaper. The big Russian pops it into his mouth before the cutman goes to work, carefully placing vaseline across each brow, then rubbing it into his cheeks, nose and forehead area. The cutman then nods to Volkov, who turns, brushing by him as he makes his way up the steps and into the cage.]


[Viktor takes a quick lap around the cage, breaking into a light jog before he settles back into his corner, intimidatingly beginning to pace back and forth as his music slowly dies down.]



Ladies and gentlemen, it’s time for the Co-Main Event of the evening! Sanctioned by the Professional Boxing and Combat Sports Board, our three judges scoring this contest at cageside are Patrick Thomson, Gabriella Wall, and Oliver Jacobs, and when the action begins, our referee in charge in the octagon is Willie Green. AND NOW, this is the moment you’ve all been waiting for! The following contest is scheduled for three rounds in the Union Grand Prix Openweight Division! Introducing first, fighting out of the blue corner, a Muay Thai Kickboxer holding a professional mixed martial arts record of 14-4-1. He stands 6’4”, and weighing in at 240 pounds. He resides in Los Angeles, California by way of Honolulu, Hawaii, fighting out of the Hit Squad, presenting the two-time CGFC Dragon Champion and Union Grand Prix Hall of Famer, Jason Jackson!


[By this point, you would think Jason Jackson resided here in Melbourne. The crowd goes ballistic for the MMA icon and he can’t help himself to crack a smile. He takes a deep breath in and raises a clenched fist in the air, savoring the  moment.]



And his opponent, fighting out of the red corner, a Boxer holding a professional mixed martial arts record of 6-4. He stands 6’5”, and weighing in at 250 pounds. He is from Saint Petersburg, Russia, fighting out of Volkov Fighting Institute, presenting the Union Grand Prix Heavyweight Title Challenger and the Union Grand Prix Cruiserweight Title Challenger and the number three ranked Heavyweight Contender in the World, “Big Vik” Viktor Volkov!


[Volkov receives a very mixed reaction, some cheers and some boos, but the Russian doesn’t even react. He sways from side to side with his arms hanging loose, rolling his neck and shoulders looking to get this fight started.]



I might actually have to stand up for this one BS. 



Stand up. Sit down. Do what you gotta do, but I’ll say this… DON’T BLINK! 


[The fight gets underway and both men come out to the center, forgoing the ceremonial touching of gloves. There’s no cheap shots though, as both men circle the center of the cage looking for an opening to strike. There seems to be a brief feeling out process, as both work feints and angles, pawing with their jabs to see how the other reacts. Everyone in the building waits on the edge of their seats, ready for the fireworks they were promised.] 



Calm and cautious right now, and I don’t blame them. With the kind of power generated between these two, you certainly don’t want to make the mistake and leave your chin wide open. 


[They don’t have to wait long though, as Jackson suddenly explodes forward with a powerful 3 shot combo to get things started. Left hook, right cross, left uppercut. Vik is able to block ⅔ of the shots, but the uppercut lands solid and backs Volkov up. Vik shakes his head at Jason to taunt him, telling him “this does nothing” and he gets a shrug from Jackson in response. As Jase gives his rebuttal though, Volkov fires off a huge potential fight-ender of a head kick that catches Jackson by surprise. Luckily, it is absorbed by his arm as he narrowly raises his block to eat it, but it leaves a big red welt.] 



Damn! Volkov fires off a filthy head kick and even though Jackson blocked it, you know he felt the aftershock. 


[This fires Jason up more and he charges forward to close the distance like a bull, pushing Volkov against the fence in an over under clinch. A few short shots land inside, as Jackson uses his weight and strength to keep Volkov in place so that he can pummel for position. Jackson goes old school, and he utilizes the foot stomps, but this actually pisses Volkov off as it seems to do some damage! Vik comes alive with a roar and he turns Jason to plant his back to the cage, reversing the position. HUGE shots land now, as Vik disengages from the clinch and pours the punishment on Jackson!]



And now a fire is lit under Big Vik as he launches those heavy hands!


[Damaging blows land to the head and body of Jackson as he tries to circle out, but Volkov stays on his trail, smelling blood in the water as he attempts to cut off the cage. Speaking of blood, a steady stream can be seen coming from Jackson’s eyebrow as he does his best to weather the storm. The ref is watching the action real close now, looking to step in and save the Hall of Famer if need be.] 



Oooh! Viktor Volkov has got Jason Jackson wobbling and he’s in serious trouble!


[Turns out, it’s not needed, as Jackson dodges one of Volkov’s wild punches on the backpedal and rocks him HARD with a solid counter left hook. Volkov’s legs go wobbly, and instead of giving chase, Jackson takes a second to wipe away some blood from his eye and recover. He’s right in doing so too as Volkov wings a big overhand right hand immediately, clearly expecting Jackson to come in for the kill. Since Jason decided to stalk forward meticulously instead, the punch hits nothing but air and Volkov eats a leg kick for his trouble.]



Veteran move for Jackson to take the smart route and create some space to recover. That was a very dangerous situation for a moment. 


[Jackson closes the distance again behind the leg kick, ready to resume the attack. There’s no quit in Volkov though, and he bites down on his mouthpiece, going right back to firing howitzers just like he had before getting clipped! Jason is caught a little off guard by it, but he stays in the pocket, never shying from a gunfight. Both do a lot of blocking, weaving, and eating shots as they trade wildly in the closing seconds of this round! The fans erupt throughout the arena, and both men’s corners can be heard screaming at them.] 



And now we got ourselves a firefight! Don't blink folks, this could be over soon!


[Both land a few HUGE potential fight ending shots, but neither seem to fold as they trade all the way up to the horn. Vik does a bit of jawing at Jason as the refs pull them apart and Jackson just spits blood at his feet and smiles as he heads back to his corner. The cutman goes to work on Jason’s eyebrow while Roscoe and Zion talk over the previous round with him. Lux gives Jason some water and puts the mouthpiece back into his mouth and is ready to go. Volkov never took his stool. He stands ready to go for another round.]



What an incredible opening round for both Volkov and Jackson! Both landed some big shots and both got rocked. That’s gonna be a helluva round to score. 


[The second round gets underway and there is NO feeling out process this time. Volkov turns up the aggression, and he comes out swinging for the fences. A few clean shots land, particularly a solid right hook, and Jackson looks stunned as he goes on the retreat! Volkov notices Jackson is backing out with his hands high, and he fires a massive liver kick that drops Jason Jackson to the mat!] 



OOOH!! Jason Jackson gets dropped! Big Vik is rushing in!


[Volkov rushes in as Jase does his best to scramble back to his feet. Vik lands another brutal knee strike as he closes the distance, targeting the body of Jackson. The former champion is barely hanging on as he endures another barrage at the hands of Volkov. Jackson drops to a knee after another clean right hand lands to his jaw, but he pops right back up and begins to fight back to try and get out of the bad position.]



Jackson gets back to his feet and he’s fighting back, but Volkov continues to put the pressure on!


[Securing a desperate Thai clinch, Jason swings a laser accurate elbow that slices Volkov’s forehead like a scalpel. This shot seems to stun Volkov for a moment, and leaves a window open for a follow up right uppercut, lead left hook that drops Volkov on his ass! Vik tries to pop back up like Jason had, but Jackson grabs him and trips him back down to the mat.  He lands in half guard and immediately uncorks some body shots to soften Vik up. Volkov scrambles, shrimping out to get guard, but Jackson lands a huge right hand and hops back over into side control.]



And now the big momentum swing here and Jackson has taken control of the fight!


[Volkov stays calm, and can even be heard talking shit, as Jason lands knees to his body and peppers him with short hammerfists and elbow attempts. After a few shots land solid, Vik gets tired of Jason’s shit, and he catches an arm and secures an Americana-esque grasp. He uses this to torque and roll Jackson over to take side control himself and drop some huge hammerfists in return. Once again it looks like Jason is in DEEP trouble as the ref watches closely, telling him to defend himself!]



Sick reversal! I didn’t know Volkov could roll like that, but right now he’s got what looks like an Americana nearly locked in. 


[Jackson rolls and attempts to scramble in an effort to get back to his feet, but it ends with Vik actually taking Jason’s back and getting his hooks in. The situation looks even more grim now as Volkov quickly locks in a rear naked choke while the clock ticks down on round two. The choke is tiiiiight, and Volkov can be seen turning red, his veins in his arms bulging as he squeezes with all his might to try and finish the fight. :20 left in round number two and Volkov feels he has the fight in the bag. Jackson is turning purple, but he uses everything he has to work his way back to his feet with Volkov on him like a backpack.] 



Oh my god! Jackson is knocking on death’s door but somehow he’s picked himself up to his feet with the monstrous Volkov latched on his back with the rear naked choke still locked in!


[:10 left and Jackson is fading as he wobbles on his feet. :09-:08-:07… Jackson leaps backwards and pancakes both of them on the mat. Volkov’s head bounces off the canvas, and he is jarred loose from the choke. As soon as he feels himself free, Jackson rolls and scrambles to mount, pulling back a hand to drop bombs on Volkov! Before he can though, the ref dives in to stop the round and potentially save Viktor Volkov from further damage. Jackson rolls off and heads to his corner, sucking air and snarling at Volkov. This time, Vik is all smiles because he nearly finished Jackson. The cutmen get to work on both men now, and both teams talk over adjustments to try so that they may get a finish in the third.] 



Holy smokes, what an exciting round! It was back and forth in the beginning, but once it went to the mat, Volkov surprised us all with an incredible ground game and nearly finished this fight in the closing seconds. With the knockdown and the near sub finish, I think you have to give this one to Viktor Volkov.


[Both warriors answer the bell for the third and final round and they are greeted with a sea of respect from the fans. The two actually touch gloves to start the final round, and they show each other respect… finally. Jackson kicks things off with a 1-2, but it’s just a set up for the NASTY calf kick that he lands next. The kick buckles Vik a little, but he stays in the mix and answers back with a couple of hooks to the body of Jackson. Both men are bruised, battered, bloody, and tired; but they fight on, loving every second.] 



These two have the heart of a warrior, and they recognize it. Ten minutes in and they finally show each other some love.


[Vik pushes forward and crushes Jason with an overhand right, a refund with receipt from the one that missed earlier. This one connects with a SMACK heard throughout the building and an “oooooh” echoes through the crowd. Jason stumbles back on rubber legs, and drops on his ass, but his legendary chin holds up to a shot that would’ve leveled anyone else and turned off the lights. Jackson is able to shake it off, and Volkov can’t believe it as Jason gets back to his feet. The crowd goes nuts as Jackson waves him on, daring him to do it again.] 



Jason Jackson is willing to take on everything Volkov has to offer. There is absolutely no quit in this guy.


[Vik comes surging forward and smacks Jason with a superman punch, but Jason connects flush with another massive hook at the same time. Both men hit the ground, but Jackson comes back up to his feet again fairly quickly while Vik wobbles back up to his feet and then falls back down onto his back due to his leg giving out from the calf kick. Jason stands over Volkov, dodging up-kicks as he drops some shots on him. Volkov eats a few as he tries to block and survive, but none seem to close the curtains.]



Jackson has seemed to find a second wind after that rough end to the second round.


[One of the upkicks finally happens to clip Jason across the top of the head, and this stuns him enough to create just enough separation for Vik to roll backwards and end up on all fours. Jason dives back on him though, and he instantly looks to lock in a Peruvian Necktie! The submission is locked in deep, and much like Vik earlier, Jason can be seen turning red as he squeezes as hard as he can with the energy he has left. Everyone in the building is on their feet and the sound is deafening as the clock begins to countdown to the end of the round. Vik can be heard gurgling and the ref is checking close to make sure he’s still conscious.]



Oh my god, Viktor Volkov is stuck like Chuck! Jackson has it locked in tight! This could be it!


[Jackson lets out a roar as he squeezes with everything he has, but he knows it’s not enough. Quickly, he lets go of the hold and he pops back to his feet. Vik is stunned for a moment at suddenly being free as he was close to tapping, and his hesitation lands him a soccer kick to the ribs. This rockets him to his feet as his adrenaline surges, and the two warriors begin to throw wildly again. No one seems to get the upper hand, but both are beating the ever-loving shit out of each other as the round begins to come to a close.]



Volkov and Jackson dial it up inside the phone booth! Neither one is backing down!


[Jason is the first one to back out of the gunfight so that he can wipe the blood from his eye and catch a breather. Vik remains on the attack though, looking to finish the fight within the final :15 seconds. Knowing Jason’s hands are high again, Vik targets the weakened midsection of Jackson with another brutal liver kick. Jason is able to see it coming, and he catches the leg and makes Vik pay with another nasty hook to the side of the head a “motherfucker punch” as he’d call it on commentary. Volkov is now on the retreat, and Jason bullrushes him again to press him against the cage again as the seconds tick down.] 



Superb awareness from Jackson and he’s looking to finish strong!

[With :02 seconds left in the fight, Jason secures a Thai Plum and delivers a clinch knee to the jaw that drops Vik to the mat once more. The buzzer sounds as he hits the ground, and Jason walks off to celebrate,  thinking he’d knocked him out. There is a moment of silence as everyone waits on the edge of their seats to see if the knee knocked him out, but the  deliberation doesn’t even last 2 seconds as Volkov rolls to his knees and stands with the help of the cage to limp back to his corner on his dead leg. Jason sees this and he stops celebrating to  make his way over to him and help him to his corner.] 



Big shot right at the buzzer, but Viktor Volkov answers the bell and this one goes the distance! What an incredible fight by both fighters here. Certainly the front runner for Fight of the Night through four bouts.


[The two hug while sharing a moment of inaudible dialogue as the crowd goes wild. The Ringside Physicians pour into the octagon and begin inspecting and working on both fighters. A few moments pass by, and eventually the medical professionals file out. The announcer makes his way into the cage with the judge’s scorecard, and Jackson again helps Volkov out to the center of the cage as both fighters await the decision.]



Ladies and gentlemen, after three rounds, we go to the judges’ scorecards for a decision. Judge Patrick Thomson scores it 29-28 Jackson; Judge Gabriella Wall scores it 29-28 Volkov; and Judge Oliver Jacobs scores it 29-28, declaring your winner by split decision, Jason Jackson!


[The crowd cheers once again as Jackson has his hand raised in victory. Both fighters shake hands as a gesture of mutual respect before splitting off to each one’s crew. A graphic pops up on screen, breaking down the statistics of the fight while the commentators recap.]



Viktor Volkov 9 10 9: 28

Jason Jackson 10 9 10: 29



Viktor Volkov 10 10 9: 29

Jason Jackson 9 9 10: 28



Viktor Volkov 9 10 9: 28

Jason Jackson 10 9 10: 29

Winner: Jason Jackson by Split Decision 


Statistics: Viktor Volkov

Punches 31/42 (74%)

Kicks 3/8 (38%)

Clinch strikes 2/2 (100%)

Takedowns 0/0 (0%)

GnP strikes 5/5 (100%)

Submissions 2/2 (100%)

Clinch Attempts 0/0 (0%)

Time on the ground 91 s


Statistics: Jason Jackson

Punches 25/33 (76%)

Kicks 4/4 (100%)

Clinch strikes 9/9 (100%)

Takedowns 1/1 (100%)

GnP strikes 13/13 (100%)

Submissions 1/1 (100%)

Clinch Attempts 3/3 (100%)

Time on the ground 82 s

[Bodie makes his way into the cage with a microphone, and Jason gives him a big ass sweaty bro hug.]

Well, here we are. You did it. I hope you don’t think un-retiring gets you out of doing commentary with me though.

[Jason laughs and shakes his head before taking a drink of water and chucking his mouthpiece to the crowd.]

Wouldn’t dream of it, uce. I love being behind that desk just as much as I love being out here. They always say “You can’t have your cake and eat it too.” But I’m Jason Jackson, baby. I can do whatever the fuck I want.

[Bodie shakes his head in amusement, and holds the mic back up to speak again.]


So, I’m going to ask what the reporter asked at the press conference. Are you back? Or was this a one time thing?

[Jason thinks about it for a moment and finally nods.]

I know it’s cliche but in the words of John Wick? Yeah, I’m thinkin’ I’m back. Could’ve been a finish but Vik is tough as hell and I’m not sure how either of us are still standing. But I’d love to hold some gold one more time before I call it quits for good…

[Bodie gives him a side eye.]

No, for real this time. Once I’m done with this run it’s over and I’m not coming back. So we can call this the Farewell Tour. Big Rig’s Last Haul. Whatever sells tickets. I want big fights, stadiums packed, and knock down drag out brawls. Big respect to Vik Volkov though. That was one hell of a welcome back, and I’m pretty sure both of us are headed to the hospital after this. So I’ll see you there Vik. I got a bottle of liquor in my gym bag.

[Jason hands over the mic and goes to walk away, and then comes back and grabs it once more pointing at the motorcycle he rode in on.]

Hey. HEY! Someone tell Vik Volkov that’s his bike now. Merry Christmas, motherfucker. As always, never on time.

[He hands the mic back to Bodie and exits the cage before the feed fades out for the final commercial break.]






[As soon as the beat drops, the arena cuts to black. The crowd rumbles with anticipation and as soon as the heavy riff of the guitar shreds through the airwaves, brilliant white strobe lights illuminate the building. Plumes of fire pulse with the beat of the song on the main stage and just then, Alistair McKay makes his presence known. He never stops, but his pace is slow as to soak in the energy. Members of his training camp flank him from all sides a few steps behind, allowing the Australian flag he has draped over his shoulder room to flow.]






This is it, folks. The final fight of the night and right now we have the final Aussie fighter on the card. The unbeaten white-hot newcomer Alistair McKay is looking to add a new chapter in his career. If you’ve been living under a rock, Bombs Away McKay has left a path of destruction up to this point. He’s 7-0 with seven knockouts, all in the first round! There’s a saying that dynamite comes in small packages, and although McKay is a bit undersized even as a Lightweight, the dude has cinder blocks for hands. No question he poses the biggest threat to the reigning champions throne, and we could very well be witnessing a changing of the guard here tonight!


[McKay finally makes it to cageside, where he begins to disrobe. After handing off his warmups to a coach on his right, he goes down the line, giving a hug to each and everyone one of his cornermen. McKay then turns to the official, where he gets inspected and face greased. Once he’s been cleared, Alistair bear crawls up the steps then explodes in the cage by jumping high into the air. McKay runs a few laps around the perimeter of the octagon before finally settling into his corner.]








​["Devil’s Dance Floor" by Flogging Molly blasts over the loudspeaker and Delaney Donovan emerges to the stage wearing his Irish flag inspired walkout fight kit with crew members from his camp following behind. Donovan burrows his head down while slowly walking down the aisle.]



And for the final walkout of the night, it’s the 2021 Fighter of the Year, the undisputed Lightweight Champion Delaney Donovan! It was a historic year for Double D, earning a number of yearly awards on top of capturing a second championship concurrently. Delaney has an opportunity tonight to break another record in the Union GP history books. He is currently tied with Roscoe Robinson as having the most successful title defense in a single reign with five, and with a win tonight, he would be the sole holder of yet another accolade that seems unattainable to break at this point.



Talk about unfazed. Double D looks like he means business tonight. All this pressure. The Championship. These fans. An opponent like McKay, and STILL Delaney looks as comfortable as ever walking to the cage. Like I said earlier. This fight might be the first time we see McKay go to round two. It has all the potential in the world to be one of the greatest bouts in combat sports history. 


[Donovan makes it to cageside where he is checked up on by the fight official. Once cleared, he climbs up the steps and calmly takes his place in his corner while shadow boxing along the way.]



Ladies and gentlemen, it’s time for the Main Event of the evening! Sanctioned by the Professional Boxing and Combat Sports Board, our three judges scoring this contest at cageside are Patrick Thomson, Gabriella Wall, and Oliver Jacobs, and when the action begins, our referee in charge in the octagon is Dusty Whittaker. AND NOW, this is the moment you’ve all been waiting for! The following contest is scheduled for five rounds and it is for the Union Grand Prix Lightweight Championship! Introducing first, fighting out of the blue corner, a Boxer holding an unbeaten professional mixed martial arts record of 7-0. He stands 5’6”, and weighing in at 155 pounds. He is from Melbourne, New South Wales, Australia, fighting out of Real Killas MMA, presenting the former Everest MMA Featherweight Champion and the number one ranked Lightweight Contender in the World, “Artillery” Alistair McKay!


[The entire building is roaring at deafening volumes as Alistair McKay paces from side to side in his corner. He’s got the look of absolute focus drawn on his face that lets everyone know, he’s ready for battle.]



And his opponent, fighting out of the red corner, a Muay Thai Kickboxer holding a professional mixed martial arts record of 15-2. He stands 5’9”, and weighing in at 155 pounds. He is from Belfast, Northern Ireland, fighting out of The ScrapYard MMA, presenting the reigning, defending, undisputed Union Grand Prix Lightweight Champion of the World, “Double D” Delaney Donovan!


[Despite the accolades, despite the legacy, Delaney Donovan is in hostile territory and the fans let him know it. The boo birds are out in full force, but Donovan keeps his head down and focuses on his breathing. He stoically raises his head, then lets out a bloodthirsty battle cry and beats his chest. The referee steps to the center of the cage and motions for both fighters to meet. With the announcer standing behind, holding the microphone, Dusty Whittaker gives one final pep talk.]



Alright gentlemen, we’ve gone over the rules in the back. I want a good, clean fight. Protect yourself at all times and follow my instructions. If you wish to, touch gloves and let's do it.


[Without much hesitation, both Donovan and McKay touch gloves and backpedal to their corners. Dusty Whittkaer checks off with each fighter one last time and signals for the bell!]





[McKay looks spry and energetic as the fight begins, with the Aussie crowd fully behind him. Both fighters circle the edges of the cage, closing in and then disengaging as both men look to find their angles. Eventually, the champion looks for an opening and leads with a straight right hand but McKay scouts it, side steps and swings with a counter. Double D bobs, weaves, and avoids it and as the two try to reposition, McKay misses a step and Donovan seizes the opportunity to tie the challenger up in the clinch. To his surprise, and the delight of the live audience, Delaney almost immediately finds himself out grappled by McKay and does his best to break free from the clinch and duck away. On the break Alistair delivers a solid combo of punches but the champion’s defense stays true as he deftly blocks the strikes.]



Delaney looks for the clinch early here. It’s probably his best bet to keep the fight tight where he can eliminate the space McKay needs to generate and execute those big bombs.


[McKay grins and gestures toward Double D, beckoning him to bring it which Delaney obliges, narrowly avoiding the left hook that Alistair had waiting for him. It was followed up almost immediately by a straight left that, had it connected, likely would have brought the fight to its conclusion then and there. But this time it’s Double D who catches Alistair off guard, shooting in for a single leg takedown, managing to secure the leg briefly before McKay jumps backward, ripping his leg free from Donovan’s grasp.  Now it’s Delaney that’s smiling but McKay, ever the aggressor, goes right after him with another straight left. It doesn’t find it’s mark and playfully Delaney takes a few steps back, dipping his head to the left and right as if to tell the challenger that he can’t hit him.]



Delaney is showing off some blazing speed dodging those fists and looking like he was trying to shoot a single leg on a brick wall. I like where his head’s at though. 


[A little over a minute into the fight, McKay shows good movement, launching a hook to the body that Delaney avoids and it’s here where the champion has made a living, making his opponent pay for their aggression. But before he can capitalize on the missed body blow, McKay has already stepped back and out of Donovan’s range. Some might say it’s a show of respect, others would say it’s a purposeful decision to keep Delaney from getting comfortable and into a rhythm. Continuing to search for his angles, McKay throws a few jabs but Delaney this time doesn’t bother avoiding them, but instead counters with solid strikes of his own. Testing the champion’s chin, McKay nails an uppercut but pays for it by eating a solid cross from Double D in return.]



Quick trade off in the phone booth here and both fighters are throwing hammers at each other. We know Donovan has that ironclad chin, but man he’s gotta be careful in those exchanges.


[Following the right cross, Donovan lands a hook to the body that collides with Artillery’s ribs like a bomb. Alistair tries to answer with one of his own but misses. Another solid exchange follows that sees Donovan absorb a couple of jabs before uncorking another stiff cross in response. The champ does a good job to then back the challenger off, throwing a low kick that gets checked but forces Alistair to back off some. When the two reconverge the crowd erupts as a wild exchange of blows ignites. Both men land solid strikes, none of them quite managing to find the button but still leaving their mark. A wild haymaker from each that misses sees the end of the exchange as both circle back out and continue looking for their angles. But the fans are loving it and are really starting to get behind the hometown hero in Alistair McKay, with his name being chanted in chorus.]



Another wild exchange here and they are wearing the battle scars! McKay landed some solid shots but Delaney kept his head on a swivel and I think he was able to slip away from most of the damage.


[Three minutes into the first round, both men still look to be ready to go the distance but neither seem to have any intention of letting it go that far. McKay fires a flurry of punches that Donovan expertly avoids. Alistair then returns to the one tried and true method that has worked for him to this point,  throwing out a few jabs that find their mark but eventually leave him on the receiving end of a  fantastic one two combination from the champion. As Donovan dips back to reassess and find his angles once more, McKay throws a wicked left hook that narrowly misses its mark. Here, however, McKay shows just how well timed his punches can be, blasting Delaney with a follow up right.]



Alistair McKay is starting to find a rhythm, but for every shot he lands, Delaney Donovan comes back with two.


[Pressing the action, McKay swings again but this time Delaney manages to step back and avoid the strike and quickly finds the opening in Artillery’s defense that he’s been looking for to this point. Double D fires a flurry of combinations, splitting the lip of the challenger. A quick camera shot to McKay’s corner shows a hint of concern on their faces. Instinctively, McKay throws a hook to Donovan’s body in an effort to bring the rain of combinations to an end and it finds Delaney’s ribs solidly. The champion manages to brush it off, however, and instantaneously responds with a roundhouse punch that draws a gasp from the crowd as Alistair stumbles upon its impact.]



Double D has got the challenger fumbling on Bambi legs here! McKay is in trouble!


[McKay finds his footing, however, and turns to throw an uppercut at the pursuing Delaney Donovan. The champ is quick and agile enough to avoid the uppercut but he never sees McKay’s own spinning back fist that collides with Donovan’s chin. Quickly, Alistair throws another hook to the body but misses and leaves himself open and finds himself tied up in double underhooks by the champion. With all of the notorious power of the champion, this is where the world has seen him thrive in the past. Using his positioning and strength, Donovan shoves McKay against the fence and unloads a series of brutal strikes. Those blows are followed by two straight unanswered uppercuts that wobble the legs of the challenger!]



Alistair McKay is throwing wildly, setting nothing up and gets pressed up against the fence. Hopefully he can settle back down a bit. 


[Once more the crowd gasps, beginning to stand on their feet. Their chants for McKay grow louder, trying to give him that little bit of extra help and adrenaline to get himself out of the predicament he finds himself in. Donovan looks for the clock, gauging how much time he has left in the round as it's nearing its end. The camera crew manages to get a clear shot of McKay’s chin which is swollen and showing signs of bruising now. He tries to escape the clinch, looking to shrug his way out of it but Delaney pummels through and keeps his position. As a reward for his attempt to get away, McKay absorbs vicious shots to his ribs and again the camera crew catches a glimpse of his expression, pain in his eyes as the blows land. Again, he tries to push away to break free and again Delaney Donovan says no as the ten second warning goes off.]



This is getting bad Bodie. 



Alistair McKay could be injured right now. He looks completely deflated and showing little signs of life. 


[McKay’s corner is screaming at him, imploring him to just survive. Survive a few more seconds. Get to the bench. That’s all he has to do. But in the midst of their shouts, Donovan uncorks a flurry of punches. Five seconds to go. The punches land. Four seconds to go. Over and over and McKay just can’t get away. Three seconds to go and the champion is relentless, leaving it all in the cage at the end of the first. Two seconds to go the rain of punches is endless and Alistair doesn’t seem to be defending himself. His right cheek is beginning to swell and a stream of blood, the slight, is starting to flow. One second to go, he eats another strike from the champion and now the referee has seen enough, jumping in to pull Delaney off. Right at the death.]



Did… Did McKay get saved by the bell? 


[The crowd erupts! Some elated, thinking Alistair had managed to survive. Others furious, knowing that the referee had stepped in at the absolute last moment. McKay seems out on his feet as the bell sounds. Dazed and confused he’s guided back to his corner to be checked on by the doctor. Simultaneously Delaney sprints to his own corner, pulling himself up onto the cage and raising his arms in victory. Boo’s reign down upon him, and likely on the referee as well, but there’s elation in his eyes as the scene shifts to the commentary crew.]

Wait, no! Referee Dusty Whittaker is calling it off! This one is all over, folks! A buzzer beater finish for the reigning Lightweight Champion! Unbelievable!


[The Ringside Physicians enter the octagon and immediately get to work on both fighters. The boo’s continue to surge and a close-up shot of Alistair McKay clearly shows a very upset and confused tone. After a few moments pass by, McKay gets to his feet and as he makes his way to the center, a few inaudible words are directed at the official, obviously not complimenting his mustache. The medical staff file out of the cage and the spectators await the official call.]



Ladies and gentlemen, referee Dusty Whittaker has called for a stop in this fight at five minutes in the very first round, declaring your winner by technical knockout, AND STILL the undisputed Union Grand Prix Lightweight Champion of the World, “Double D” Delaney Donovan!


[The crowd continues to blister the ruling with disparaging slander as Donovan has his hand raised in victory and the title wrapped around his waist. Both fighters shake hands as a sign of mutual respect before splitting off to each one’s crew. A graphic pops up on screen, breaking down the statistics of the fight while the commentators recap.]


Winner: Delaney Donovan by TKO (Punches) at 5:00 Round 1


Statistics: Delaney Donovan

Punches 18/20 (90%)

Kicks 0/0 (0%)

Clinch strikes 8/11 (73%)

Takedowns 0/1 (0%)

GnP strikes 0/0 (0%)

Submissions 0/0 (0%)

Clinch Attempts 1/1 (100%)

Time on the ground 0 s


Statistics: Alistair McKay

Punches 9/37 (24%)

Kicks 0/0 (0%)

Clinch strikes 0/0 (0%)

Takedowns 0/0 (0%)

GnP strikes 0/0 (0%)

Submissions 0/0 (0%)

Clinch Attempts 0/0 (0%)

Time on the ground 0 s


[The chaos has subdued to manageable levels at this point and Bodie Sullivan enters the octagon. With a microphone in hand, he grabs the attention of the champ for a quick word.]

Ladies and gentlemen, I am here with the defending champ Delaney Donovan. Double D, bit of an awkward finish to this fight, however, you had Alistair McKay completely guessing. Talk to me about your preparations and game plan for this fight. 



Yeah, Bodie. First off, I know I’m the bad guy here tonight, but in all sincerity, I want to thank you all for coming out here tonight. Before the night got going, I had heard we had over fifty-six thousand in attendance. That shatters the precious attendance record for Union, so I just want to show my appreciation for you all. 


[The crowd slowly begins to turn into a mixture of cheers and boos as Delaney continues.]



And secondly, I want to thank Alistair McKay for this fight. This is the hardest I’ve trained in a long time for a fight, and I knew I had to be at my best. I knew he was going to come out swinging, so I had to keep moving. I knew I couldn’t let myself stay in the center line and take those shots he’s built his reputation on. I had to stick and move and when the time was right, catch him in a clinch and work in my Muay Thai. He’s a helluva guy in and out of the cage. You know I was in this same position in my first title shot. Unbeaten and rolling, but Hanako humbled me and revealed to me another level to this sport. I think McKay is in that same position. He’ll be right back in it, hopefully against someone else. 


[Delaney gives a slight chuckle, which sets up the perfect segway to Bodie‘s next question.]



Before the fight you laid out a perfect scenario road map to your last few fights on your contract. You got past McKay tonight, and now we wait to see the result between Erick Costa and Abbie Peterson. At the presser you spoke about some potential super fights with the likes of Gianna Howard, Dallas Meechan, and a rematch with Travis Decker. What do you want next?


[Delaney takes a deep inhale through the nose and ponders that question before answering.]



To be honest, I don’t know just yet. All I know is that I want to get back home, rest up and enjoy this win. With three fights left on my contract, I feel like I could defend this belt at least one or two more times if the stars align. But at this stage in my career, I’m stacking legacy fights. I’ve done more than I ever dreamed of when I was rookie, so I think with these last couple fights ahead, I think I’d like to have some fun with it. 

I think we can all agree that every time you walk through those cage doors, it’s a fight for the ages. Delaney, you now solely hold the record for most title defenses in one reign, just another feather in your cap. Any final words?



Yeah one last thing, I want to thank my teammates and my coaches. It’s a team effort within a one man sport. We continue to push each other, raise each other up, and set the standard of what a gym should be in MMA. 


[Delaney nods at Bodie and takes a slight step back, indicating he’s finished with the interview. Bodie takes the hint and wraps things up.]



Alright, sir. Congratulations once again on retaining the title. Ladies and gentlemen, give it up for your defending Lightweight Champion, Delaney Donovan!


[The crowd continues to be on a swing of cheers and jeers at this point, but the sight of Delaney and Alistair embracing in one last bro hug together tips the scales to misty cheers. The feed then fades out, leaving the Battleground Network logo the final shot of the program.]

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