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APRIL 26, 2020







Follow Tensley Taylor on Twitter




Ladies and gentlemen, we are live exclusively on the Battleground Network here at the Minsk Arena in Minsk, Belarus for Boss Fight Eighteen! And now, this opening contest is scheduled for three rounds in the Union Grand Prix Lightweight Division. Introducing first, fighting out of the blue corner, a Brazilian Jiu-Jitsu Grappler holding a professional mixed martial arts record of 1-4. He stands 5’10”, and weighing in at 155 pounds. He is from London, Ontario, Canada, he is “The Wolfman” Warren Leibowitz!


[Warren Leibowitz looks a bit uneasy. Hopefully this doesn't affect his performance.]



Warren looks like he wants to make a name for himself tonight. He's been stuck at the bottom of the Lightweight division for a while now. In a division that's always growing is it worth it to keep a guy around who can't find a win to save his life? He's a talented dude who just hasn't put it all together. I think tonight could be that spark though.



This is a must win fight for Warren Leibowitz. His record coming into this one would indicate that he’s just not ready for this level of competition. Maybe a spot fighting on Rob Jones row boat would be better suited for him. We’ll see. This is likely his last opportunity to prove he has any real value, or poses any kind of threat, here in Union.



And his opponent, fighting out of the red corner, a Boxer holding a professional mixed martial arts record of 1-0. He stands 5’7”, and weighing in at 155 pounds. He is from San Juan, Puerto Rico, fighting out of Lion’s Den FC Las Vegas, he is Erick Costa!


[Ferocious staredown by Costa while Dusty Whittaker recites the rules.]



On the other end of the spectrum from Warren Leibowitz, tonight could be a night that Erick Costa sends himself upward into the stratosphere. An emphatic finish will get people talking about him and anticipating seeing him fight some of the better competition in the lightweight division. It’s a lot of pressure, and there are likely more eyes on him tonight than he’s ever had on any of his fights. It will be interesting to see if he rises to the moment, or crumbles in the spotlight.



Costa is very interesting to me. He showed flashes of a very good fighter in his debut but there were still some questions to be asked. Warren is not just going to come out and lay down for him and he's going to make sure Erick has his work cut out for him.



Leibowitz looks like he knows the pressure is on him tonight. Trust me, nobody likes the view when you’re looking at what could potentially be the last fight of your career. You put so many hours into getting to this point, so much of yourself, and when the ride is over it sucks. Maybe he’ll find a way to keep the music going for a little while longer. But Erick Costa looks like a man determined to put Leibowitz time in Union GP to bed for good.






[The bell announces the first round and both fighters tap gloves as the fight begins. Warren Leibowitz fakes a jab and launches a nice uppercut that lands on Costa's chin. Erick Costa quickly fires back and tries a nice one-two combination and scores some points himself.]



Yo Erick ate that punch and came back with some punches of his own. They're letting the hands go early.



No doubt about it. Honestly, it’s good to see Leibowitz come out as aggressive as he has. With four losses to his name the man needs to be leaving it all out here tonight. 


[Warren Leibowitz and Erick Costa circling the cage before Leibowitz grabs his Costa by the waist and tries to take the fight to the ground. He does and scores the takedown. Warren Leibowitz is in open guard over Costa. Costa tries to close his guard around Leibowitz. He succeeds! Costa tries to roll on the ground! Warren Leibowitz uses his leg to keep his position. Warren Leibowitz looks to posture up and open Erick Costa's guard.]



I’m a bit surprised here to be honest, Pluggz. I thought this was a fight that Costa was going to run away with but Warren Leibowitz has him completely confused.



Warren is doing a good job keeping his position. On the ground I think that's better to have more than anything. Whoever got the best position got the best advantage and that's important.


[Leibowitz tries to improve his position.He frees a leg. Erick Costa attempts to move to full guard and does. He looks a little gassed though and tries hammer punching Leibowitz's ribs. Leibowitz blocks those punches. Costa then tries to close his guard around Leibowitz but is not able to. Instead Leibowitz looks for a better position and he gets to half guard.]



Costa looks lost out there on the mat. Thing is Warren ain't doing nothing. Where Dusty at? Come on bro stand these dudes back up. 



Man look, Leibowitz just transitioned to half guard. You gotta let them work. I know you like to throw those big ass hands but you can’t be standing guys back up just because they take a second to analyze the situation they’re in to figure out what to do next.


[Erick Costa attempts to move to full guard in half guard. Warren Leibowitz tries to pass Erick Costa's guard. Erick Costa's guard is too good and he fails to pass and Costa puts Warren Leibowitz in closed guard... Costa tries to roll on the ground! Nice reversal! He is now in full mount over Warren Leibowitz!] 



Costa better get to work if he wanna change this round around.


[Costa tries to keep his position while looking to maybe begin some ground and pound. Erick Costa controls the situation despite Warren Leibowitz efforts for escaping from the full mount. Leibowitz tries to escape from the full mount. Leibowitz struggles and the fight stalls before Dusty Whittaker stands the fighters up due to a lack of activity. Both fighters continue the fight on their feet.]



About damn time bruh. 



Not about damn time. That was the RIGHT time to stand them back up. When things had stalled out and neither were making any attempt to improve their position or engage. You strikers are fuckin annoying sometimes.


You don't score points by transitions. Sure, let them work but strike it up, put in some subs. Score some points. 


[Costa throws a hook that fails to land. They size each other up in the center of the cage and Costa clearly looks gassed. Leibowitz looks to swing for the fences and begins launching some punches. So does Costa but none of their shots are landing with much steam. Erick Costa launches a rapid series of punches that glance off Leibowitz's arms by a hair.]



Both of these guys ain't got nothing going. Costa is tired in the first round and Warren has looked for the holes but he hasn't been accurate.



And that’s why you let a guy like Warren get his work in on the ground. That’s how he keeps himself in the fight, by forcing Costa to work and expend his energy. What you expect Warren to do just stand there and let Costa punch him in the face, and hope you can do better when that’s not his strong suit?



On the ground I need to see Warren work for those punches. Go get that sub. The takedowns will help with the score. But he has to stay offensive and not just try and keep the better position.


[Costa launches a stiff jab! Leibowitz ducks that one. Costa misses a step and Warren Leibowitz sees an opportunity to counter him!  Low kick by Warren Leibowitz to maintain his distance. That hits Erick Costa's ankle and forces him to step back before the fighters circle the cage . A right hand from Erick Costa lands square and makes Leibowitz stumble back as the crowd gets loud for that shot.]



See, that’s exactly what I’m talking about. Leibo can’t just stand and bang with Costa. He’s gotta fight smarter than that.



That's what Costa needed. Warren was just in his face. I believe just waiting for another chance to shoot for the takedown. That lick will keep him back a little bit.


[Leibowitz leads with a punch. Erick Costa evades and launches a couple of jabs and then a big hook! Leibowitz blocks and tries to circle around. Warren Leibowitz moves forward and launches a low kick.Hard blow to Costa's right thigh.]



Costa doesn't wanna take another one of those kicks to the thigh. They'll slow him down even more and put him in a tough spot.


[Warren Leibowitz shoots for a double leg takedown! He hits it! Erick manages to pull Leibowitz into his guard right as Dusty steps in as the round ends.]



Costa bounced back in the round but I'm still giving this one to Warren. He controlled the pace and made Erick fight his game. 



I agree. I think finishing the round with that double leg right at the death put him up on the scorecards. If you’re in Costa’s corner you need to calm him down and get him to focus on his strengths. Keep his range, tag Warren up when he can and keep looking for openings.






[Erick Costa fakes a punch and shows some footwork moving aside. Tremendous strikes from Costa! That Leibowitz blocks with confidence. Costa looks for angles as he throws a few jabs that are countered by Warren Leibowitz's punches. Costa sends the punches back. Leibowitz is on the receiving end of a great combo. Costa decides to launch some tentative punches. Leibowitz launches a couple of jabs that are answered by Costa with a stiff cross as he gets the better of Warren.]



Erick is landing right now. I think he knows he lost that last round. He must win this one.



I’m not sure I understand the strategy for Warren to start off the second round. You don’t want to trade with Costa, that’s just not a winning strategy. But that’s what a shite corner will do for you. Take you away from what was working and leave you out there in the hanging in the wind.


[Erick Costa wants this win. He unleashes a kick. Warren is looking to counter. Erick Costa spins around suddenly and his backfist connects flush with Leibowitz's chin!]



Ohhhhh Shit cuz!


[Costa looks for angles as he throws a few jabs that are countered by Warren Leibowitz's punches. Both fighters begin wildly hitting the air!]



Calm down lad, fucks sake you’ve got to settle those emotions and take advantage of the opening presented to you. 


[Costa tries to grapple. Leibowitz moves aside keeping the fight a striking range.Leibowitz leads with a punch. Erick Costa avoids it and lands flush with a counter uppercut! Erick Costa then tries a nice one-two combination that gets blocked. Erick Costa closes the distance before a bone-shattering straight left hand from Erick hits Leibowitz. He's going to have a big headache after that one.]



Erick is teeing off out there. Warren and his camp better get something together before Warren gets dropped bro.



I don’t know how many times it has to be said but Warrens corner has him fighting Costa’s fight this round and it shows. 


[Costa looks to shoot and is holding Warren Leibowitz's right leg... He's trying to take him down. Warren Leibowitz shows great balance while pushing away Erick Costa. Leibowitz is trying to counter now! Warren Leibowitz tries to take the action to his favourite field as he tries to grapple. Great move by Warren Leibowitz who pushes his opponent forward with a double underhooks.]



Smart by Warren. He didn't have a answer for those punches so he-s trying to slow Costa down by taking him down. I think Costa should get out of this clinch and go for the kill.



And Warren should look to sweep Costa off his feet and put him on his back. 


[Both fighters are tied in a clinch. Costa takes a break to breathe while Dusty Whittaker sees a lack of activity in the clinch and separates the fighters. Erick Costa leads with a looping right hand while Warren Leibowitz jumps back and jabs. Costa seems staggered and Warren Leibowitz runs to capitalize with a bunch of jabs and crosses.]



Cuz!! He rocked E.C. He hurt too. I smell trouble right now.



Warrens got him on the ropes now put him on his back and finish the fight. You’ve got to.. OH SHIT!


[Costa moves forward and tries a Superman punch! Bang! That crushes Leibowitz's. Costa pushes Warren Leibowitz and moves away from him. He seems to be recovering his breath.Erick Costa suddenly spins around...and he connects with a spinning back fist just on Leibowitz's chin!]



The Superman Punch to the Spinning Back Fist. Man, Warren gotta good chin. Costa has been showing off his arsenal. Really dominating this round.



You said it best. He had to win this round and he came out swinging like he knew it.


[Bone shattering straight left hand from Erick Costa connects. Costa seems hesitant as if he would give the initiative to Warren. Costa decides to launch some tentative punches and takes the best of a brief punching exchange.Costa launches a furious hook! Leibowitz ducks under and pushes Erick Costa creating some space. Erick Costa spins around suddenly again and his backfist connects flush with Leibowitz's chin! Leibowitz's Chin is beginning to swell.]



Warren has no answer for that and Costa knows it.



He’s just beating the shite out of that lad now. 


[A Shovel hook by Erick Costa tags Leibowitz. There is a small laceration on Warren Leibowitz's Left cheek. The buzzer sounds, marking the end of the round. Dusty tells the fighters to go to their corner.]



Clearly Costa won the round and made this a fight man. If he keeps it standing I think he's going to win but if Warren gets the takedown he's going to be the victor.



It’s likely one-one on the judges scorecards and with Costa in full control. We’ll see if Leibowitz corner continues to be a detriment, or if they get their fighter back to what was clearly working wonderfully in the first round.






[Costa dodges a strike and counters with a crushing hook that almost lifts Leibowitz from the ground! Costa and Leibowitz circle around the center of the cage. A right hand from Erick Costa surprises Leibowitz! They engage in a wild exchange of punches! Erick Costa is getting the best of the exchange as he lands a few blows. Erick Costa just won't stop and continues to rain punches. Leibowitz is in trouble.]



This how you win fights bruh. Go all out and Erick is doing that shit right now fam.


[Quick hook by Erick Costa. Good shot! Leibowitz has reasons to be worried. His nose is beginning to swell. Brutal combination from Erick Costa! Leibowitz is in a bad way, his legs look wobbly! Leibowitz crumples to the mat and Costa moves in to finish him. Dusty jumps in and stops the fight! Leibowitz's Chin is beginning to swell.]



I knew he was done man. You can't take all those shots at one time and expect to live.



Any young fighters out there need to watch this fight and learn one big lesson. One round does not make a whole fight. You can recover from one bad round and still put on an impressive and dominant performance. Hell of a knockout by Costa, even if it took a little longer for him to get there than I expected.


[The crowd explodes into cheers and Costa is swarmed by his corner crew in celebration. Doctors tend to Leibowitz for a while before helping him to his feet. After doctors and cut men finish their work, both fighters meet back to the center of the octagon for the official call.]



Ladies and gentlemen, referee Dusty Whittaker has called for a stop in this fight at one minute ten seconds in the third and final round, for your winner by knockout, Erick Costa!


[The crowd cheers once again as Costa has his hand raised in victory. Both fighters shake hands as a gesture of mutual respect before splitting off to each one’s crew. A graphic pops up on screen, breaking down the statistics of the fight as the commentators recap.]


Winner: Erick Costa by KO (Punches) at 1:10 Round 3


Statistics: Erick Costa

Punches 34/61 (56%)

Kicks 0/1 (0%)

Clinch strikes 0/1 (0%)

Takedowns 0/1 (0%)

GnP strikes 0/1 (0%)

Submissions 0/0 (0%)

Clinch Attempts 0/0 (0%)

Time on the ground 132 s


Statistics: Warren Leibowitz

Punches 14/21 (67%)

Kicks 2/2 (100%)

Clinch strikes 0/0 (0%)

Takedowns 2/2 (100%)

GnP strikes 0/0 (0%)

Submissions 0/0 (0%)

Clinch Attempts 0/0 (0%)

Time on the ground 132 s



Ladies and gentlemen, the following contest is scheduled for three rounds in the Union Grand Prix Bantamweight Division. Introducing first, fighting out of the blue corner, a Tang Soo Do Striker holding a professional mixed martial arts record of 2-1. He stands 5’11”, and weighing in at 135 pounds. He is from Baton Rouge, Louisiana, fighting out of 36th Street MMA, he is “Chef” Arnie Huynh!


[Arnie Huynh raises his fists in his corner. He seems confident.]



Arnie Huynh is coming off a defeat in the first round against Griffin Dawson and certainly will be looking to reestablish himself in the bantamweight division here tonight. Of his three fights, all of them have ended in a finish one way or the other, and as I mentioned in the pre-show, none of them have made it out of the first round either. He’s explosive, dangerous and you’ve got to imagine looking forward to the chance to redeem himself here this evening.



Arnie is one of those guys who mix it up so well. You're looking to defend against a punch and then the next thing you know there's a kick flying toward your head. Those guys are hard to game plan against and Saffron has a tough time against fighters like Arnie. Which is why I'm picking him to win this fight.



And his opponent, fighting out of the red corner, a Brazilian Jiu-Jitsu Grappler holding a professional mixed martial arts record of 6-6. She stands 5’5”, and weighing in at 130 pounds. She is from Fayetteville, Arkansas, fighting out of Throne MMA Las Vegas, she is Saffron Harris!


[Saffron Harris looks at the ground while she does her breathing exercises. She knows she can not fail tonight.]



On the other hand, his opponent is one of the most well rounded fighters in all of Union GP. She’s got a wealth of experience in big time fights, though she’s not yet been able to break through that glass ceiling and be named among the elite fighters of the bantamweight division. A win here tonight could earn her a shot at Zari Aaliyah or the loser of the upcoming Lauren Moore and Dallas Meechan bantamweight title fight. A loss, though, and Saffron might find herself searching for answers about where to go from here on out. I picked her to win in the pre-show and I’ll stick by that pick, but it could easily go either way.



Saffron has been rising up the division and I'm sure is eyeing a contender fight in the near future. A win here tonight could help her with that case. If she wants to win though she's going to have to move. She can't let Arnie stay in front of her and get good looks and angles on the shots he's going to take. If she can do that she could leave with her hands raised.



Here we go!






[Harris and Huynh move forward as the bell signals the start to the round. Huynh and Harris circle around the center of the cage. Low kick by Saffron Harris to maintain her distance. That hits Arnie Huynh's ankle. Huynh decides to launch some tentative punches and Saffron Harris takes the best of a brief punching exchange.]



Already like what I'm seeing from both of them. Let the hands go and let's see who better.



That’s definitely the fight that Arnie wants to see unfold but Saffron needs to manage the fight. Keep up with those kicks and force Arnie to be wary of them every time he steps in to swing.


[A Shovel hook by Arnie Huynh tags Harris. Arnie Huynh tries a high kick! Harris was covering for a middle kick but that one almost knocked off her head!]



Arnie tried to end this one early my guy. Saffron just dodged a bullet.



Jesus Christ, anywhere else except for in the cage and that man is going to jail for assault after that kick. Fucking brutal.


[Both fighters circle around the center of the cage. They size each other up in the center of the cage. Arnie Huynh goes with a looping right hand while Saffron Harris jumps back and jabs. Huynh seems staggered and Saffron Harris runs to capitalize with a bunch of jabs and crosses.]



Saffron countered beautifully. That's how they teach us in the gym. 



Good recovery on her part no doubt. She did the smart thing and managed to put distance between herself and Arnie, and for whatever reason he didn’t look to pour it on her. Could be a mistake her lives to regret.


[Huynh decides to launch some tentative punches and Arnie Huynh takes the best of a brief punching exchange. Harris looks to circle and Arnie Huynh attempts to cut off Harris with punches. Harris reels from the strikes. Incredible high kick from Arnie but Harris deflects and side steps. Arnie Huynh starts with the action and goes with a looping right hand while Saffron Harris jumps back and jabs. Huynh seems staggered again and Saffron Harris runs to capitalize with a bunch of jabs and crosses.]



Saffron is timing a lot of Arnie's shots. That's tape work right there. 



Yup, she’s doing a nice job using his aggression against him right now but she needs to keep moving and not stay a stationary target for him.


[Huynh launches a furious low kick! Harris receives a hard blow on her right leg! Here comes Arnie Huynh with a vicious middle kick! That lands hard on Harris's ribs! Hard blow to Harris's mid-section, she seems hurt as she crumbles a bit.]



Straight to the liver. Saffron is hurt bad. 


[Huynh spins around and tries a spinning back kick! Saffron Harris was not expecting It. The kick  lands on her chin! Is this over?]



Goddam cuz!!! How the fuck she still standing? Arnie set that up perfectly.



Tough as nails. That shot would have put ninety nine percent of the fighters in the world on their ass. But she’s still standing and looking for more. All the damn heart in the world in that lass.


[Both fighters circle around the center of the cage. Harris steps forward and Arnie Huynh catches her with an uppercut to the face! Harris has a small cut on her mouth. Huynh throws a hook that hits its mark before he takes a few seconds to recover his breath and feints. Arnie Huynh continues to push the pace and just won't stop as he continues to rain punches. Harris corner tells out instructions but she's in trouble! Her left eye is beginning to swell.]



Arnie has been quicker to the punch and has Saffron guessing. He's mixed it up well and and she doesn't know what could be coming.



She was doing well in the early going to neutralize him and make him pay for being overly aggressive. But that series of kicks in the middle of the round, the one that caught her in the liver and set up that head kick… the fight has really turned on its head since then.


[Arnie Huynh steps forward and fires a high kick! Vicious high kick and it lands flush. Huynh moves forward and shows some wrestling skills as he puts Saffron in a double overhook! Both fighters are tied in a clinch.Arnie Huynh tries to shrug his way out of the clinch. Huynh circles out and slips free of Saffron Harris's grip. Nice job of getting out of that position.]



With Saffron hurt I don't know why Arnie would look to clinch. 



It’s a questionable decision for sure. Could just be the pure frustration of managing to land so many big strikes and still not put her away.


[Huynh and Harris circle around the center of the cage. Arnie looks for an Incredible high kick! Harris is worried! Harris seems a bit groggy, her movements are not very coordinated now as she's dazed.]



He's about to finish her bro. Has too. She's hurt bad bruh.



She’s fading. I don’t know how she’s still standing to be honest. He’s got to be careful, though, because he was pouring it on against Griffin as well and she turned that fight on its head and stopped him on a dime. He doesn’t want to experience that ever again.


[Huynh and Harris circle around the center of the cage and Harris is still a bit dazed. Huynh studies Saffron looking for a hole in her defense but Herschel Warden separates the fighters as the round concludes. The fighters shake hands as they head back to their corners.]



Saved by the bell. Saffron and her coaches have their work cut out. Arnie did whatever he wanted.



She’s got to fight her fight. Let him be aggressive but keep moving. The worst thing she’s done is stay stationary and allow him to tee off on her. If I’m in her corner I’m begging her to keep her head moving, keep changing levels. And when he gets too aggressive you make him pay. Her jabs dazed him a couple times. She needs to find those moments and then swarm.






[The round begins with an Incredible high kick! Harris gets nailed. Saffron attempts to shoot but Arnie Huynh hops back and delivers a powerful kick to her head! She drops to the mat and Arnie pummels her with blows before Herschel  pulls off Arnie Huynh! Harris seems confused and a bit dazed as the bell sounds the bout over.]



Saffron never recovered from that first round. Arnie went in for the finish and did just that.



She was fading at the end of the first and apparently might have been out on her feet. Congrats to Arnie for the finish, and hey. Welcome to the second round of a fight, Arnie.


[The crowd explodes into cheers and Huynh is swarmed by his corner crew in celebration. Doctors tend to Harris for a while before helping her to her feet. After doctors and cut men finish their work, both fighters meet back to the center of the octagon for the official call.]



Ladies and gentlemen, referee Herschel Warden has called for a stop in this fight at forty seconds in the second round, for your winner by technical knockout, “Chef” Arnie Huynh!


[The crowd cheers once again as Huynh has his hand raised in victory. Both fighters shake hands as a gesture of mutual respect before splitting off to each one’s crew. A graphic pops up on screen, breaking down the statistics of the fight as the commentators recap.]


Winner: Arnie Huynh by TKO (High Kick) at 0:40 Round 2


Statistics: Saffron Harris

Punches 10/18 (56%)

Kicks 1/1 (100%)

Clinch strikes 0/0 (0%)

Takedowns 0/0 (0%)

GnP strikes 0/0 (0%)

Submissions 0/0 (0%)

Clinch Attempts 0/0 (0%)

Time on the ground 0 s


Statistics: Arnie Huynh

Punches 12/18 (67%)

Kicks 8/9 (89%)

Clinch strikes 0/0 (0%)

Takedowns 0/0 (0%)

GnP strikes 0/0 (0%)

Submissions 0/0 (0%)

Clinch Attempts 0/0 (0%)

Time on the ground 0 s



Ladies and gentlemen, the following contest is scheduled for three rounds in the Union Grand Prix Middleweight Division. Introducing first, fighting out of the blue corner, a Brazilian Jiu-Jitsu Grappler holding a professional mixed martial arts record of 1-0. He stands 5’11”, and weighing in at 185 pounds. He is from Birmingham, England, he is Nigel “The Magic Man” Musgrove!


[Nigel Musgrove is calm in his corner. He looks confident of his abilities.]



They call him the magic man, and he’ll be looking to pull a rabbit out of the hat tonight against one of the most fearsome fighters of the middleweight division in The Hammer. Some would say Nigel outperformed expectations in his last fight and I would probably agree with that. But victories build confidence and maybe he can take the momentum from the previous decision victory and use it to stun the world again tonight.



From what I saw in Nigel's debut he can do a little bit of everything. He's going to come into this fight and look to improve on some of the mistakes he made in his win. If he wants to make a splash right now in the middleweight division then a win over Brendan would do just that.



And his opponent, fighting out of the red corner, a Wrestler holding a professional mixed martial arts record of 2-1. He stands 5’11”, and weighing in at 185 pounds. He is from Bangor, Northern Ireland, fighting out of The ScrapYard MMA, he is Brendan “The Hammer” McCarthy!



The Hammer, though someone I personally wouldn’t mind seeing getting his face punched in, is one of ScrapYards finest young products. He’s been a bit up and down early in his career, with a tough loss to Byron McCall on his record in which he was completely outworked, but with some strong victories to his name as well. Tonight is about reasserting himself in the division after a nasty injury to his right hand put him on the shelf for months. Will he still be the same fighter he was before? We’ll find out soon enough.



Brendan is one of those guys on the cusp of possibly being a contender. He has good tools and can wrestle like a motherfucker. If he can hone in on his skills he'll be a bad bad man but for now he has to deal with one of the newest fighters in the division. It's going to be cool to see what these guys wanna go out there and do. 


[People are cheering for this fighter. You can hear Brendan McCarthy chants all around the place! Brendan McCarthy is beating himself up in the corner before the fight begins, smacking himself in the face, body and legs to get ready for his scrap.]



I'm expecting fireworks in this one. I really can't decide on who I think will pull it off. If it was a toss up though I would say Brendan. His wrestling could be the key to victory.



Both fighters look ready to go, but I like the look of confidence that Musgrove has on his face right now. He’s cool, calm and collected and I’ve always found that to be the best state of a mind for a fighter to be in in the moments before a fight.






[The bell sounds and the fighters meet in the center of the cage with a touch of the gloves. They circle the cage before Nigel Musgrove fakes a jab and shows some footwork moving aside. Musgrove looks for angles as he throws a few jabs that are countered by Brendan McCarthy's punches before Nigel McCarthy is on the receiving end of a great combo by Musgrove. McCarthy throws a hook that Nigel dodges, rushing McCarthy and getting him in double overhooks. Nigel Musgrove tries to shrug his way out of the clinch but McCarthy is determined to work from the clinch. He pummels through and manages to retain his position.]



Nigel's came out and has been trying to set the pace early. 



It’s an interesting decision on Brendan’s part to fight out of the clinch as that’s really not where his strong suit is. He’s a lad that wants to either stand up and bang, or put you on your back and hammer your face into the canvas. We’ll see how it works out for him.


[Musgrove tries wrestling Brendan McCarthy to the ground... McCarthy shows some good defense but on his way out is tagged with a crushing hook to the jaw. This causes a small laceration to appear on Brendan McCarthy's Chin. Both fighters clinch each other. Musgrove struggles and launches a few punches to McCarthy's head. Those punches are hitting! McCarthy finally gets his hands up and covers. He doesn't want to clinch as he ducks under Nigel Musgrove embrace and tries to move away...Nigel Musgrove pushes McCarthy forward and doesn't allow him to break the clinch.]



A couple more of those punches and this one could be faneto.



Nah, one thing about us Irish lads. You can punch us in the head all day long and we’ll keep standing. Thing is, Nigel’s quickly going up on the judges scorecards early on. And that cut above his eye is going to pose problems in the long run. 


[Musgrove grabs one of Brendan McCarthy's arms and tries a Hip Throw. Brendan McCarthy lands hard on his back. Musgrove elects to step backwards and Brendan McCarthy stands up. The fight circle before Musgrove closes the distance with a hook that connects . A right hand from Brendan McCarthy comes firing back toward Musgrove but it gets deflected. Nigel Musgrove shoots with a  one leg takedown...but Brendan McCarthy jumps backwards and frees his leg.]



Brendan needs to be more on the offensive. Get a little aggressive coz right now Nigel is doing a good job of just staying in front of him.



The biggest concern I had about Brendan coming into this fight was that he was coming off a tough injury to his right hand and that right hand has been his bread and butter. Right now, he doesn’t look like the same fighter he was before that injury.


[Both fighters circle around the center of the cage. McCarthy shows the jab before changing levels and shooting for the takedown!Nigel Musgrove didn't see it coming and gets took off his feet. Brendan McCarthy is in open guard over Musgrove. McCarthy tries to improve his position and closes his guard momentarily before McCarthy breaks the closed guard and moves to half guard. Brendan McCarthy gets to side mount and launches a couple of elbows against Musgrove's ribs. Musgrove face showing the pain from those elbows.]



Brendan can turn this round around if he can continue to work and score some points. 



Yep, and Nigel isn’t going to want to let Brendan transition that easily. You dont want to let that man get to mount on you.


[McCarthy tries to move to full mount but Musgrove won't allow him to take this position easily as he gets back to half guard. He then attempts to move to full guard and succeeds. McCarthy tries to open up Musgrove with a few strikes with his right elbow. Musgrove defends well against them. Brendan McCarthy fakes some punches and Musgrove ties him up, isolating an arm in a kimura attempt! McCarthy defends against the submission and uses the opportunity to pass Musgrove's guard. McCarthy tries to pass Nigel Musgrove's guard and manages to get his leg free and moves to side mount. Brendan looks for the elbow shots again but Nigel blocks them once again. Stalling out Dusty stands the fighters. McCarthy shoots for the takedown right away. He scores but the bell sounds for the end of the round.]



McCarthy has found a little groove to close out the first round but imma have to give this one to Nigel.



It was closer than it looked like it was going to be early on but I agree, even from his back Musgrove was still active and making Brendan work for everything. Couple that with his performance early in the first and I think he’s got the edge.






[The round begins with both fighters keeping their distance. Nigel Musgrove moves forward and attempts a sweep single. He  catches Brendan McCarthy's far ankle and trips him to the mat! Slick takedown by Musgrove. Nigel Musgrove is in closed guard over McCarthy. He tries to pass and does, getting to half guard.  Musgrove pushes McCarthy's  leg and tries to move to full mount. He gets the transition and Brendan is now in a rough spot. McCarthy tries to move on the ground and escape from the full mount! Musgrove doesn't want to lose his position as he struggles to maintain the full mount. Musgrove goes for an armbar but Brendan McCarthy breaks the lock, pushing away Nigel Musgrove, who rolls over his back and gets to a standing position.]



Right now one of these guys need to takeover this round. If things stay on the feet I think Nigel is going to do that from the way he started the fight.



And you’ve got to be a little worried if you’re in Brendan’s corner with how quickly Nigel was able to progress to full mount there a moment ago. 


[McCarthy launches a stiff jab! Musgrove ducks under before sending a bunch of leg kicks toward McCarthy that are blocked. Nigel tries a hook to the body and hits McCarthy ribs hard. He then t's off with a  furious flurry of punches that put McCarthy in a world of hurt! McCarthy tries to bring the fight to the ground and shoots for the takedown and scores as he puts Nigel on his back. Musgrove quickly closes his guard around McCarthy. Musgrove switches to high guard just before trying to sink in a triangle! McCarthy struggles and his head is beginning to turn red from the pressure of the triangle choke.]



That shit is tight fellas. He about to tap.



A beautiful takedown by Brendan but damn Musgrove slipped that triangle in quick as hell. His corner had him well prepared for how to respond to the takedowns they knew would be coming from McCarthy. And it looks like…. Is he gonna?


[Brendan McCarthy breaks free of the choke. Nigel reverses position and rolls, getting Brendan in full mount. Musgrove tries to launch a few punches to Brendan's face. Little effect. A lot of them are hitting McCarthy's defense. McCarthy tries to roll to his side and trap Nigel Musgrove in his guard...but Nigel keeps good control and remains in full mount. Brendan tries to roll to his side and trap Nigel again but this time Musgrove rolls him over and takes his back!]



Nigel has kept Brendan in a bad position on the ground constantly. 



He’s forcing McCarthy to expend all kinds of energy and, like that cut that Musgrove opened early in the first, is something that will pay dividends if this fight manages to get into the third.


[Musgrove is  trying to get one hook in! McCarthy struggles and is trying to break free of Musgrove's control. He tries to roll and find an escape. Musgrove looks to counter! Musgrove tries to get that hook in again and he does this time. Nicely done! Musgrove now has two hooks in! The end may be near! Musgrove tentatively looks for a way to finish Mccarthy. McCarthy defends well. Musgrove moves looking to sink a rear naked choke. Musgrove tries to get his arm under Brendan McCarthy's chin but can't do it. He locks his arms over Brendan McCarthy's neck and tries to finish him with a neck crank! Brendan McCarthy easily defends.]



Good defense. He needs to work his way from out of there though. 



Yeah, Nigel’s going to be fine with riding out the round like this. Even if he can’t finish the fight, he’s not allowing his opponent to get any offense in and he’s in complete control.


[Musgrove positions himself and launches a barrage of punches and his punches are hitting hard on McCarthy's ribs. Musgrove tries to keep his position despite Brendan McCarthy's efforts to escape from the full mount. McCarthy tries to roll to his side and trap Nigel Musgrove in his guard...Brendan McCarthy moves to half guard. Brendan McCarthy attempts to move to full guard and he does. McCarthy launches a few punches to Musgrove's cheek from the guard. Nigel Musgrove uses his head to cover the punches and presses his skull forward. Musgrove doesn't want to continue the fight in this position and tries to get back on his feet. He moves fast and now he is standing. Dusty Whittaker halts the fight to stand up Brendan McCarthy.  McCarthy fakes a move and launches a nice uppercut. Musgrove blocks it right as the round ends.]



I think that's another round for Nigel. Brendan's going to have to pull something out of the bag to win this one.



You can see the potential is there for the momentum of this fight to shift rapidly in McCarthy’s direction if one or two moments break his way. But right now, this one is all Nigel Musgrove. If Brendan wants to win, he needs to finish the fight like you said, Pluggz.





[The round begins with a Crisp uppercut by Musgrove followed by a hard jab. Brendan McCarthy stumbles back. Brendan McCarthy attempts to cut off Musgrove with punches. Musgrove avoids getting cornered. The two exchange wildly and both fighters are missing terribly before a right hand from Nigel Musgrove makes McCarthy stumble back! He follows up with a left hook but it doesn't connect. Nigel Musgrove fakes a punch and shows some footwork moving aside. Musgrove launches a hook to the body. McCarthy takes that one with his ribs! Musgrove slows the pace of the fight a bit and circles. Every time Brendan McCarthy attempts to get inside. Musgrove fires away with leg kicks.]



I need to see Brendan initiate the action. He's down two rounds and can't let Nigel continue to dictate the fight.


[McCarthy decides to launch some tentative punches. Nothing from this exchange. McCarthy moves back and takes a deep breath. Good leg kicks from Nigel Musgrove that gets blocked. The fighters briefly tie up...Musgrove goes up and comes down hard as McCarthy scores a brutal slam! Brendan McCarthy is in open guard over Musgrove and he quickly closes his guard. Musgrove tries to roll on the ground but

Brendan McCarthy uses his leg to keep his position. McCarthy tries to open up Musgrove with a few strikes with his right elbow...Musgrove blocks those elbows. He rolls reversing Brendan and gets him in full mount.]



Nigel has outworked Brendan almost every time the fight has gotten to the ground.



Exactly. The good things that Brendan has managed to do have almost immediately been countered by Nigel throughout the entirety of this fight.


[Musgrove launches a few punches to McCarthy and McCarthy tries to improve his position! McCarthy launches a few weak punches.Those punches are hitting Musgrove's ribs. McCarthy tries to roll to his side and trap Nigel Musgrove in his guard. Nigel Musgrove keeps good control and remains in full mount. Musgrove tries to better his position on the ground to set up some ground and pound.]



McCarthy looks gassed. I don't think he has much left in the tank.



It’s the result of all the work he made Brendan do in the second just to defend himself and stay in the fight. It’s asking a lot of any fighter to have to defend for essentially a full round, and then come back out fresh in the next.


[Nigel Musgrove controls the situation despite Brendan McCarthy efforts for escaping from the full mount...Brendan McCarthy tries to roll on the ground and trap Nigel Musgrove in his guard. Nigel Musgrove rolls him over instead and takes his back! Musgrove tries to open up McCarthy with a few strikes with his right elbow...Some nice shots are landing and McCarthy is trying to block them with his hands...Musgrove is trying to get one hook in and he does right as the bell sounds to end the fight.]



Nigel and his coaches have to feel good about this victory. They put together a good game plan and ultimately made it hard for Brendan to get anything going.



Yeah, it was a complete victory for Nigel unless the judges stun us like they’ve done in the past. We’ll go to the score cards but I expect this one to be unanimous in Musgroves favor. Congratulations to him.


[The crowd explodes into cheers while both fighters are swarmed from their corners. The medical staff tend to both fighters for a while and once they finish their work, the two men meet back to the center of the octagon for the official call.]



Ladies and gentlemen, after three rounds, we go to the judges’ scorecards. The judges score it 29-28, 29-28, and 30-27, for your winner by unanimous decision, Nigel “The Magic Man” Musgrove!


[The crowd cheers once again as Musgrove has his hand raised in victory. Both fighters shake hands as a gesture of mutual respect before splitting off to each one’s crew. A graphic pops up on screen, breaking down the statistics of the fight as the commentators recap.]



Brendan McCarthy  9 9 10: 28

Nigel Musgrove  10 10 9: 29



Brendan McCarthy  9 9 9: 27

Nigel Musgrove  10 10 10: 30



Brendan McCarthy  10 9 9: 28

Nigel Musgrove  9 10 10: 29


Winner: Nigel Musgrove by Unanimous Decision


Statistics: Brendan McCarthy

Punches 0/19 (0%)

Kicks 0/0 (0%)

Clinch strikes 0/2 (0%)

Takedowns 1/1 (100%)

GnP strikes 4/18 (22%)

Submissions 0/0 (0%)

Clinch Attempts 0/0 (0%)

Time on the ground 515 s


Statistics: Nigel Musgrove

Punches 21/24 (88%)

Kicks 0/8 (0%)

Clinch strikes 3/6 (50%)

Takedowns 1/2 (50%)

GnP strikes 7/15 (47%)

Submissions 4/4 (100%)

Clinch Attempts 0/0 (0%)

Time on the ground 504 s


[The night has been the Union GP standard known around the world. It’s still considered rare when UGP makes way outside the States but when they do it is done right. Another rare sight is #2 Cruiserweight Daniel Fisk nowhere near the cage. The Real Killas head normally doing one of two things, preparing himself or preparing his family. Speaking of family, the Killas are to the left and right of him as the Minsk crowd loses their minds seeing the collective of Fisk, #3 Lightweight Xabier Belazco, #1 Bantamweight Contender and Former Champion Lauren Moore, Former Union GP Fighter Julia Tran and Daniel's older brother, Strength and Conditioning Coach Andrew Fisk, nods his head up at the camera smoothly. A gang of bodies behind them of family and friends.]

[Dylan Carter is a professional ladies and gentlemen, mic at the ready and cameras on go.]



Right here taking up an entire section! Its the Union GP Gym of the Year, it’s the Killas guys. Let them hear you!!


[The crowd responds as every crowd does at the name of RK. The chant ‘Real Killas Only’ starts low and then begins to rise through the at capacity Minsk Arena. Fisk throws a salute out, Belazco throws up a fist smiling at the fans, Moore gives that cute-awks (yes that is description only for L-Mo) smile, Tran gives the heart with her hands, and the older Fisk claps it up.]



Well I’m sure we all know why you are here.



To enjoy a good night of fights. We here for business but for once the Killas are kicking back and spectating. It’s been awhile since I’ve been able to have this view, we vibin. Love that we were able to do this together.



Yes, the last time your name was brought up was in a challenge from the recently released Mike Hunt. What happened there?



He got his wish way earlier than expected in the boxing ring. By time he gets here to Brooks he’s donedone. Shout to L.A. for giving him the gavel, I respect that from anyone. I came into this position knowing everyone wouldn’t be able to go. That’s not what I’m here for, I’m here to give you the opportunity to show yourself if you can live this life. But it's still your call end a day.


[Fisk takes a quick pause.]



I don’t blame the boy for reaching for the stars but like in everythin, there’s levels to the shit. He aint make that platform like he thought. Shit happens lil lady, either you dust off & get back on ten or take the ball home. He took his ball. 



And before this what was the plan for you guys to meet in the cage?



I told him meet me in the Openweight run. On God, who aint lookin forward to that right? Then I took one step further & told Dante to hit it up right out of the gate in the first round just so everyone knows who coming. He wouldn’t to worry about weight, not need to cut a nothin cuh. I wanted the same Hunt that had it in him to call for me. Then I went step beyond that told him lets make it a whole cycle. Bang all three of em out. Union, G2, and Elite. We already had one of them coming so why not make it the best three fights he’s ever had in his life? Why not make it the three most wealthiest? Since I have to sit here and watch two perchers why not give Godfather somethin to do right? He hits the Gump. I'm a business man first Dylan. I changed the pay scale here niggas needa remember that. I tell each Killa go for their worth. I'm for making history that no matter how I feel bout you personally.


[Fisk adds on to his meaning acting like he’s hitting a sprint from his chair. He gives up the act and shrugs after with a chuckle.]



Is that still in your sights? The Openweight tournament?



I’m being a patient man instead of a stereotypical disturbance. I want to see what Kelly and Santos bring to the table anyway with Reaver hanging them up. Shoutout to his career. I know what it’s like to be down one to a dominant guy. On God, I’m living that life everyday. Both of these cats got that sittin in they face right now in some way. I want to see the mental battle even more than the physical one. 


[Fisk rubs his hands together salivating at the thought.]



Are you going for either or in this fight? Who are you rooting for? 



Nope naww neither. I’m not looking at them right thinking that way mama. Like one is easier or the other has more value to me. I want Roscoe and both of them are in my way, that’s how I see it. It doesn’t matter who it is because before the fight I know I have enough in me to waylay both of them. Right now it’s just on the enjoyment. Tonight the Killas take Funtime notes for the future.


[Dylan is about to move back but--]



Openweight future better not take too long I know that much. Sonic looking at the screen, tapping his foot level waiting ya follow?



Thank you for your time Fisk, Real Killas in the house everybody!!


[The crowd keeps that same fucking energy for RK unlike most of MMA.]







[The arena begins to dim as the soft intro to “Badlands” by In Hearts Wake begins to play. Just as the heavy metal guitar riff shreds through the PA system, the building explodes with blinding white lights. Michael Santos is illuminated by strobe lights as he walks out to the main stage. Santos never breaks stride and heads straight to the octagon with his corner crew following behind.]



I was really looking forward to this fight because there is a lot on the line here. Who wins this challenges for the Cruiserweight belt and both of these guys are a good matchup for Roscoe. With Santos already suffering a lost to Arden I'm expecting him and his coaches to have a better game plan then the last fight. Nobody wants to lose to someone twice. Not even when we're sparring in the gym. 



There’s an interesting dynamic that’s been added to this fight too and he’s sitting just outside the cage watching closely. You heard him just a few minutes ago. Fisk wants Roscoe again and both these lads are standing directly in his way of that. This shite could turn into a real cluster fuck if Santos manages to win. You’d have Fisk, Kelly and Santos all arguing that they’re deserving of the championship opportunity. Do you run it back for the thousandth time with 44? Let a more experienced Ardan Kelly test himself against Roscoe again? Give Santos his first shot at Shooter? I’d love to see all three fights. Don’t know that I can choose but you know that both Ardan and Santos are going to be wanting that chance for themselves, regardless of what Fisk has to say.


[Santos reaches cageside and begins to strip down to his trunks. He steps over to the fight official and gets inspected to ensure he’s fit to fight. Once he’s been cleared, he grabs a bottled water from one of his cornermen and takes a quick swig before handing it off and stomping his way up the steps. Santos goes straight to his corner, where he then shadow boxes to stay loose.]


[The lights in the arena dim down and a single spotlight shines at the main stage. The soft intro of “Remember This” by NF begins to play as the crowd begins to grow louder. Just as the first verse kicks in, Ardan Kelly bursts onto the main stage.]





[The crowd pops for Kelly who is decked out in his Irish themed fight kit with ScrapYard crew members flanking him from either side. Kelly bobs his head to the song while keeping a stern focus as he begins to make his way toward the octagon.]



Another one of your guys. You guys have done a good job of evaluating talent and I fucks with The Scrapyard. Arden is very dangerous on the ground. Elite, he's a tough outing for everyone in the division. If he comes out and does what he does best then most definitely he should leave with that title shot.



He’s a fuckin lunatic, man. I know a lot of people wonder if he’s really committed to his craft but I think it’s just his personality. Or lack of personality. He’s got that Hannibal Lecter vibe to him and it’s fucking terrifying.


[Just as Kelly reaches cageside, he strips down to his trunks and hands them off to one coach while another coach hands him a bottled water. Kelly takes a quick swig before getting checked out by the fight official. Once he’s been cleared, he goes around each corner member and gives them each a quick hug before ascending the stairs and entering the cage. Kelly stays calm and takes in the aura while bouncing around to stay loose and warm.]



Ladies and gentlemen, it’s time for the Co-Main Event of the evening! The following contest is scheduled for three rounds in the Union Grand Prix Cruiserweight Division. Introducing first, fighting out of the blue corner, a Boxer holding a professional mixed martial arts record of 3-1. He stands 6’2”, and weighing in at 225 pounds. He is from Melbourne, Australia, he is “The Punisher” Michael Santos!


[Michael Santos looks very relaxed.]



And his opponent, fighting out of the red corner, a Brazilian Jiu-Jitsu Grappler holding a professional mixed martial arts record of 3-1. He stands 6’2” and weighing in at 225 pounds. He is from Dublin, Ireland, fighting out of The ScrapYard MMA, he is Ardan “The Angle” Kelly!


[Ardan Kelly looks very relaxed.]



A clash of styles always provides for good theater. We’re ready for it, so let's get it started.


[The two fighters touch gloves and Santos immediately tags Kelly with a powerful hook to the body that clearly catches Kelly’s attention. He takes a step back, and Santos pushes forward, throwing a quick one-two combination that Ardan’s able to just barely get out of the way of. Kelly storms forward and forces Santos back against the cage, catching double underhooks. Santos struggles to dig for an underhook of his own, but he eventually manages to recover one--but Kelly releases him before he can do anything, tagging him with a short hook on the way out before circling back to the center of the cage.]



If I'm Arden Kelly I don't wanna break the clinch there. Santos is throwing bombs early but was struggling with position in the clinch.



For sure, you don’t ever want to give a man that can swing like Santos can the opportunity to find his range. You either want him tied up in the clinch, or on his back on the canvas. I imagine that’s where you’ll see the fight decided. 


[Santos presses forward, throwing a few quick jabs that catch Ardan before throwing a huge blow to the body that misses wildly. Kelly presses forward but he’s forced to reconsider as Santos throws a powerful right hook--Kelly, instead, drops his level and shoots for a double-leg takedown! With Santos already off-balance, he’s put on his back, but manages to retain his guard. Santos tries to turn him over quickly, but Kelly’s able to block the transition. Kelly starts to push to pass Santos’s guard, but Santos locks him down to keep him in place. The two struggle for advantage, but neither manages to do much, and eventually--possibly encouraged by the fans booing the inactivity--Willie Green has to stand them up.]



This is looking like it's gonna be a tug of war battle.



I’m impressed by the improvements that Santos has made to his ground game. In their first fight Ardan took him down and it was over and done with. If Santos can keep this up, this fight could get very very interesting. For now, we return to his wheelhouse and we’ll see how long he can keep it standing. 


[Back on the feet is clearly where Santos wants the fight, as he unloads a massive right hand, then a left hook combo that swells Kelly’s lower jaw up! Santos pushes forward, bobbing his head to avoid any shots thrown from Kelly, and eventually lands a powerful uppercut! Kelly takes a couple steps back to catch his breath, and Santos’ confidence is clearly high as he tries to goad him into “actually fighting.”]



Ok ok I see you Santos. I think he feels like Arden can't throw hands with him and right now he's showing just that.



There’s no question that Ardan is at a disadvantage if this is going to turn into a test of each fighters striking ability. 


[Kelly seems to take the bait, and winds up a powerful punch--but when Santos put up his guard, Ardan dropped and shot another double-leg! Again, Santos is taken off his feet, but again, he manages to keep his guard and prevent Ardan from reaching a better position. Kelly lands a few weak punches from the top, mostly to the ribs, to open up Santos’s guard, and eventually he manages to force his way to to half-guard--however, once again, the action stalls, with Santos locking Kelly’s attempts to pass any further down, and Willie Green stands them back up once again.]



Santos is doing a good job of not giving Arden then opportunity to lock in a submission. As long as he Santos on the ground though that's dangerous water. He just gotta do something with it.



At minimum Ardan is making Santos work and you want to do that to a guy that relies on his striking. You want to take his soul and make it feel like he has to give everything just to keep his arms up and swing. The problem is that it takes a round or two to wear a guy like Santos down and while you’re grinding through those rounds, you’re at risk of getting your damn head taken off.


[Kelly throws a quick jab, but Santos counters with an overhand right that lands flush against Ardan’s chin! He stumbles back and Santos rushes forward with a series of straight punches that Ardan struggles to avoid. A powerful right straight clips Kelly’s chin and he almost goes down, but the follow up strike misses wildly and he’s able to circle away to recover his guard. Santos pressures and keeps throwing huge punches! Kelly’s guard deflects most of the damage, and he starts to circle away to make Santos miss more wildly.]



Kelly has nothing for Santos with the stand up right now. Those shots hurt him and I can sense that Santos wants to put him down at this moment.



Agreed, he just got a little to frantic in the follow up to that big over hand right. If he stays cool he probably finishes the fight right there.


[A huge straight left nearly collides with Ardan’s nose, but he drops his level just in time, and shoots a third double-leg of the round! Again, Santos committing to his attack gives Ardan the opportunity, and he ends up on his back, but again he’s able to keep his guard, and hold it until the round ends.]



Tough round for Arden. Santos clearly dominated it. Besides the three takedowns he's pretty much been flawless.



His striking has been crisp for the most part but those takedowns register on the judges scorecard, and it feels like when Ardan wants to put him on his back he can. He needs to rely on that going forward and not let Santos dictate the fight with his striking.


[Santos starts the second round as he means to go on, with a powerful overhand right that Ardan’s only just able to avoid--an counter with a quick straight right that lands flush! Santos looks stunned, and Ardan pushes forward with a series of straight punches, that Santos is mostly able to deflect while he recovers. Ardan’s confidence in his hands seems to be up, and he throws a few tentative jabs to gauge his range, while Santos counters with a powerful straight that just misses. The two start throwing heavy shots at each other, but nothing connects with any significant damage, until a left straight from Santos hits Kelly in the face--and the Irishman comes out of the exchange squinting, protesting an eye poke. Willie Green halts the fight to give Ardan time to recover.]



I'm glad I've never been poked in the eye in the cage. Bruh, I know that shit hurt. Can mess up your vision too. I'm sure Santos didn't mean to do that.



It looks to have been accidental for sure but even those accidental incidences can change the course of a fight. Like you said, it can mess with your vision and you don’t want to have vision problems when one of Santos’ big haymakers are aimed at your head.


[Once Kelly’s ready to go and the fight is restarted, Santos holds his hands up in apology. The two touch gloves again before the fight really restarts, but as soon as they do, Santos comes out swinging heavy leather. Ardan’s only barely able to avoid some of these punches that might have turned his lights out, and goes back to his plan from round 1--this time, he shoots a single leg takedown, that Santos is able to resist at first, but eventually, Ardan’s able to get him to the mat once again. This time, though, he passes straight into side-mount!]



Santos has had a hard time defending the takedown but he's done a good job of keeping Arden stagnant. This time Arden needs to look for some ground and pound and set up the submission.



You’re right. He’s gotta do something once he gets Santos down on his back. That’s been the difference so far from the first fight till now. In their first fight Ardan absorbed some big shots but managed to take Santos down and dictate the fight from there. In this go round, Santos is still landing his shots but Ardan hasn’t been as effective on the ground. Glad I’m not cornering this fight because I’d be getting a little concerned.


[Santos moves to recover his guard, but every movement is blocked, and Ardan’s able to retain side control. Santos tries to scramble out from under Kelly, but again his attempt to escape is blocked, and Kelly keeps his control. He ultimately isn’t doing much with it, though, except holding Santos down--and while that might be effective, Willie Green’s not interested, and stands the two up.] 



If I'm Scrapyard I'm changing the game plan up. Arden can't get not a damn thing going on the ground.



While his striking with his hands is mediocre at best, he can be effective with his kicks. I’m sure Jimmy is telling him he needs to start neutralizing Santos striking ability by making him pay with a few punishing kicks to the thighs, but sometimes fighters don’t listen. You know how it is in there just like I do. At times you get tunnel vision even when you know better.


[Back on the feet, Santos throws a few jabs that connect, but don’t do much damage, but it’s clear Ardan wants the fight on the ground, as he once again shoots a single-leg takedown. Santos almost prevents this one, but ultimately Ardan’s able to sweep his leg out from under him, and pass into side-mount once again. A tale of two styles, Santos clearly wants to get back to his feet, but every movement is blocked by Kelly, who clearly wants the fight on the ground, but doesn’t seem to be doing much more than landing takedowns; the strikes he does throw do minimal damage, if they connect at all, but he’s able to block any transition Santos might make. Again, after a period of inactivity, Willie Green stands the two back up, this time warning Ardan about passivity.]



Santos and his coaches have scouted Arden well. That's what I'm seeing. Like I said. Arden needs to change it up. He's done a good job avoiding a lot of Santos's shots on the feet. Look to counter with some heavy strikes.



Maybe we’ll bring you in to work with him on that. It’s an area of his game he definitely needs to improve upon.


[Santos isn’t interested in the fight going back to the ground, and engages immediately--he feints with a jab, that Kelly bites on, only to get caught with a three punch combo that clearly stuns him. Kelly frantically throws back, and actually connects with a couple, but Santos’s striking is clearly more crisp, and he gets the better of the exchange, sending Ardan stumbling back a couple steps. Santos pushes forward, but Kelly engages and catches him with both underhooks, driving him back against the cage. Santos is having none of it, though, and shoves Kelly to the side, circling back to the center of the cage and goading him forward.]



On my mamma I thought Arden was about to drop.



Had him on the ropes but Ardan had the wherewithal to tie him up in the clinch. Probably saved himself a late second round finish there.


[Santos continues to wing brutal, heavy punches with every engagement, but he misses more often than he connects. Kelly counters with occasional shots, including a low kick that connects to the thigh and a quick jab that connects but doesn’t do much damage. The more Santos pushes forward, though, the more Kelly takes steps back to keep the range--but Santos keeps swinging. Kelly circles away from a punch and shoots another single leg takedown, that again puts Santos down! Santos keeps his guard this time, though. Ardan starts to pass into half-guard, but Santos blocks the movement and keeps hold until the horn.]



Both rounds end with the takedown just like both rounds belong to Santos. Arden has to go all out if he wants to win this one.



Yeah, Santos was in full control here in the second round. But even so, Kelly still has that weird ass serial killer calm about him. You’d think the sun was shining and that all was well in his world right now.


[Santos engages straight off the horn, throwing a looping hook to the body, but Kelly manages to avoid and counter with a quick middle kick. Santos deflects it, though the crack echoes through the stadium. Santos pushes forward and throws a huge uppercut, then a straight right hand, but Kelly manages to just deflect the impact. The parry gives Kelly room to counter, and he launches a flurry of punches, but Santos avoids most of the impact. While he’s bobbing and weaving, though, Ardan drops and shoots a double leg takedown! Santos again gets planted, but keeps his guard. Ardan moves to pass to half-guard, but Santos catches him and turns him over, taking half-guard on top!]



This is it for Arden. Now is the time to lock something in… or take some strong punches from Santos like he's done in every round.



Hell of a reversal by Michael there. I don’t think I’ve ever seen someone switch Ardan like that. This man came well prepared tonight.


[Santos fakes a few punches before trying to move into side-mount, but Ardan blocks the move and starts wall-walking up, eventually turning over completely and landing on top, in side-mount! He wastes no time in sliding the knee across and transitioning to mount! Santos scrambles underneath, but Ardan keeps his mount secured. Unable to escape the position, Santos latches on and keeps Kelly in tight. Kelly’s not able to improve his position, nor attempt any damage, and ultimately Willie Green stands the two back up.]



Santos has neutralized Arden on the mat. That's hard to do with a guy like Kelly.



I don’t know what to say man. You could’ve taken me for every penny I had if you had bet me before the fight that Santos would be able to control the fight on the ground.


[Santos nearly cleans Kelly’s clock with a massive overhand right, but Ardan jumps back and avoids the punch. He flicks out a quick jab, but Santos isn’t phased and keeps pressing forward. Kelly throws a solid one-two combination, but Santos avoids it easily, and the two end up in a wild exchange of punches! Both land, but without much steam. Santos throws a huge hook, but Ardan ducks to avoid and shoots a double leg takedown! He lands it again, but gets pulled into guard.]



How many takedowns is that now? I lost count. 



Only thing Ardan’s been able to get going for him so far. He hits those takedowns with ease. But when you know you can stop your opponent from progressing, and you’re up two rounds on the scorecards, do you really care all that much if you get taken down? I know that’s risky to think against a guy like the Angel, but damn if I’m Santos I’ve got all the confidence in the world at this point.


[Santos locks his guard, so Kelly feigns a few punches to try to make him unlock and push away. Santos doesn’t take the bait, but Kelly’s able to force the guard open eventually, and forces his way through to side-mount! Santos scrambles to get out from underneath, but Kelly locks him down and passes to full mount! Again, Santos tries to force his way out, but Kelly’s able to maintain his position. He’s eventually able to escape to half-guard, just in time for Willie Green to stand the two back up.]



Look for Santos to come out swinging. Try and get that bonus with a finish. Arden Kelly must dig deep and look for a way to pit Santos down coz clearly he's down on the cards.



It’s too little too late from Kelly, managing to start getting into some advantageous positions, he’s still just not been able to do anything with it. Not even from full mount. I don’t think it’s his night, Pluggz.


[No sooner than the fight is restarted, Ardan shoots and lands yet another single-leg takedown! He’s quick to pass into side-control, before Santos can lock his guard up. Santos tries to escape, but Kelly traps his arm in a crucifix position. He secures the opposite wrist, catching and torquing an Americana! Santos resists at first, but Kelly locks the hold in tighter, to the point that Santos is visibly wincing as he tries to resist tapping. Kelly keeps applying pressure, and eventually, Willie Green calls a halt to the fight! Santos may have never tapped, but it was for his own good that Willie Green stopped the fight.]



Ohhhhhhhh!!!! No way man. No way. I'm stunned just like everyone here. Look at the faces bruh!



Never in doubt. NEVER IN DOUBT! Jesus Christ, how heartbreaking for Michael Santos. He did everythign right in this fight and at the absolute fucking death, Ardan pulls one out of his ass. Stunning. But damn what a beautiful Americana that was. That one is going to sting for Santos for a long, long time.


[The crowd explodes into cheers and Ardan Kelly is swarmed by his corner crew in celebration. Doctors check up on Michael Santos for a while before finally helping him to his feet. After doctors and cut men finish their work on both fighters, they meet back to the center of the octagon for the official call.]



Ladies and gentlemen, referee Willie Green has called for a stop in this fight at four minutes forty-seven seconds in the third and final round, for your winner by submission, Ardan “The Angel” Kelly!


[The crowd cheers once again as Kelly has his hand raised in victory. Both fighters shake hands as a gesture of mutual respect before splitting off to each one’s crew. A graphic pops up on screen, breaking down the statistics of the fight as the commentators recap.]

Winner: Ardan Kelly by Submission (Americana) at 4:47 Round 3


Statistics: Ardan Kelly

Punches 21/32 (66%)

Kicks 3/3 (100%)

Clinch strikes 0/0 (0%)

Takedowns 9/9 (100%)

GnP strikes 0/0 (0%)

Submissions 2/2 (100%)

Clinch Attempts 0/0 (0%)

Time on the ground 453 s


Statistics: Michael Santos

Punches 17/76 (22%)

Kicks 0/0 (0%)

Clinch strikes 1/1 (100%)

Takedowns 0/0 (0%)

GnP strikes 0/0 (0%)

Submissions 0/0 (0%)

Clinch Attempts 0/0 (0%)

Time on the ground 453 s






​["Idols and Anchors" by Parkway Drive shreds over the PA System and the veteran Byron McCall emerges to the main stage wearing his walkout fight kit with his corner crew following behind. McCall never breaks stride with a stoic look across his face, a look of focus from the decorated fighter.]



I mentioned it on the pre-show but Byron McCall had to cut nearly forty pounds down from his natural weight to be able to make weight for this fight. If that doesn’t tell you something about his commitment and devotion to his craft, I don’t know what else possibly could. The problem is that those kinds of weight cuts can take a lot out of a person and the woman he’ll be facing tonight is not someone that you want to be climbing into the cage at anything less than your best against. For Byron McCall, this may be the last dance for The Last. A win here tonight surely propels him into a championship fight with Delaney Donovan. But a loss, with only one fight remaining on his contract after tonight, leaves a lot of things up in the air. Whatever is going to happen will happen, but we should all appreciate the fighter that’s walking to the cage right now, and everything that he has given to mixed martial arts up to this point.



No doubt Carrick. This guy is one of the most decorated fighters to step inside a cage. No matter what he's a guy who's always in the fight and that alone makes him a tough opponent. It's just that the talent pools have thicken especially at a time where like you said...these could be the last times we see Byron in a cage. I'm telling you though, he wants another chance at becoming a champion before he hangs up the gloves.


[McCall reaches cageside where he strips down to his trunks and gets inspected by the fight official. Once he’s cleared, McCall goes around one-by-one with his corner crew and gives each one a hug before racing up the steps. Once inside, McCall jogs a few laps around the octagon before posting up in his corner and begins rolling his neck to stay loose.]





["Shira" by Glassjaw begins playing over the PA system, and the crowd grows loud with cheers. Soon, the dual-sport competitor, Natalie King, emerges on to the main stage. Her sights are clearly focused on the octagon ahead of her, as she doesn’t waste any time drawing closer with her corner crew following close behind her.]



There was a moment in time where Natalie King was the most feared fighter in all of mixed martial arts. Things have changed since that fateful night in the Lightweight Grand Prix when Delaney Donovan shocked the world and outlasted the Bandit in a five round thriller that saw neither fighter go to the ground once. It won fight of the year in 2019, and has been lauded as one of, if not the greatest fight of all time. But for Nat, in spite of the greatness of the fight, it meant the end of her first reign as lightweight champion. Everything in her life since that moment has been about getting that Lightweight championship back. A victory over Jordan Parker-Kane earned her a rematch with Donovan at UGP 17 presented her with an opportunity but once more Delaney Donovan left victorious, this time in much more resounding fashion. Searching for answers, Natalie put in a dominating performance in a first round victory over Sofia King, setting her up for the contenders fight she finds herself in tonight. If Byron McCall is able to win here tonight, you have to wonder if a division change might be in store for the once feared Bandit.



To me Natalie's kinda been stuck ya know and that's because Delaney has been like her kryptonite. He is the only person to beat her in the division. It just so happens to be that he's the greatest lightweight of all time and just a matchup nightmare for everyone. Thing is there are a couple lightweights on the brink like Bellamy DeSilva and Maliah Lyons. Both undefeated and looking for opportunities to fight someone like Natalie King. It's title or nothing for The Bandit but this division grows faster than any other one and now is the time for Natalie.


[King finally reaches cageside, where she strips down to her gear and gets checked on by the fight official. Once she has been cleared, she turns around to give a quick hug to everyone of her corner mates, then dashed up the steps, skipping every other level with her crazy long stride. King enters the cage and immediately throws a spinning heel kick, which fires the crowd up even more. She then calmly heads to her corner, where she awaits for the fight to begin.]



Ladies and gentlemen, it’s time for the Main Event of the evening! Our three judges scoring this contest at cageside are Bud Yakov, Petr Stanislav, and Natalia Vadimovna, and when the action begins, our referee in charge in the octagon is Jordan RIpley. AND NOW, this is the moment you’ve all been waiting for! The following contest is scheduled for five rounds in the Union Grand Prix Lightweight Division. Introducing first, fighting out of the blue corner, a Kickboxer holding a professional mixed martial arts record of 20-9. He stands 6’1”, and weighing in at 155 pounds. He is from Boston, Massachusetts, fighting out of 36th Street MMA, he is the number three ranked Middleweight contender, making his Lightweight Division debut, he is “The Last” Byron McCall!


[Byron McCall nods his head but stays focused as he bounces on the balls of his feet.]



And his opponent, fighting out of the red corner, a Dutch Kickboxer holding a professional mixed martial arts record of 7-2. She stands 6’ even, and weighing in at 147 pounds. She is from Newark, New Jersey, fighting out of RAW GRAPS Gym, she is the former Union Grand Prix Lightweight Champion and the current number one ranked contender, she is Natalie “The Bandit” King!


[Natalie King raises an arm high in the air as the crowd goes wild for her.]



It's lit in here for this one.



Listen to the crowd. She’s earned these cheers, but you can tell she understands the magnitude of the fight before her and what a result means either way. The same could be said about Byron McCall, whose just as ready for this main event as the rest of us are. Lets go!


[The horn sounds and the two fighters touch gloves, before Byron pushes forward to try to catch Natalie in a Thai Clinch! King resists and pushes him away, circling back to the center of the cage. McCall’s aggression is out in full-force, as he rushes in with a rapid series of punches, forcing King all the way to the far end of the cage! A few punches land solid, while Natalie’s able to parry or avoid others. She eventually counters by tying up Byron, eventually pummeling for a Thai Clinch and turning him back to the cage wall!]



Looks like they both wanted to get each other in the clinch. Right now Natalie has better positioning.



Unsurprising given that she’s the better clinch fighter. Byron’s best chances in this fight is to take a lesson from the champion and pick and choose his spots. Nat’s shown an ability to end aggressive fighters quickly. 


[Byron tries to disengage, but Natalie keeps a tight grip on his head. She forces his head down, just as she drives her knee up, and connects with a powerful knee to the temple! Byron’s still on his feet, but his guard’s not up, and Natalie drives a series of knees into his midsection! Jordan Ripley almost calls a halt to the contest right then, but Byron defends enough to tell the official he’s still in the fight. Natalie, however, isn’t letting him go, and the more he tries to escape, the more she punishes his ribs. He tries to duck under Natalie’s clinch and get away, but she cracks him in the chin with a knee once again! The crowd erupts as Natalie punishes Byron, but it only seems to fuel “The Last,” who keeps working to escape the clinch.]



Those knees are vicious, man. The Last better get out of there. Once Natalie taste blood she's one of the better finishers in our sport. 



This is what I was afraid of. Byron’s got the heart but you have to think such a big weight cut has sapped his strength a bit and the result is he’s struggling to break her grasp in the clinch.


[Natalie cracks Byron with a massive elbow to the forehead, followed by a series of knees to the body! McCall’s still on his feet, somehow, but he’s clearly hurting. Natalie rips Byron’s head down as she jumps up and connects with a flying knee to the face that would probably have dropped him if she wasn’t holding on! Natalie recovers her footing, then connects with the same technique from the opposite side! This time, it crumples McCall to the mat, and before Natalie can even move in to finish him, Jordan Ripley jumps in the middle of them to halt the fight.]



Brutal. Just fucking brutal bro. That looks like someone who wants to become a two-time Lightweight Champion.



I promise you Delaney was watching tonight. Though Double is up two fights to none, a trilogy just might be on anyway. The Bandit was in top form tonight and you can’t ask for a better way to send the fans home than with an impressive finish like that.



She got a hold of Byron and just manhandled him. It'll be interesting to see if he sticks around in the division. 


[The crowd explodes into cheers and King is swarmed by her corner crew in celebration. Doctors tend to McCall for a while before finally helping him back to his feet. After doctors and cut men finish their work, both fighters meet back to the center of the octagon for the official call.]



Ladies and gentlemen, referee Jordan Ripley has called for a stop in this fight at two minutes thirty-one seconds in the very first round, for your winner by knockout, Natalie “The Bandit” King!


[The crowd cheers once again as King has her hand raised in victory. Both fighters shake hands as a gesture of mutual respect before splitting off to each one’s crew. A graphic pops up on screen, breaking down the statistics of the fight as the commentators recap.]


Winner: Natalie King by KO (Knees) at 2:31 Round 1


Statistics: Natalie King

Punches 0/0 (0%)

Kicks 0/0 (0%)

Clinch strikes 13/19 (68%)

Takedowns 0/0 (0%)

GnP strikes 0/0 (0%)

Submissions 0/0 (0%)

Clinch Attempts 0/0 (0%)

Time on the ground 0 s


Statistics: Byron McCall

Punches 9/10 (90%)

Kicks 0/0 (0%)

Clinch strikes 0/0 (0%)

Takedowns 0/0 (0%)

GnP strikes 0/0 (0%)

Submissions 0/0 (0%)

Clinch Attempts 0/1 (0%)

Time on the ground 0 s



This has been fun as hell though man. I wanna do it again next go around...but hey I'm excited about my upcoming fight with Joseph Byrne. The date hasn't been set yet but I'm looking forward to defending for the third time in a row.



Likewise, Pluggz. Always a pleasure to spend an evening with a great like yourself in this sport. And don’t you worry, Joey will be ready for ya. Ladies and gentlemen, that’s all we have for you tonight. Catch us again as we begin the preparations for UGP 20 in The Windy City Chicago, Illinois. For Kennard Rozier, I’m Carrick Price.. Good fight, good night!

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